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Enchanted Eevee

“Uh! The sweet smell of summer!” said Jessie, as the team walked into the Team Rocket Headquarters.

“2 months without those annoying little twerps. Are we in paradise?” asked James.

They walked and talked until they ran into one of Jessie’s friends, Jennifer. She was a medium-sized girl with a long brown hair that lay on her shoulders, piercing black eyes, and a uniform like Jessie’s.

“Oh hi guys! Jessie you’ve just GOT to see this!” she said with enthusiasm.


“Oh, this new guy who has just joined Team Rocket, and he is the CUTEST guy you have EVER seen!”

“Like Josh, Steve, Mick, Daniel, and the other hundreds that work here?” asked Jessie with a smirk,

“No! He’s such a hottie! His name is Brad, and he DOES looks like Brad Pitt!” Jennifer almost screamed.

“OK, let’s go see that ‘hottie’” Jessie agreed.

“Ooohhhhh! A new guy!” James squealed like a schoolgirl.

“Don’t be stupid! Let’s go Jennifer” said Jessie and walked away.

“He’s weird, how do you put up with him?” Jennifer whispered,

“Oh, I don’t know” She answered, But in her heart she knew.


At the evening…

“Hey, Jess, going out?”

“Yeah, I have a date.”

“A DATE??????!!!” James screamed, “WITH WHO?!!”

“Brad”, Jessie answered calmly.


“What’s the matter James, jealous?” smirked Meowth,

“Shut up, furball!” James blushed.

Jessie wore a beautiful red dress that matched her perfectly, that dress is just too good for this guy James thought.

“Well, see ya guys! Don’t wait up!” called Jessie and closed the door.

Was he really jealous? Jessie thought, nah cannot be. Or maybe?


Later that evening…

By 11 P.M James was a nervous wreck, where is she where is she where is she where is she????????? , he thought over and over.

“So, Jimmy’s really jealous, huh?”

“No, it’s just that I… She…We…Us…Well… Oh shut up!”

“OK, OK, but I’m not stupid, ya know” Meowth smirked and walked away.

Was I REALLY jealous? James thought, no, I’m just worried. But…and what about…and…I…me…she…us…maybe I should call the police? No! I’m in Team Rocket! UHHHHH! I drive myself crazy!!!

At 11.30 P.M James was ready to call the police, when he heard voices outside their door.

“Oh Brad, I had such a wonderful time!” Jessie said.

“Well, Jessica, I head a great time too.” A low and manly voice said.

“Wow! He IS a hunk!” Meowth exclaimed as he watched outside the window,

“Let me see, fleabag!” James pushed Meowth and looked out of the window.

“Well, He does looks like Brad Pitt, but Brad Pitt’s ugly, isn’t he?”

“Yeah, and Brock has eyes too! Face it, Jimmy, he’s much betta then ya ”

“Shut up and give me that blue vase!”

“Why? Going to smack someone’s head off?”

“Yeah, yours! Just give me the damn vase!”

“OK, OK, aren’t we moody…”

“Well…” Jessie said, this was soooo uncomfortable… she thought.


Brad leaned over Jessie, and was about to kiss her when a very loud “CRASH!” sounded from their apartment. Jessie and Brad quickly pulled away.

“Well… bye”

“Yeah, see ya around”

They said as Brad almost ran away, and Jessie walked into the apartment.

“What the HELL was that?!” She screamed as she saw a very happy James, a very annoyed Meowth, and a blue vase shattered into little bits.

“Well, yer dear lil’ friend just smashed the vase!”

“It was an accident!”

“Yeah right! Well, yer plan has woiked, loverboy!”

“Shut up you smelly little furball!”

“Ouch! What was THAT for? It houited (hurted)!”

“SHUT UP AND EXPLAIN!” Now Jessie was really angry. “Well actually, don’t! Cuz I don’t really care! I’m going to bed!”


3 days later…

Jessie and James walked around the Headquarters, when they saw Brad.

“Hi Jessie, how very charming to see you”, Brad said with a smile,

“Thanks, I…” Jessie started to say as James interrupted,

“Hi Brad, good to see you too! Sorry, but Jessie and me have GOT to go! Right honey?”

“What? James, why…”

“Oh sweetie, don’t worry, Jessie and James Jr. are OK, Meowth is watching them. She’s very protective, you know.”

“What? Jessie, I never knew, if you would’ve told me…well, bye.”

Brad ran away, and Jessie looked at James,

“What was THAT?”

“What?” James had a big question mark on his face.

