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Just some lyrics to some Team Rocket songs.


This is the boss
And I'm sick of waiting
I want Pikachu
And this time don't screw it up!

Prepare for trouble
Make it double
Prepare for trouble
Make it double

We'll be the richest rogues of all time
Creators of a grand design
I'll be the king
I'll be the queen
I'll be the joker...of crime

Prepare for trouble
Make it double
Prepare for trouble
Make it double

To protect the world from devastation
To unite all peoples within our nation
To denounce the evils of truth and love
To extend our reach to the stars above
Team Rocket blast off at the speed of light
Surrender now or prepare to fight
That's right

Team Rocket's rockin'
Talkin' trouble
Walkin' trouble
Double trouble
Big trouble's gonna follow you

Team Rocket's rockin'
Talkin' trouble
Walkin' trouble
Double trouble
Big trouble's gonna follow you
We're gonna capture Pikachu

We're Team Rocket and we fight for what's wrong
For mayhem, and madness, and rare Pokemon
I'm so gorgeous
I'm always the man
You're just the players in my master plan

Team Rocket's rockin'
Talkin' trouble
Walkin' trouble
Double trouble
Big trouble's gonna follow you

Team Rocket's rockin'
Talkin' trouble
Walkin' trouble
Double trouble
Big trouble's gonna follow you
We're gonna capture Pikachu

We're always gonna try it
No one can deny it
We can cause a riot
In Sunday School
And we'll have you believing
Truth can be decieving
Do unto others is our Golden Rule

This is our most ingenious plan ever
If I do say so myself
Even we couldn't screw this one up Jessie
Will you two stop yappin'
Here dey come!

Prepare for trouble
Team Rocket's rockin'
Talkin' trouble
Walkin' trouble
Double trouble
Big trouble's gonna follow you

Team Rocket's rockin'
Talkin' trouble
Walkin' trouble
Double trouble
Big trouble's gonna follow you
We're gonna capture Pikachu

Team Rocket's rockin'
Talkin' trouble
Walkin' trouble
Double trouble
Big trouble's gonna follow you

Team Rocket's rockin'
Talkin' trouble
Walkin' trouble
Double trouble
Big trouble, gonna capture Pikachu

Team Rocket's rockin'
Talkin' trouble
Walkin' trouble
Double trouble
Big trouble's gonna follow you

Team Rocket's rockin'
Looks like Team Rocket's blasting off again!


You know us as Team Rocket and we fight for what is wrong
We're tired of our motto so we thought we'd try a song
The speed of light prepare to fight
Meowth that's right
I am the handsome one
I'm the gorgeous one
Looking good is so much fun
We get some things wrong but we keep rolling along
We hope to capture Pikachu, we hope to do it soon
And then we'll be the new stars of this...


Bumbling 'n bumbling
Screwing up and stumbling
Looks like Team Rocket's blastin' off again
We're always stinkin'
It got me to tinkin'
And now Meowth has got the perfect plan...

I'm gonna throw a party
Admission will be free
It'll be a snap
When they walk right in my trap

It's never been such fun
Stealing lotsa Pokemon
Humans aren't invited
'Cause I said so

Once they hit the dance floor
That's when they're done for
This is one scheme
Even we can't blow

Meowth Meowth Meowth
This party's so exciting

It'll be the biggest bash of the year

Meowth Meowth Meowth
Won't you tell us who you're inviting

Everyone who's anyone is gonna be here

Meowth Meowth Meowth
Oooo...this party's not for fighting

Ice cream for everyone
There's nothing to fear

At Meowth's party
Blast off at the speed of light

All but night only
No Pokemon is lonely

At Meowth's party
Team Rocket's not gonna fight

So move those feet
To the sound of the beat

At Meowth's party
Don't tell the Boss
Not tonight

I wish this party could go on forever..

Submitted by Poogle
Under the evening sky with the moon high up above,
I learned to speak human,
'Cause this cat's got, puppy love!
I'll stand on two legs, hold my head up high, and she'll want me, wait and seeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee!
I'll write poetery, and recite it myself, for Meowsieeee!

Submitted by JezRocket(Laura)
Jessie: James, you're my best friend.
James: Jessie, you're mine too.
Meowth: And you guys always cheer me up, when I'm feelin' blue.
Chorus: (Sung together) Team Rocket will always stay together forever and a day!
We'll capture Pikachu someway, no matter what happens, we'll find a way
We stick together like birds of a feather...together!
Jessie: (to James) If you got attacked by a Beedrill, I'd jump in front of you.
I'd take in every bit of that poison, so it wouldn't hurt you.
(aww Jess)
James: (to Jessie)
If you were weak and couldn't go on,
I'd give my shoulder to lean on.
I'd take your hand, we'd walk 'cross the land...together!
(Oh James)
Jessie & James: (to Meowth) If an Onix was attacking you, we'd jump in front of you, and tackle it with our bare hands.
If you got stuck in Muk, we'd rescue you...
(aww guys)
James: (to Jessie) I'll stay with you.
(holding hands)
Jessie: (to James) And I'll stay with you...
Together: ...together forever and that's my oath to you!