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Part 1

While at the exact same moment, an alarm clock is going off.
The alarm clock rang, a very shrill and annoying buzz, and just about scared James half to death. He mumbled something.
"Too...early...." He said, turning it off. He slowly sat up and looked around. It just seemed too early to be 8:30. But then again, when you memorize what day the schools get out and you happen to know that millions of kids out there are starting Summer break, any time before 12 noon is too early. He heard something and looked beside him to see that Jessie had curled up in her sleeping bag, trying to block out the harsh ringing of the clock. He slowly went over to her and gently poked the lump at the end of the bag. It twitched, but stopped. He poked it again, this time, saying her name quietly. All this did was make he reach outside the bag and pull Meowth in to block any sound from coming through. Meowth was still asleep though so he didn't notice. A second later, though, Jessie screamed, waking up Meowth, who not only screamed, but also extended his claws and scratched Jessie's face, which made her mad, so she threw him out of the bag and threw a fluffy, pink slipper after him.
"THAT'LL TEACH YOU TO WAKE ME UP FROM MY BEAUTY SLEEP, WON'T IT?" She yelled at him, catching her breath from the morning's little wake up call. For a second, she stared off in the direction Meowth ran, then she turned to James.
"Time to get up already?" She asked as if nothing had happened.
"Yes...yes it is..." ^^;0 "Unfortunately..." -.-0  He said.
"Hey, Jess. Why do you suppose the boss doesn't let us have a few weeks off? Like how school kids have a summer vacation." He said.
"Because", She said, "Being evil is a 24 hour job. If the general public knew when Team Rocket takes its summer vacation, then they'd all just swarm together all at once with their rare poke'mon and there wouldn't be a thing we could do about it." She explained while on her way to the bathroom to get ready for the day ahead. She closed the door behind her.
"Well, couldn't we just...find out where this swarm is taking place and go there and steal them all, then bring them back to the boss?" James asked from outside the door.
"Well...we could, but then there wouldn't be a summer vacation because we'd be working anyway. For free, on top of that. You know how the boss hates to pay extra, especially to us." Jessie said.
"Extra? Pff...the boss hates paying us minimum wage..." James mumbled. Then, a thought came to him.
"The boss pays people, Jess?" He asked through the door. He heard her drop something inside, and a second later, she came to the door and stared at him just to see if he was really asking that or if he was just being him. She sighed and patted his head.
"Maybe you'll get better one day..." She said sympathetically and closed the door again. He was confused.
"But...I'm not sick...." He wandered off to think about what Jessie meant by that.

Later that day, after they had done their whole 'blasting off' routine, they were going back to the little abandoned cabin they were staying at. However, along the way, James kept hearing a weird little sound in the trees.
"You're probably just hearin' tings." Meowth said. "Maybe you'll get betteh one a dese days..." He laughed.
"I'm not sick!" James said, still not getting it. Meowth played along with the little joke.
"Oh, no, a course not! ^^;0" He said. Once again, not getting it, James nodded. Then something small fell on his head. A pumpkin seed. He found this as random as anyone else would have and looked up into the trees to see where it had come from.
"Jessie, pumpkins don't grow on trees, do they?" He asked. Jessie slowly turned around to look at him like he was crazy.
"If dey do," Meowth said. "Den one musta hit you on da head."
"It did." James said, showing them the seed. Jessie and Meowth looked up as well. They were all looking into the trees, so none of them noticed the girl who had snatched the seed back and was chewing on it, trying to break the shell. She had finally succeeded in doing so, and happened to catch a glimpse of another seed in James' hair. She carefully picked it out and was chewing the shell off that one too when they turned around again.
"Hi." She said, reaching into an open bag of the seeds and selecting the biggest seed she could find, and began to chew that one for a second. Team Rocket looked at each other. This had to be the strangest person they had ever run into after all these long 8 years of running into strange people, of which Ash started the list.
"I'm Seeds," The girl said, spitting out the shell and eating the seed within. "Nice hair, red." She said to Jessie, who blushed slightly. "Who's your friend there?" Seeds asked, nodded towards James. "He's hott" She said, taking a step closer to him and nuzzling him with her head. He was blushing real bad. "Want a pumpkin seed, hott stuff?" She asked him, offering him the bag. He blushed even more as he reached in and got a seed.
"You ever eat pumpkin seeds before?" She asked him, taking out another seed and cracking the shell.
"Not reall...¦"
"Sunflower seeds?" She asked him.
"...Not really." Seeds stared at him, horrified beyond all reason. Her eye twitched.
"Tell me you at least know how to crack the shell...there might be hope for you..." James slowly shook his head. Seeds' eyes got wide and one twitched. She took a few steps closer to him and gently took his hand.
"You poor, poor thing you..." She said, gently stroking his hand and taking a moment to crack another shell. She then reached into the bag and brought out a fairly small seed and gave to him.
"Just line the edges up with your back teeth and bite down." She said, still holding his hands, as if for support. "Like this." She took another seed and showed him how. "Eh, oo bite dow, lie thish..." She said, a little hard to understand because she had her mouth open, supported by the seed, and showed him. She then bit down herself. "Listen for it to crack." She added. James did what she said to. She seemed pleased with this and then told him to spit out the shell, because you weren't supposed to eat the shells. He wasn't really the first person you would really expect to see spit anything out (unless it was a tooth because Jessie was mad at him), but on this rare occasion, he did. Seeds smiled, then, and gave him and herself another seed.
"These are pretty good, Jessie. Want one?" He asked. Seeds had actually given him a handful, so Jessie would have a lot of seeds to choose from. She took one, and Meowth took one, too. However, when James turned back around to say something to Seeds, she was gone. He looked around for her, but didn't see her. They decided to go back to the cabin anyway, enjoying the seeds.

