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It was around 9 o'clock PM, Jamie, Koji and Miya were sitting in the living room with their parents, they wanted them to tell a story.
"Hey mom, could you tell us a bedtime story?" Jamie asked
"Yeah! We want to hear a bedtime story!" Koji and Miya replied
I looked at my kids, thinking. "hum... ... What kind of story would you like to hear?" I asked them.
"Oh! Pick me Jess! I've got a good one... tell them the story about how you and I got married." James suggested. "They'll really like that one!"
"I don't know.... do you think I should?" I asked him.
"Sure! Go on. Right kids?"
"Yeah!" The kids cried. "We want to hear the story of how you and dad got married!"
"Okay okay... settle down kids.... okay, I'll tell you the story of how your father and I got married.
"Will this story be interesting?" The kids asked. "
I nodded, "... and very romantic too.... The story is called 'Rocket Wedding'..." I started as the kids and James listened.
"Ooh!" The kids mused with great interest.
It had been 4 years since Ash had started his Johto league journey; everyone had grown up fast and now had their own lives to lead, but made sure they kept in contact as much as they could. Brock worked in a breeding centre in Pewter City so he could be close to his father and siblings, Misty now ran the cerulean gym after her sisters left to do water shows around the world, Ash was a Pokémon master and ran the Viridian city gym, while Tracey was...still professor Oak's assistant.
The biggest changes though came to Team Rocket members Jessica, that's me, my best buddy James, and our furry feline friend, Meowth. While travelling around after Ash four years ago, James and I had begun to except the fact that we were in love with each other and slowly began to build a relationship, but when Giovanni found out he gave us two choices: Either stop the relationship or be fired, Obviously, we chose love over our job, so we were fired from Team Rocket.
For the next two years, me, James and Meowth found life hard, we had barely any money, we lived in a shabby small apartment with no heating and no clean running water and no one would hire us for jobs because of our Team Rocket past, but eventually everything began to sort themselves out.
I had my job in Chuck E. Cheese doing prep work in the kitchen, bussing and pre-bussing tables and the occasional birthday party as the "Big Cheese" himself, as for James, he was accepted to work as Nurse Joys assistant in the Viridian City Pokémon Centre. And for Meowth? Well, even he was determined to make money although all he did was get a guitar and tried busking on the streets. Pathetic.
Anyway, eventually the three of us saved enough money to move into a bigger apartment, which had everything we ever wanted and finally things were looking up for us, and for me and James, you ask? Well, let's just say that things were about to get even better....
I walked through the dark snow covered streets of Viridian City at night, travelling home from the Chuck E. Cheese restaurant I worked at. As I walked my short , neck length ice blue hair got caught in the slight breeze and floated in the air. It was late February, but felt more like late December. Snow had been falling all day, but I didn't really mind, I loved the snow, even when I was a child I loved nothing more but to go outside to play in the snow. As I travelled I saw a group of children throwing snowballs at each other, which made me smile,
One day, I hoped to watch my own children doing that.
Eventually I got to the apartment building that I lived at with James and Meowth. As soon as I got through the buildings doors, I shook the snow off my coat and began to walk up the stairs. Soon enough I arrived at my apartment, number 23. I smiled as I opened the door, but my expression changed to a shocked look as I entered the apartment.
The whole living room was covered with red roses. The only thing that lit the room was candles, which were scattered about the room. I slowly closed the door then took off my coat. As I hung it up, James wandered out of our bedroom and looked at me.
"Welcome home." he said to me gently. I just looked at him with a puzzled look on my face.
James just smiled and walked over to me and kissed me passionately. I just looked at him and frowned.
"What's all this for?" I asked him.
"You'll see," replied James, as he led me into the kitchen. The kitchen, too, was covered with red roses and the two candles that stood in the middle of the table lit the room dimly. Also on the table were two plates with all kinds of delicious looking food on it, James had obviously gone to a lot of trouble for something.
