j=JamesJ=Jessie M=Meowth B=Butch
-An interviewer desperate for a story & dead tired of questioning dull Pokemon trainers & Masters about their battle skills sits down, pleased with his great new interview. It took him days to round up these Rockets, but it was well worth it for that big promotion that he desired. He had written out a list of questions, determined to find out the secrets behind Team Rocket.-
/Music plays as a dark room brightens to show the scene. A man in a swivel chair(the interviewer) & 5 Regis & Kathy Lee-style stools where his guests were seated. They were easily recognised as Rockets due to the large red Rs on their jackets. Left to right, the room was set: Interviewer, Jessie, Meowth, James, Butch, & Cassidy./
*And welcome to my little corner, today I will be interviewing 5 Rockets. (whispers) Perhaps we can learn about the guy behind all this, huh?*
M=I think I’m gonna fall!
M=I feel like I’m gonna fall offa dis dumb chair.
*We’re not supposed to talk about the chair*
J=What are we going to talk about?!?!?!
C=I’m getting BORED!!
*Well, I have some questions here*
j=Are they boring questions?
*Let me read them & you’ll find out!*
M=Sure, but can we talk about the chair first?
*Will you answer MY questions if I talk to you about the chair?!*
M=I wanna trade you chairs.
*This is MY CHAIR!! Now, can we will talk about my questions, K?*
J=The sooner we do, the sooner we leave.
*I’ve heard that ONE person is behind your organization, is this true?*
J=Who are you asking?
J=I’m the brains behind our group.
*You are the infamous Boss??*
J=No, but I boss around James & Meowth
M=I don’t necissarily listen, do I?!
j=I’m no push over!!
/Butch knocks James’ chair over & laughs./
C=(laughing) Good one!
j=Was not! Ow, the chair hit me in the head!!
M=I knew dem tings was trouble!!!!!!!
j=Make it double!
*Make what double?*
M=Make ~IT~ double! Geez, listen next time.
C=Jessie, you know you guys screwed up the motto?
J=Did not, ours is good too!!
B=It doesn’t make any sense, ours does.
*So you do talk! What happened to your voice, did you swallow a frog or
C=That wasn’t a very nice question.
j=You’re a mean reporter!!
B=You deserve trouble!!
M=Make it quintuple!
*That wasn’t one of my questions! I have some written out!!*
J=I don’t like your studio.
M=I don’t like your questions.
B=I don’t like YOU!!!
*WAIT! I have a question about (does the quotation sign with his
fingers) “The Boss”
j=Which Boss??
M=You meen da Team Rocket Boss or some otha guy?
/The interviewer’s getting ticked./
*YOUR BOSS!!!!!!!!!*
J=Oh, that Boss, ask away.
*What does he want rare Pokemon for, & why do you listen to him?*
j=That was actually two questions
*Answer both.*
J=Who are you asking?
/The interviewer is enraged./
M=Can I have your chair? I’m gonna fall offa dis one.
*NO!! JUST ANSWER MY QUESTIONS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!*
B=I think he’s kinda mad.
j=I’m kinda hungry.
J=Quit whining, James!
M=Yea, I do.
*Please, ANSWER IT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!*
M=He likes rare Pokemon, who doesn’t & we wanna listen to him.
C=‘Cause he’s not nearly as boring as YOU!!!!!!!!!!!
*Okay, fair enough. Now, how many people does your boss have??*
J=He doesn’t ~have~ any people.
M=We like ta annoy ya!
B=That’s why I agreed to come.
J=Me too!!
j=Hey, that’s why I came!!!!
*You want to annoy me?!?!*
j=Yea, that & steal your Pokemon.
*I don’t have any Pokemon*
C=Not anymore, you don’t.
*I NEVER HAD ANY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!*
B=You were a grumpy kid, weren’t you?
j&B=Make it double
*Here’s a question. Why do you say a motto??*
j=To annoy people.
J=We want the twerp to get so fed up with us, that he will ~give~ Pikachu to us!
M=A perrrrfect plan!
j=But, it’ll take time.
B=A lengthy plan for just a Pikachu.
j=Who asked you, Botch?
/Butch looks like he is going insane./
B= My NAME IS BUTCH!!!!! B-U-T-C-H, BUTCH!!!!!!!!!!!!!
*Can we get back to my questions??*
M=Where’d ya leave ‘um??
*Do Rockets have guilt or second thaughts about stealing Pokemon?*
B=(still enraged) I don’t!!
*Well, do you ever think about what you are doing to the trainers?*
J=We try not to.
j=It makes it harder to steal from them if we think about it.
*That’s about all the time we have today.*
C=Bring it on, Jess!!
/Cassidy lashes out at Jessie & Butch jumps on James & a fight breaks./
J=Get off my hair, James!
j=Ow! Butch bit me!!!!!!!!!!!!
B=That’ll teach you to call me Botch!!!!!
C=Get your cat off me, Jessie!!
M=I’m no one’s cat!!
*(whining) I’m never going to get a story.*
M=I’d like to get dat chair, looks Prrrrrfect for a nap.
J=Who are you asking?
-The End-