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THE most brilliant, heart-warming, charming, not to mention Rocketshippy story ever to be written!!!!!! (part two)
~ By Rocket Blue a.k.a. Eyewitness Erin

WARNING: This is pure insanity. Do not read if you have a life or if you think Togepi is cute. You have been warned.


Narrator: Last time, half our heroes were killed off, and Jessie and James got married! But, things are looking grim for the surviving characters............


Togepi was insane from drinking too much water. Boiling water. Togepi wanted revenge, and he had no motivation! (Partly because the author can’t think of one, and besides, didn’t that guy from “Scream” say it was scarier when the killer had no motivation?)

Anyway, Togepi walked into Jessie and James’s home. The nameless kids were playing a game, and Togepi got his trusty knife out. (Don’t even ask where Togepi got the knife, or how Togepi knew where they lived, cuz I dunno!)

Togepi flew threw the window, (yes, flew!!) and just as he was going to kill one of the kiddies, Growly attacked him and ripped him to shreds. Then Jessie picked his remains up and threw it into the pot. They had scrambled eggs for dinner. (Get it? hahahahaha)

Oh yeah, the Rocketshippyness? Uh, Jessie ate Togepi because she didn’t want it to hurt James, because she loved him!!!!! See? Aren’t I a hopeless romantic??


J & J and the nameless kids ate Togepi, and they lived happily ever after!

The author finds that writing ridiculous stories to be stress relieving, so be prepared to read more of these insane and pointless fics!!!!!!


AUTHORS NOTE: Sorry I killed Togepi, I just didn’t like him. This is fun writing weird fics! E-mail me telling me how much you LOVE my totally fantastic fic!!