James pulled out a chair from the table and let me sit down on it, then he sat down in a chair across from me.
"Okay. I just want to know something..." I began. "... how much did you pay for all these roses?"
"Does it matter?" came James's reply
"I guess not..."
Throughout the whole dinner, I hoped to find any hints to tell me what James was up to, but he wasn't letting on to anything, so I decided to forget about it.
"So where's Meowth?" I asked James.
"Oh, I convinced him to go over to Mondo's place." James told me. "Tonight, I just want it to be you and me.
I smiled, I liked it when it was just him and me, all alone, we barely ever got privacy with that sneaky feline around, who often made fun out of us, but I had the love that cat, he often made even the most unbearable times seem like fun.
"Well, let's hope he's having fun." I said to James, as I carried on eating.
Meanwhile, across town, Mondo, Ditto and Meowth were sat in the living room of Mondo's apartment. Mondo was now about 19 and he still worked for Team Rocket, he didn't really have any regrets about working there at all.
Mondo and Ditto were trying to figure out a crossword puzzle they were doing while Meowth sat beside them looking extremely bored.
"Okay, we need a nine letter word for Disgusting, extremely distasteful or offensive" Mondo announced.
"How about 'Your boring'." snapped Meowth sarcastically.
"No, that's ten letters."
Meowth just rolled his eyes and sighed.
"Ditto, ditto ditto!"
Mondo looked at his Ditto then at the puzzle.
"Hummmm... Repulsive... yes! That fits! Well done Ditto. Your getting really good at these!"
Ditto just blushed and rubbed it's head. "Ditto-dit!"
Again Meowth rolled his eyes then looked out of the window next to him, watching the snowflakes drift gently past him. "I hope whatever Jimmy wanted to do with Jessica turned out okay..."
Later on, after dinner, James and I were sitting silently on the sofa in the living room, just watching the flames on the candles dance about. I rested my head on James's shoulder and closed my eyes. James began to kiss my head gently as he ran his fingers through my hair, I let out a pleasurable hum to tell him that I liked it as I snuggled up closer to him.
Suddenly, James stood up. I watched him as he walked around the room blowing out the candles, after he had done that, he stood before me and held out his hand. I took it so James could pull me up off the sofa, he then lead me into the bedroom.
The bedroom too was covered with roses; I just developed a sweatdrop on my head.
"Something tells me you went a tiny bit overboard with the roses," I said as I looked around the room, roses were everywhere, even on the bed.
James didn't respond, he just walked up to me and kissed me, I responded and put my arms around him, not even a nuclear warhead could spoil this moment. We moved closer to the bed and fell onto it followed by me screaming, "Ouch!"
"What?" asked James, sounding concerned. I reached under my back and pulled out one of the roses.
"This one has thorns..." I told him. James just giggled playfully, he then continued to kiss me but I stopped him.
"Hold it loverboy. I want to know what's going on now," I said. "Is there a reason behind all this or were you just feeling extra romantic today?"
James smiled and sat up; I sat up too and looked at James waiting for his reply.
"Yes, there is a reason" he told me, he began to search for something in his pockets, but he couldn't find it.
"Damn it where's it gone!" he murmured to himself as he leaned over the edge of the bed to look underneath it.
"What are you looking for?" I asked him.
"It's a small black box with a piece of paper with it."
While James continued to look under the bed, I glanced around the room and something caught my eye on the bedside cabinet.
"Is this it?" I asked as I reached out and picked up a small black box with a small slip of paper on top of it. James sat up and looked at me.
"Uh, yeah... could you like... , give it to me?"
James reached out to grab it but I moved it away from him.
"Nuh uh. I want to see what you've been planning for myself."
James just backed off and sat quietly on the bed, shaking slightly with fear. I opened up the folded piece of paper and read out loud what was written on it.
"Jessica, I've enjoyed every day, minute and second I've spent with you, but these last four years have been the best, you've been my best friend, my lover and you were always there when I needed you. We've gotten through the worst and the best times together and I couldn't imagine not being with you. Jessica will you..." I paused before the last two words on the paper and looked up at James. "... marry me?"
Not a lot made me cry, but this was overwhelming, tears built up in my eyes as I looked at the black box. I carefully opened it to reveal a beautiful gold ring with diamonds that sparkled from the moonlight that poured through the window. I just gasped and held my hand to my mouth; I then looked back at James who just smiled.
"Oh... my god..." I whispered to myself, James stayed silent as he watched me look at the ring again then looked at him for the third time. I tried my best not too cry, but I couldn't stop the tears from falling from my eyes onto the bed.
"So...?" asked James nervously. I just smiled at James and nodded. The two of us just threw our arms around each other and sobbed happily, James kissed my forehead then took the black box from my hands. He took the ring from it and gently placed it onto my finger. I looked at it and admired it as it continued to shimmer in the moonlight, I never thought I would see the day when someone proposed to me, I was often convinced that I would grow old all alone, but as I looked deeply into James's emerald green eyes, I knew that would never happen.
The two of us kissed passionately again then laid down gently on the bed, this had to be the best night either of us had ever known and we knew we'd never forget it.
The next morning, Meowth was walking up the corridor to the apartment murmuring to himself.
"If I have to ever spend another night at mondo's doing crossword puzzles I'm gonna jump off a cliff!"
He reached the apartment door and opened it, but stopped dead when he saw all the roses.
"Oh... I don't wanna know..." he sighed as he walked in and shut the door.
In the bedroom, James woke up to a bright sunny morning; he yawned then looked at me who was still asleep beside him. He smiled as he gently kissed me on my forehead; I stirred and woke up slowly.
"Hi..." I said to James. "What time is it?" I looked over to the clock to see the time; it was about eight o' clock, I just moaned as I rested my head on James's bare chest.
"I'll have to go to work soon..." I told him, sleepily, as I closed my eyes again. "I wish I didn't have to go to work, I just want to stay here with you..."
"Yeah, me too." James replied. The two of us laid there in silence for a while; just enjoying being in each other's presence then James sat up.
"Well I'll do us some breakfast, okay?" he said.
After he had gotten dressed he walked out of the bedroom to see Meowth dozing on top of the sofa.
"What time did you get back?" he asked the cat Pokémon. The feline just opened one eye to see James looking at him, he yawned then stretched before he answered.
"Bout ten minutes ago."
James nodded slightly then walked into the kitchen, followed by meowth. As James rummaged about in the fridge for breakfast the cat jumped up onto the kitchen table and watched him.
"So how did it go?" he suddenly asked him.
"How'd what go?"
"Whatever you wanted to do wit Jessica!"
James gave the cat a big friendly warm smile. "She agreed to marry me!" He said.
Meowth's mouth fell wide open in shock.
"Dat's what you wanted to do?! ask her to marry you?!"
James nodded, "Oh Meowth I've never been so happy, I'm gonna marry the girl of my dreams. I can't believe she said yes, I really can't and now were gonna spend the rest of our lives together. If this is a dream I never want it to end!"
Meowth just frowned as he watched James happily prance around the kitchen, "Diss guy needs 'elp," he just said to himself as he shook his head in disbelief. Unaware to both of them, I was standing at the doorway to the kitchen, watching them closely through the slightly open door, I just smiled as I watched James pick Meowth up off the table and began dancing with him, ignoring the cat pokémon's desperate yells to put him down.
A few hours later James was at work in the Viridian city Pokémon centre. All day he could think of nothing else but me, he couldn't wait to go home and see me again. Nurse Joy noticed something up with him as she watched him prance about humming happily to himself, as he gave all the sick Pokémon in the back their medication.
Just then they both heard a bell sound, indicating that someone had walked through the door.
"Would you deal with that James" Nurse Joy said kindly.
