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Team Rocket Tries Again
By: Megan

Ash Misty and Brock were all walking through the forest. They had peaceful walk, looking at Spearows, and to Misty's horror, Caterpies, for 15 minutes. Then the turn that was supposed to take them to the Pokemon gym ended at a lake.

"Ash! WE should have gone left!" yelled Misty.

"Uh, he he, well, oops." Ash muttered, embarrassed.

"What do you mean, oops! We'll be stuck here all day probably! We'll have to walk forever and probably get lost again!" She yelled.

"Now now, don't fight! Why don't we have lunch?" suggested Brock, trying to defuse the situation.

They ignored him and Misty kept yelling at Ash about turning the wrong way, until Pikachu got a headache and thundershocked them.

Meanwhile, up head at the right path, Team Rocket was working on their next plan. Number 8,888,890. They were digging Large Hole number 666,678.

"James? What's our plan for today?" asked Jessie.

"You know what it is! We're digging a big hole that the twerps will fall in" said James.

"And how many holes have we dug?"

"Um, quite a lot."

"And how many times has it worked?"


"So WHY are we digging another hole?"

"Because might work this time!"

"Okay, let's start digging!"

An hour passed. By then the hole was humongeous, and Ash, Misty and Brock had reached the fork in the road and were arguing over which way to go.

"Let's go left! Left is right" said Ash.

"NO, left is wrong. Right is right!" argued Misty.

"NO, right is left, I mean right is wrong, left is right, I know I'm right!"

"NO, right is right, and left is wrong, and wrong is right, I mean right is right!"

Ash turned to Brock. "Left is right and right is wrong, right?"

"Uhhhhhh" muttered Brock, totally confused.

"NO! Right is right and left is wrong, right?" asked Misty.

Brock pulled a coin out of his pockets and said, "We'll flip the coin."

"What if the coin is wrong!" shouted Ash and Misty together.

"It's less confusing then you two!"

"He does have a point" admitted Ash.

Misty chose heads and Ash choose tails. The coin flipped heads, and they went down the right path. Right into Team Rocket's trap. They would have noticed the giant hole, except for the fact they were now arguing over who would hold the map, which was becoming very ripped and ragged. All of a sudden, they landed with a clunk.

"What?" exclaimed Ash.

"To protect the world from devastation.
To unite all peoples within our nation.
To denounce the evils of truth and love.
To extend our reach to the stars above.
Team Rocket blasts off at the speed of light.
Surrender now or prepare to fight.
Meowth! Dat's right." said 3 very familiar voices.

"Oh no, we fell for the old covered hole trick!" moaned Brock.

"Yes, you did. And now we'll take that Pikachu!" said James.

"What makes you think we can't just climb out of the hole?" asked Ash.

"Because of this!" said Jessie, and giant vaccum cranked over, pushed by James and Meowth.

"Turn it on!"

The vacuum began sucking up everything in it's path. At first, the vacuum's path was Team Twerp. But than,

"Staryu, go!" It squirted water at the vacuum tube, and it turned, to face Team rocket!

"Oh, no! It's going to mess up my hair!" screamed Jessie.

"Meowth doesn't wanna be sucked up!"

"Forget your hair, run!" yelled James.

They tried, but the vacuum was too strong.

"Ahhhhhhhhhh!" they screamed as they were sucked into the vacuum.

They were a bit too big for it. They got stuck in the tube. The vacuum couldn't get any air. It was totally blocked. It whined and screamed, then BOOM!

"Team Rocket's blasting off again!"

When they landed, at the top of a tree, "I told you holes were a stupid idea!" yelled Jessie.

"But you said........" started James.



And there they sat, at the top of a tree, thinking up their next plan.