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Team Rocket Goes To A Carnival

By: Anonymous

"Jessie, look!!!!!!!"

Jessie turned around and groaned. She was still sore from blasting off, why did pikachu always thundershock? It made their job a lot harder. She turned and looked where James was pointing: at a sign for a carnival.

"So?" she asked.

"Can we go? It would be fun!" said James.

"And people drop lotsa coins at a carnival!" said Meowth.

"Please please please please?" pleaded James, and he gave her the Sad Puppy Face of Doom. "WE might find some money!"

"Okay, fine," said Jessie.

"Yay!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!" cheered James.

He started jumping around, and knocked into a tree. Jessie hit him over the head.

"You're embarrassing me!" she hissed.

"Ya seem to do dat on your own" muttered Meowth, who paid dearly for his little remark.

Jessie started making dinner, since everyone else was encompassed by idiocy from her mallet. She and Meowth ate dinner, while James sat and daydreamed about cotton candy and funnel cake. They all went to bed and slept peacefully until:

"JESSIE WAKE UP WE'VE GOT TO GET GOING TO BE EARLY FOR THE CARNIVAL!!!!!!!" yelled James at the top of his lungs.

"HOW DARE YOU INTERRUPT MY BEAUTY SLEEP!" she yelled and hit him over the head with her mallet.

Meowth joined the fight and gave Jessie some fury scratches for waking him up.

"Give James fury scratches, he woke me up!" complained Jessie.

"Shaddap both of ya!" yelled Meowth, and Jessie and James jumped on top of him.

Which was followed by fury scratches and mallets and a lot of yelling. After 10 minutes Jessie had knocked everybody out at last, but Meowth had done his damage too. Jessie fixed her makeup, and James made breakfast and Meowth sharpened his claws. AS a result, they were very late. They broke into a car rental and "borrowed" a car. And they set off.



"I'm hungry. Can we get donuts?"

"You just ate!"

"But I'm hungry!"

"I'm not stopping, you'll be fine."

"No, I won't! I'm hungry!"

Jessie started turning red and James shut up.


"What, meowth?"

"I have a headache."

"Take an aspirin."

"We don't got any, and I still have a headache!"

"I'll give you an even bigger headache if you don't shut up!"

Meowth wisely shut up.


"What, James?"

"I don't feel good."

"Then close your eyes."

"I still don't feel good!"

"Than sit back."

"I still don't feel good!"

"Than open the window."

"I still don't feel good!"

"Than drink something."

"We don't have anything to drink, and I still don't feel good!"

"Think of ways to catch Pikachu."

"But I don't feel good!"

"Why not?"

"The backseat makes me carsick!"

"Why didn't you say so before?"

"I don't know!"

"All right, you can sit in the front seat!"


For a little while there was peace and quiet.



"We're hungry!"

"Okay, we'll stop somewhere."

They finally found a Burger King.

"We'd like 20 hamburgers and 10 milkshakes" yelled James.

"That will be 49.95" said the person at the window.

"WE don't have that much money, James!"

James muttered something under his breath.

"Jessie, James said a bad word!"

"James, don't!"

They ended up buying 3 hamburgers and 3 milkshakes. They ate in the car.



"They didn't put a toy bulbasaur in mine!"

"So what!"

"But I wanted a bulbasaur! Jessie, we have to go back and get it!"

"No we are not, you aren't 4, you can live without it!"

James whined all the way, and meowth got mad and kicked him.

"Jessie! Meowth kicked me!"

"Meowth, don't kick James."

"I wanna sit in da front!"

"But I get carsick in the back!"

"I don't care, I wanna sit in da front!"

"Shut up or no ones sitting in the front!"

"But Jessie, I want to drive!"

"NO, James, you cannot!"


"Because I'm driving!"


"What Meowth?"

"James is sticking his tongue out at me!"

"James, stop!"

"But Jessie, he kicked me!"

"I'm not your mother, deal with it!"

After another hour and a many hits over the head with Jessie's mallet because she finally lost her temper, they were finally there.

"Yippee!" yelled James.

"Come on, Jessie, let's go!" Jessie sighed and they walked around.

They picked several pockets and found 5 dollars worth of dropped coins. However, they lost 2 dollars of the money the found by dropping it on the rides, and James spent the rest on cotton candy and funnel cake. He got many bonks over the head for it. They finally drove home.

"Oh Jessie, it was so much fun, The rides, the food, the money, hey how much money do we have?"

"None, because you spent it all on food!"


"Ow Jessie, sorry!"

"And Meowth dropped the rest on the rides, which messed up my hair!"

"Oh Shaddap!"

"You shut up!"

"9999999999999 bottle of beer on da wall, 9999999999999 bottle of beer," sang Meowth.

"That is the last car trip we are ever going on!"

"But Jessie, I wanna go to the circus in Pallet Town..................."