"Sure" replied James, as he put down the bottles of medication and walked out to the front. As he walked behind the desk he noticed that the person who had walked in was none other than Misty.
"Hi James!" she said happily, as James walked up to her.
"Hi Misty." James replied. "What can I do for you?"
"I want to leave some of my pokémon here to be healed," she answered as she brought out four Pokéballs from her bag. James took them from her and placed them behind the desk.
"Okay. Come back in about two hours, they should be all healed by then." he told her. Misty thanked him and was about to walk away when she suddenly noticed something.
"You seem different today," she told him, James smiled, he was glad someone noticed.
"Well that's probably because I proposed to Jessica last night and she said yes!"
Misty just couldn't contain her happiness, she yelled out in pure delight that brought Nurse Joy running to them.
"Awwwwwwww... I can't believe it! Congratulations!"
"Can't believe what?" asked Nurse Joy.
"James and Jessica are gonna get married!" screamed misty. Nurse joy turned to James.
"Really?" James nodded.
"And don't worry. you're invited." he told Nurse Joy.
"What about me?" asked Misty. James looked at her and thought. Misty had grown up a lot from that scrawny 12 year old he knew all those years ago, he didn't see any harm in inviting her or her friends since they weren't really rivals anymore.
"Sure!" James told her. "And bring whoever you want."
Frankly, James probably would of invited Dracula himself if he walked in and asked, James was so happy he didn't care who came, in fact he wished he could invite the whole world to witness the happy event.
Two months later the wedding plans had begun, James and I had already decided on having Mondo as the best man, but still weren't too sure on who to have as bridesmaids. We had so much to do, book the place we were holding the wedding at, order the flowers, the food, everything and the wedding was just less than a month away.
James and I had decided to take a walk into the Viridian city's shopping mall to try and find a store that did garments for weddings ... but we found it wasn't going to be as easy as we thought.
"Coffee shop, gift shop, cafe, sports store, RadioShack...." James said to himself as he and I walked through the mall. "Jeez, You'd think they'd have at least one wedding shop, they have everything else."
Suddenly I stopped walking and stood still holding my stomach, James looked at me concerned.
"Jess, what's wrong?" he asked me.
"Nothing." I replied. "I just need to sit down for a minute."
Just then I stumbled but James was able to catch me. He helped me walk over to outside one of the shops so he could sit me down. I rested my head against the window, breathing deeply as James sat beside me. He put his arm around me and began stroking my hair as I rested my head on his shoulder.
James looked down at me; my skin had gone so pale and clammy.
"Maybe you should go and see a doctor, " James told me.
"No, I'll be fine James," came my reply. "It's probably just nerves from the wedding being so close or something."
"I don't call throwing up every morning nerves Jess..." James sighed; he knew that arguing with me wouldn't do anything. "Just promise me that you'll think about going, okay?"
I nodded as I cuddled up closer to James; he just continued to run his hand through my hair and kissed my head. "I love you so much, Jess..."
As soon as I felt better, the two of us continued our search for a Wedding shop and eventually found one. I gazed at a wedding dress in the window with delight, it was so beautiful. James had to agree with me, that dress would look beautiful on me.
Suddenly James' stomach rumbled, he just looked at me and blushed.
"Guess I'm a little hungry." He told me.
"I'm hungry too" I replied .
"Okay, I'll go and get something to eat. Will you be okay?"
I just smiled at him. "I'll be fine, stop worrying..."
With that James kissed me and headed off to the nearest fast food restaurant. I sat down on a small bench and continued to stare at the dress in the window with a huge smile on my face.
Suddenly I heard a voice behind myself, I just shuddered as I heard it.
"Why if it isn't Jessica..."
I turned around to see Cassidy stood behind me with a sly sarcastic smile on her face.
"Oh, hi Cassidy." I said unenthusiastically as Cassidy walked over to me and sat down.
"I almost didn't recognize you Jess, I haven't seen you since you got fired from Team Rocket all those years ago."
