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Disclaimer: I don't own James .. of course .. and this poem doesn't mean i'm still not a DIE HARD ROCKETSHIPPER - cause I am! I just thought it sounded pretty kewl so I decided to send it you.
Origanally written by: Eddy (me)
Rating: uh .. i guess a pg or something .. What it's really about: Well .. sort of like the first one. just pretty much how James feels sometimes.

Steel Heart

Hiding behind the only thing you know,
The only thing you know for sure that won't forsake you:
Your steel heart.
Bent into shape by that hammer that pounds
So long and so hard,
In attempts to make you who you are,
In attempts to make you want to forget,
To block out all that has happened.
Ignore it.
And behind that steel heart
Are nothing but tears,
Dammed in by the wall you built during your years.
And you remain swimming, spinning,
In that pool of tears.
Swimming and spinning because you can't let them out.
Too afraid of rejection,
But more frightened of me--
Of all people you see,
I am the one you trust,
You trick,
And yet block out.
Singing softly seren's song,
In that garden patch you will never grow,
Behind that white fence you will never build,
In front of that house where you will never live,
You cry to yourself,
And to nobody else,
Feeling sorry for yourself.
For, it is I who brought you to where you are,
Because there is no one else to blame
But me.
And though the evidence lay bleeding in your arms,
You runaway from it,
Denying your involvment in anything wrong,
Any plan flawed.
And your bloody finger points to no one
But me.
It is impossible to reach you
When you're so far away.
It is impossible to help you
When that cycle of sickness kicks in.
And it is impossible to love you
When your tears begin molding
That lying and dying, burning
Steel heart into shape.
-James Morgan