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The Sleepover

One night Jessie, James, Meowth, Ash, Misty, Brock and Pikachu were having a sleepover at Team rockets cabin for an unknown reason.

*Jessie and Misty were busy changing into there nightgowns and the boys were having a very weird conversation. Meowth was trying to convince Pikachu that living with Team rocket was better than living with Ash*

Mowth: I promise you Pikachu if you stop hanging around with Ash and join my gang you will be forever happy!

Pikachu: Pika pikachu ( you're just saying that so I'll let you catch me)

Meowth: Well I was but I was doing it pretty good wasn't I ?

*Misty and Jessie walk into the room arguing about something*

Jessie: I don't care if you're a former gym leader! Arbok is still better than any of you're poke´mon could ever be!

Misty: Absolutely anybody would know that my Starmie is better than that overgrown worm!

Jessie: But..!

*Jessie doesn't get to finish because Brock pushes in to try and stop the fighting*

Brock: Now just stop you're fighting. Why don't we all sit down and do something together.

Everybody else ( except Pikachu ): OK

*They all sit down on the floor in a big circle*

Ash: Now what?

Brock: does anybody know any games that you play at sleepovers?

Misty: What about truth or dare that's what everybody else does.

Ash: Why not?

Misty: I start!

James ( whispering to Jessie ): I don't know how to play.

Jessie ( out load so everybody hears): SERIOUSLY JAMES! YOU MUST BE THE WEIRDEST PERSON I'VE MET! YOU...

She's interrupted by Misty

Misty: What's all the screaming about?!

Jessie: He's so stupid he doesn't even know how to play truth or dare.

Misty: Well next time you don't have to scream.

Misty tells James how to play as Jessie refuses to do it herself. Finally they can start.

Misty: Okay I'll ask Jessie. truth or dare?

Jessie: Truth

Misty: Okay then. Are you in love with James.

Jessie: Ummmmm..( starts to go red ) well...ok..the truth is that yes I am.

James: Oh Jessie! Why didn't you tell me?

Jessie: I was scared that you might say that you don't love me!

James: Of course I love you!

Jessie: Oh James!

Jessie and James start kissing.

Ash: I don't think their in the game anymore.

Misty: I'm tired I'm going to bed.

Brock: Me too.

Ash: Wait for me guys!

Pikachu: Pikachu pika pi ( Hey Meowth lets go to the freezer and eat all the ice-cream)

Meowth: Ok

Jessie: Hey! Where did everyone go ?

James: Let's go to bed it's really late.

Jessie: Ok

Jessie and James walk away in the direction of the bed room



I hope it wasn't too bad. Well if you ask me the I would say it's the worst fanfic ever written!

But I guess it's not really all my fault, I'm only 12 plus I don't live in America I live in Sweden so you can't really expect me to know REALLY GOOD English even though I do go to an English school.

I hoped You liked this ...thing!