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The Jerry Springer Show
by: Angel Eyes

"Bill, bill, oo! chance to win a million! No- just junk." Jessie threw the letters over her shoulder as she read them.

James walked in, eating a banana. "Anything for me?"

"Only this junk letter," Jessie said, shoving the envelope into his hand and walking in to the kitchen.

James sat at the table and ripped open the envelope. Two tickets and a piece of paper fell out.

"Yes! The tickets have arrived!"

"What tickets?" Jessie said, walking back into the room and sitting down next to him. James didn't reply- he was staring at the ticket in his hand, like it was for Man u vs Bayer Munich or a Britney Spears concert. Jessie picked up the letter and skim-read it. Her eyes widened.

"The Jerry Springer show? You applied for the Jerry Springer show?!?"

"Yep, sure did. You and me are going on the Jerry Springer show on Monday 22nd of August."

"What? I'm not going on no Jerry Springer show!"

"You've got to, Jess! You're really important-you're my witness!"


"Please Jessie! I'll make it up to you, promise!" His green eyes shining, his blue hair shaking as he begged.


"In the best way possible!" He winked.

She sighed, then rolled her eyes and smiled. "Okay, Okay, I'll do it."


"But you have to S.I.W.A.L.K it."


Jessie grabbed James' collar and pulled his face really close to her's and said, "Seal it, my dear James with a loving kiss!"

And they did, -and (*ahem!*) more!