I just giggled nervously. "Err... yeah..."
Cassidy looked at the wedding shop then at the ring on my finger, which sparkled, in the florescent lights of the mall.
"You engaged?" She asked me. I just nodded. "Well I hope I'm invited to the big day..."
I rolled my eyes, it was just like Cassidy to invite herself, but I couldn't say no to her now.
"Sure, you're invited." I said reluctantly, Cassidy just gave me an evil smirk, as she stood up.
"See ya then... Jess."
With that she walked away, giving James a strange glare as she walked by him. James just watched her walk past then carried on towards me.
"Was that Cassidy?" he asked me as he sat down.
"Yep," I replied, as I took my food from James. "And guess what.... She went and invited herself to OUR wedding!"
James couldn't help but laugh, I just hit him playfully.
"It's not funny James!" I snapped. "Cassidy will probably find some way to destroy the day!"
"Well it could of been worse" James said. "You could of invited Hannibal lector."
I just shot my best friend a warning look. "Well at least I didn't invite the twerps."
"I thought you wouldn't mind" James just smiled as he put his arm around me and looked at the dress in the shop window. "Jess, no amount of Cassidy's and twerps could spoil this day."
"I hope your right James."
That night while I was at work at Chuck E. Cheese, James decided to have Mondo over to the apartment to have a kind of "Guys night in" with just them and Meowth. All they could talk about was the wedding; Mondo could tell that James couldn't wait for the big day.
Meowth just sighed and curled up by the fire to sleep, he was pretty tired of hearing about weddings and anything related to them, he hated all this mushy stuff.
At Chuck E. Cheese, I too, was talking about the wedding to the girls I worked with. One of my best friends, Nicky, was even more excited than me
"So how long now Jess?" Holly asked me ...
"Less than a month to go now." I replied. Holly just started screaming and jumping up and down, then stopped when she noticed everyone in the kitchen was looking at her.
She laughed nervously and blushed. "I got over excited again, didn't I?" I nodded.
"So who ya having as bridesmaids?" asked another girl named Nicky.
"Well I was thinking of having you and Holly." I announced. With that both Nicky and Holly began jumping and screaming, I just hit both of them.
"Will you stop doing that? the guys are looking!"
Just then my manager, Brad, walked up to me and handed me two plates of food.
"Give those to the people on table 16 if you have anytime Jessica" he replied before he walked away. I just pulled a face behind my back.
I then began to make my way over to table 16 with Holly.
"Well he's definitely not getting an invitation" I said as I put the food down on the table.
"I don't blame ya," replied Nicky, as we walked back. "All Brad cares about is work work work, he has no time for fun... remember that one time at the Chuck E. Cheese Christmas Party? He didn't have casual clothes on, he had his work uniform on! ."
Just then I stopped walking, Nicky looked at me and noticed how worried I looked.
"What's wrong Jess?" asked Nicky, trying to cover up the worried tone in her voice with a small giggle. "Forget to order the flowers or something?"
"No... I, I don't feel... all that..."
Suddenly I lost consciousness and fell to the floor, hitting my head on the side of the table as I did. Nicky quickly kneeled beside me and checked my pulse and breathing as Holly ran to the nearest phone to contact an ambulance. Nicky gave out a huge sigh when she found that I was still alive, she then checked the gash I had got on the left side of my head, it was bleeding quite badly.
Nicky glanced around Chuck E. Cheese and saw a clean pink cloth on the counter, she ran to get it then returned to me. She pressed the cloth against my wound and held it there.
"Come on Jess, be alright..." She whispered desperately to her friend, as she stared down at my pastel white complexion. "Be alright."
About 20 minutes later Holly ran over to our apartment as fast as she could. As soon as she got to the door she began to franticly to bang on it.
"Be in, be in, be in..." she repeated as she banged louder. Suddenly the door swung open and James stepped out looking pretty angry but once he saw Tiffany, his look turned to fear.
