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Stairway to Stardom
By Mondo Rocket

One day in Neon town, two boys, a girl, an electric rat and an egg are walking through the town, to the Pokemon centre. Suddenly, Misty spots an audition poster snuggly hidden in a noticeboard. But it reqiures 5 people and 21 Pokemon. Doing a quick double take, she notices that between the three of them, they only have 16. But then she sees Team Rocket. Dashing towrds them, she rips the flier off the board. When she reachs them, she says,

"You guys, how about you join up with us to make a rock band?"

"Why should we?" Jessie enqiures.

"You'll get tons of money!"

"CHAH-CHING!!" they all thought at the same time, so they answered:
