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Rating: PG

Auther's note: No note today, but you minght want to read my old story's first.

Chapter 1

"Geodude! go!"

Brock was back at his gym, he was very good.

"I give up!!!" The kid yelled. "Oh no, Pidgey! Hang on!!!"


"Hi Brock."

Brock turned around, and saw...

"Misty?! What are you doing here??"

Misty was in bad shape. her clothes were torn, and she looked like she had not had a bath in weeks.

"I have been running for days, I lost togepi to TR, I, I don't know what to do, I've been walking forever, and need food."

Brock was still staring.

"Sure.... Come to my house."


"I hate this."

James had been having to share his room with Ash, because Giovanni had been spending almost all of his time with Ash now, but Ash needed a room, so.......

"I can not spend one more night with him! He snores!!!!!" James whined to Jesse.

"So, what do you want me to do??"

"Can I stay in your room? Please???"




"Pretty please???"

"NO! GO AWAY!!!!!!!!"

Jesse slamed her door in his face.


Back with Brock......

"Thank you. I'v been losing it ever sence I lost Togepi."


Brock was not lisoning to one word Misty was saying. He was thinking about other things.

"....So will you??"


"Help me get Togepi back."

"Yeah, I will, I'll ask my dad to take over my gym."