"What's wrong?" he asked her, his voice shaking. "Holly what is it? Is Jessica okay?"
Holly swallowed hard and began to tell James everything...
"James, she collapsed at work..."
"Whaaat!? Is she okay? Where is she?"
"Calm down James!" snapped Holly James didn't want to calm down, all he wanted to do was see Jesse, but he forced himself to calm down. "Look I think she's alright. She came too by the time the ambulance came but they decided to take her to the hospital to check her over"
Quickly James grabbed his coat and the keys to his car. He franticly ran out of the apartment followed by Holly, Mondo and Meowth. All four of them ran down the stairs quickly and piled into the blue car outside. Mondo got into the passenger seat while Shelly and Meowth got in the back, James wasn't gonna wait for anything as he quickly turned the key and started the engine, he then sped off down the road ignoring Meowth's yells to slow down.
Soon enough they arrived at the Viridian city hospital, James immediately went over to the receptionist to ask about me as Tiffany, Mondo and Meowth went to sit in the waiting area with Holly, who had travelled there with me
"I'm sorry sir, I can't really tell you anything at the moment" the receptionist told James. "Once the doctor's have finished, they'll come out to get you, okay sir?."
James nodded and reluctantly joined the others in the waiting area. As soon as he sat down he berried his face in his hands and began to weep into them, Mondo put a reassuring hand on his back and Meowth snuggled up close to him, which made James look at the feline.
"Thank you." he said, Meowth didn't speak, he just purred a little bit as he continued to nuzzle James's side.
"It's all my fault," he said in between sobs. "I, I... I knew something was wrong, I knew she wasn't well, I should of made her go to the doctor sooner, but she didn't want to see one, she was convinced she was alright..."
"Come on James" Mondo said, interrupting him. "She'll be alright..."
"Yeah," added on Meowth. "Whatever's wrong wit her she'll get through it, not a lot defeats Jessica and gets away wit it"
James just smiled at the cat and scratched his head; Meowth closed his eyes fully enjoying it.
"Yeah. Your both right." said James. "She'll be okay..."
Just then a doctor approached them and coughed to let them know of his presence, James quickly stood up and looked at the doctor.
"Is she okay?" he asked desperately, the doctor just smirked.
"I take it your James, Jessica has told me a lot about you..." He paused then turned around to walk away. "Follow me."
James followed the doctor with Holly, Nicky, Meowth and Mondo close behind. Soon enough they got to a room where I was sitting in the hospital bed, talking to one of the nurses, the doctor pointed into the room and stood aside so James could walk inside. Jesse looked up at him and smiled. James carefully walked up to her and pulled up a chair so he could sit down. The others walked in too but stayed at the door. Carefully James looked Jesse over with his eyes, she seemed fine all except the gash on her head that had been stitched up.
"Jess... are you okay? There's nothing wrong with you is there?" Asked James, I just shook my head,
"I'm fine."
James hugged me tightly, then kissed my forehead. "I'm so glad.
As he continued to hold me, he noticed something was wrong, he pulled away from me and frowned.
"Jess... Something is wrong," he said to me. "You're not telling me something."
I drew in a deep breath then let out a huge sigh.
"Okay. The doctor did find something..."
James swallowed hard as he felt a lump form in his throat.
"What...?" he stuttered. I looked away from him and began fiddling about with the blue sheet that covered my legs; James held my hands, which made me look up at him.
"Whatever it is, you can tell me..."
Again I sighed as I looked into James's tear filled eyes, it took me a few minutes to build up enough courage to tell him, but I knew I had to, but I was so scared to what James would say. With that I simply gave him a weak smile and said nervously,
"I'm pregnant!"
At first James looked at me a bit shocked as the words took some time to sink in, then a huge grin grew across his face, which no amount of bad news could destroy. He gently stroked my hair, as he smiled at his beautiful future wife.