When they got back to the cabin, the discovered where Seeds had run off to. But this time, she had a bowl filled with pumpkin and sunflower seeds. She had another bowl beside it where she put the empty shells
"Hey, guys!" She said as they came through the door. "What are you doing here?" She asked them. "Hey! You brought hottie back with you!" She said when she saw James. He blushed again as Seeds ran to hug him.
"Um, this is where we're staying for now, Seeds... what are you doing here, and...why are you putting seeds in my back pocket?" He asked. Seeds blushed, too. He had enough seeds already; she just wanted to have her hand there.
"You can never have too many seeds!" She said. Then she noticed Meowth. "Aww, what a precious little kitty!" She said, scooping him up into her arms and pressing a pumpkinseed to what would be his nose, if he had one. "Does kitty want a seed?" She asked in a sweet voice. Meowth hopped down out of her hug and said,
"Tanks, but no tanks..." Seeds gasped and, get ready for this, dropped the seeds she was holding. Her eyes grew wide again, wider than when she heard that James had never had pumpkinseeds before.
" talks? IT TALKS!!! I WANT A TALKING MEOWTH!!!" She squeeled, very happy with her discovery. She ran to James.
"Where did you get him?" She asked, cracking another seed shell.
"Um... actually, Meowth kind of found us, I guess you could say..." He said.
"Fair enough!" Seeds said, shoving another pumpkinseed into his mouth and kept smiling like he had actually answered her question. Then, she sat down on the floor, at Meowth's level and asked him how he learned to talk.
"Well, it's kinda a long story, but, heh heh, if ya really wanna know dat badly..." He said, as if he was absolutely flattered by her question, like he was a celebrity on some behind the scenes show talking about the history of his success... Seeds' eyes got big again, and she held up a hand and ran to get a new bag of pumpkinseeds- obviously, Seeds' equivalent to popcorn at the movies... She came back with the bag and sat down again, watching Meowth like a hawk as he told her the story, her eyes only getting bigger as it continued on.
"You know, Jessie, considering how many pre-salted and roasted seeds as that girl eats and how big her eyes are getting, how does she keep them from getting dry all the time?" James quietly asked, noticing this. Jessie wasn't really listening to him at the time, but instead, trying to pick out as many sunflower seeds as she could from the bowl.
"Yeah, sure, okay..." She said, absentmindedly. Thinking it would be funny, James said "Okay." And came back with a pair of scissors which he held up to Jessie's hair, just to show her how dangerous it can be when you don't listen to peoples questions. She saw him out of the corner of her eyes and gave him the 'glare of death' as he slowly backed off.
"Heh heh.. ^^;0" She continued to glare at him until she saw him come back without the scissors. Then, she went back to picking out the sunflower seeds.

"...And dat's how I learned to talk." Meowth concluded. Seeds' eyes were starting to water at the end of the story, about the time he fought with the Persian on the roof top and Meowzy stayed by Persian instead. She quickly grabbed Meowth and started hugging him and petting his head affectionately saying "You poor baby, you! Do you want me to take care of you, sweetie?" She asked, tears in her eyes still.
"Wait just a minute, now- Meowth is ours!" James said, not wanting Meowth to go.
"Yeah!" Jessie agreed.
"He might be a downfall, but he's our downfall!" They both said. Seeds just watched as they defended their cat friend. She smiled at this; she thought it was cute, and kinda sweet how they cared so much about their own demise. She got up and gave them all a handful of pumpkin and sunflower seeds. She gave James a few extra though, and a hug and more nuzzling. He sighed and blushed a little more. Seeds smiled as she nuzzled his arm. She really liked this one, but she had to keep in mind why she was there in the first place: to save someone's life.