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Part 3

The girl that had just appeared out of nowhere was very pretty. She looked about 20 or so, and vaguely similar to the ghost of Meiden's Peak. Same hair length, at least. Her eyes were a soft icy blue, and they had a look of sorrow, yet at the same time, a look of happiness as well. The exact feeling you could see in her eyes depended on who she was looking at- Seeds, or James, who couldn't help but notice the girl was staring right at him. He wasn't sure if he should have made eye contact with her or not. You can never tell with people who just pop out of nowhere. The girl went over to him and walked a circle around James, as if making sure it was really him, and not someone else. She smiled and hugged him. Out of the corner of his eye, James looked at Seeds was wondering why she hadn't gotten onto the new girl about getting too close to him.
"I thought I'd never see you again, James!" The new girl said, smiling at him. Then, however, she looked to seeds and frowned at her. "Why are you here, Seeds? You know I'm supposed to help in this, not you!" She scolded. Seeds winced at her words and blushed sheepishly. The girl sighed softly.
"We must have you all very confused. I'm very sorry about all this." She said. "I see you've already met my little friend, Seeds. I hope she hasn't been too much trouble for you… I'm Jasmine." She said and turned to James again. "How have you been doing without me, James?" She asked. He had no idea what she was talking about. He'd never seen her before in his life. (NOTE FROM THE AUTHOR: This is a different Jasmine than the one from the Olivine Gym. This Jasmine was never in any episode. Thanks, hope I haven't confused anyone.) "I've missed you so much, little brother..."