Suddenly I broke down crying and buried my face into his chest, James wrapped his arms around me and rocked me gently.
"It's okay, it's okay." he whispered to me. "You don't need to cry." He looked up at the nurse and frowned, "She is gonna be alright, isn't she?"
"Don't worry" the nurse replied, "She's just a little shocked herself. Just let her cry it off and she'll be okay."
James nodded as he continued to hold me in his arms; he looked nervously at me as he began to think whether we were ready for a child, especially me.
As he tried to comfort me, all of his friends at the door watched, they too were shocked at the news but were happy for us.
"Dey gonna have a kid, dat's so buuuuutiful" cried Meowth with tears streaming from his eyes.
"Pregnant? How the world did she manage that?" snapped Holly, who obviously hadn't got the point of anything.
"Want me to draw you a picture or something!" joked Mondo, sarcastically. Holly just rolled her eyes and sighed, as she looked back at James and me
I eventually calmed down and gradually fell asleep in the arms of my best friend uttering the words "I'm sorry James..." James wasn't too sure what I was apologizing for, whether it was for being pregnant or just for crying. He looked at ne sleeping peacefully in his arms and smiled.
"It's okay," he told me quietly as he laid me down onto the bed, pulled the blue sheet over me and kissed my forehead. He watched me for a while; just sleeping soundly, only the occasional whimper came from me. Eventually the doctor approached James and touched his shoulder, which made him turn round.
"Let her rest now," he told him. "You can take her home in a few hours."
James nodded slightly as he reluctantly stood up and walked out of the room with his friends following.
Later that night, James and Meowth returned back to the apartment, with me who James was carrying in his arms. as quietly as they could, They entered the apartment so not to wake me who had fallen asleep again.
"I'm gonna put Jessica to bed," James whispered to Meowth, Meowth just nodded as James walked into the bedroom. Carefully he threw back the covers and placed me onto the bed, I stirred and opened my eyes as James put the covers over me.
"Are you angry with me?" I asked him, James just looked at me puzzled.
"Why should I be angry with you?" he replied.
"I don't know.... .... I..... I just have this feeling that you should be."
James just smiled at me. "I'm not, trust me, I couldn't be happier. Now get some rest, okay?"
James was about to leave the room but my weak, tired voice stopped him.
"Will you ... ... stay with me?"
James looked back at me. "Sure Jess."
He walked over to the bed and climbed into it. He grabbed the covers and wrapped them around the both of us, then we both laid down onto the pillows. For a while the two of us just stayed awake just listening to each other breathe. Finally James kissed me on my cheek and whispered into my ear, "Our child's gonna be beautiful."
I smiled as James settled down to sleep beside me. "Yeah, I know." I replied before I too closed my eyes and drifted silently off to sleep.
The month went by so fast and most of our spare time was taken up by trying to finalise everything for the wedding. But before we knew it, it was the night before the wedding!
Everyone had decided to have a normal traditional guys/girls night out, but while the guys went out to a bar somewhere the girls decided to stay at our apartment. Brock, Mondo, James and Butch (Who had somehow gotten invited) left the apartment at about seven and headed for the nearest bar in town.
"So where is it your taking us?" James asked Butch as they travelled through the streets of Viridian.
"It's called the Raticate drinking hole, it's where me and Cassidy go all the time" Butch replied in his croaky voice.
"This isn't going to be anywhere... rough, is it?" said Brock, nervously.
"Nah!" came Butch's reply. "This place is great and don't worry Brock, there's plenty of girls to hit on."
With that Brock's eyes lit up and began to walk faster along side Butch, somehow James and Mondo doubted that the place would be perfect.
Meanwhile at the apartment, me , Cassidy and misty sat in silence together in the living room. Ash and Tracey were also there but they were sitting in the kitchen. Ash was there because he didn't want to leave Pikachu on it's own and Tracey was there because none of the guys wanted him going with them. Pikachu, Misty's Togetic and Meowth had decided to occupy the spare bedroom during this time, as they didn't want to get in the way of the humans celebrations.