“THAT! Why did you do this?”

“What? It’s April Fool’s day today! And it was just a little joke.”

“JAMES! IT’S JULY!” Jessie smacked him with a paper fan.

“Uh…Ouch…oops!” was all that James could say.

“Oh just shut up! I’m going to talk to Brad! I can’t believe you!”

Jessie almost blew up; her face was in the same color as her hair, because of the anger. And with a great scream she left James.


After a week…

“Hi Brad, come in. Jess’ll be ready in a sec” Meowth opened the door.

“Brad! Old pal! How very good to see you! Come in! Have a sit!” James exclaimed as Brad walked in.

“Do I know you?” Brad was surprised to see the young man beaming at him.

“I’m James! Jessie’s partner!”

“Oh yeah, that was a nice joke, huh huh huh…” Brad was still surprised.

“Yeah well, never mind that! Come and have a sit!”

Brad sat on the sofa, while James brought up something big and heavy.

“What’s that?” Brad asked,

“Well, that’s just Jessie’s album, come and have a look!”

“James! What are ya doin’?! It’s Jessie’s black album!” exclaimed Meowth, but James didn’t take notice.

“Come and look. Oh, look at that paper fan, you better not annoy Jessie, or you’ll feel it. Just look at me at that picture, and that one, and that one too…” James flipped 50 pages saying that (;-), “Oh yeah, that’s Jessie without her make up… And here she’s first thing on the morning…and that’s her after our daily shock…and here…”

“Oh, yeah, Uh” Was all that Brad could say. He was shocked by this album. Was this was really Jessie?!

“Well Brad looks we’ve got to go!” Jessie stepped out of the room. She wore that dress from the “executor’s march”, and held a matching paper fan. As soon as Brad saw the paper fan, he mumbled

“I’ve got to go”, and ran away not even looking at Jessie.

Jessie was shocked, “what was that?” she asked James, and then she saw what he held.

“Oh, you didn’t… how could you?”

“What?” James asked solemnly.

“Thhhis… why? You scared him away… HOW COULD YOU?!”

Jessie screamed at the top of her lungs, and with a yelp of pain ran away to her room and slammed the door.

“Ya really messed it up this time Jimmy. How could ya?” Mewoth asked with anger.

“I didn’t mean to…I never thought…” now James felt REALLY bad.

“I just can’t believe it James. You knew what it was, how could ya?” Meowth asked seriously.


“I can’t believe ya.” Meowth said as he walked out the door and left James alone in the living room.


James sat there for an hour, just stunned. I never thought…how could I? He tortured himself for a long time, thinking; he was really sorry.

Then he entered Jessie’s room. She was crying on her bed, covered with pillows.

“Jess, I’m sorry…”

“Yeah right! What other plans you have for destroying my life?!”

“I never meant it…”

“YEAH RIGHT! So why the hell have you showed Brad my most embarrassing pictures?! Why??!!” Jessie was almost in hysterics.

“Jessie, I…” But Jessie cut him off.

“I never thought you could do that! Why?! Someone noticed at last that I was a beautiful woman, waiting for opportunities, and you scared him off!!!”

That was it for James.

“YEAH?! Well, he wasn’t the only one! I noticed that the first time I saw you! You have the body of a model! Eyes you can look into forever! You’re perfect! And that’s why I did it! I didn’t want some pretty guy to take you away from me! Because I love you! I LOVE YOU!”

Noticing what he had just said, James became as red as Jessie’s hair, and mumbled an apology.

“I’m sorry…I’ll leave now…I’m really sorry…”

“No James, don’t!” Jessie got up, concern reflecting from her swollen eyes.

“I’m really sorry, I would never bother you again.” James said sadly.

“No James, please don’t. I…I…I love you.”

James’ eyes lit up, ”You do? You really do? But what about Brad…”

“Well, maybe I wanted to make you jealous…but he really didn’t mean much to me, really. All I cared about was you.”

“Oh Jessie!” James said and sat next to her, and pulled her into an embrace. He looked into her beautiful sapphire eyes, and brought his lips closer to hers, he kissed her gently, and she kissed him back.

When the kiss ended, Jessie looked up at James. Her eyes were full of fresh tears. But this time they were tears of happiness.


Author’s note: Well, this is my first fanfic! I hope you’ve enjoyed it! I wanted to make it funny, dramatic & rocketshippy! Hope it worked! Sorry if I have spelling mistakes, I’m from Israel u know! Well, that’s it! C ya in my next fanfic!