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Part 4

Jessie and Meowth just stared at them both. James never said anything about having a sister. Pfff- for that matter, James didn't know he had a sister. This was all really confusing, to everyone. Except of course Jasmine and Seeds. Feeling extremely confused, he looked back at Seeds, who not only amazingly failed to eat a seed for 5 whole minutes, but also looked at the ground, kind of disappointed with herself.
"You had a sister?" Jessie asked.
"Did she have to marry a livin' nightmare to get some a da money too?" Meowth asked. Jasmine looked at them.
"So… you both fell for that, too?" She asked. Jasmine sighed, saddened by this fact, and explained.
"James, those weren't your parents. Not your real ones, anyway." She said. Again, no one had any idea what she was talking about.
"…What?" James was very confused. If what Jasmine said was true, why had they never told him before? Then again, he was only there for 5 or 6 years. Maybe they were waiting to tell him, but why? Jasmine sighed again and hugged him.
"I wish you'd known sooner…" She said. "For years, I've been watching you. I can't count all the times I've wanted to help you, but I'm sorry to say I couldn't…If I helped you…even the tiniest bit…it could have a lot of unfortunate effects on countless things… But I have been watching you… making sure no lasting harm comes to you, or your friends. After I saw what…they had done to you…I realized that your friends were all that you had at the time…" Jasmine said, hugging her long-lost brother again, tears in her eyes. All of this was a shock to everyone (no pika-pun intended), especially James. After a second, words finally found him.
"But…if that's true, then…what happened to…" He trailed off. Jasmine knew what he meant, and even though she knew he would ask, she couldn't stop the tears that came. She knew there was no way for him to have known, but because he didn't, she was even sadder than before.
"I wish you knew…" She said, trying very hard to restrain her tears. Through this whole thing, Seeds hadn't said a single word. Jasmine glanced to the side for a second and saw Seeds standing there. She could feel Jasmine staring at her and she looked up at her. Seeds could see in her eyes that she couldn't tell him what happened. Seeds sighed and started to tell the whole, pitiful story. Right after she ate a pumpkinseed.