"So this is it?" said Cassidy, she then turned to me. "When does the party start Jess?"
"Uh.. it started Cassidy."
Cassidy just sighed and stood up.
"I can tell I'll be needing alcohol to get me through this night, I hope you have some for your sake"
With that she stormed into the kitchen. Misty and I watched her leave then looked at each other.
"And how did she get invited again?" asked Misty.
"Just don't ask." I replied
In the kitchen, Ash and Tracey watched with interest as Cassidy rummaged through the whole kitchen looking for anything even the slightest bit alcoholic. Eventually she found a massive bottle of wine.
"This will have to do," she sneered as she opened it and poured some into a glass. She drank it straight down much to the surprise of Ash and Tracey; she pored some more out then noticed the two guys staring at her.
"What's your problem?" she spat, Ash and Tracey just shook their heads and told her that nothing was wrong. Cassidy just glared at them evilly as she drank down another glass. sweatdrops formed on the foreheads of Ash and Tracey, they could tell this was going to be a long night!
Down at the Raticate Drinking hole, James and Mondo were sitting at a table near a window, they had been there only half an hour and Brock was already tipsy. Although seeing him hit on every girl there was quite humorous to say the least.
While Brock was at the bar with Butch he noticed that he was standing next to a beautiful busty blonde woman with big bright blue eyes and was wearing the reddest lipstick you ever did see.
"How you doin?" Brock asked the girl in an amorous tone.
"Ewwwwwww... go away!" sneered the woman as she slapped him around the face "I think she liked me..." Brock said, obviously not getting the point of the slap.
"Yeah, you believe whatever you want mate" replied Butch, as he grabbed all the drinks he just purchased. Both of them then walked back over to where James and Mondo were sitting. As they sat down butch noticed how depressed James looked.
"What's wrong with you?" he asked him. James just looked up at him and sighed.
"I'm just wondering if I'm making a gigantic mistake..." he told Butch, Butch just laughed.
"Ha! Course you are! I mean, just look at me and Cassidy, boy do we not get along!"
James looked a little puzzled at Butch, "You guys are married?"
"Yep" said Butch. "Have been for a whole year now... and I regret everything!"
"But how come when Jess and I started a relationship Giovanni fired us, you two still work there don't you?"
"Yep, lets just say it helps to be the boss's favorites!" He laughed loudly then looked back at James. "All marriages are a mistake so you're not alone."
"Your not helping Butch!" snapped Mondo. "James is getting pre-wedding jitters."
With that Butch just pushed a can of beer in front of James. "Ah, just drink that and anything your thinking about will just disappear."
James just gave Butch and unenthusiastic "Thanks", all he could think of was me and whether marrying me was such a good idea or not.
Back in the apartmen Misty and I were sitting on the living room floor playing a game of Monopoly that I found in a cupboard somewhere.
"One, two, three, four, five, six.." I counted as I moved my piece around the board. "Hummmm... ... community chess."
I picked up a thin piece of pink card from the middle of the bored and read it out loud.
"You've won a beauty contest collect ten dollars, ha!"
I picked up a thin piece of paper with a big 10 marked on it and added it to my pile of fake money. I gave the dice to Misty who shook them then threw them.
"Oooh, ten!" She moved her piece around the board then looked up at me. "I've got a question."
"Go on!"
"How come we didn't go out like the boys?"
I drew in a deep breath and glanced at Misty.
"Well, I didn't want to go to bars in my... uh, condition." I told her.
I just gave Misty a warm smile.
"I'm pregnant!"
Suddenly an extremely loud squeal came from misty which startled me and made Ash run into the room.
"What's going on?" he asked quickly.
"Not only are Jessica and James getting married, .... but they're gonna have a baby too!" screamed Misty, getting a bit too over excited.
"Oh... .... is that all?" moaned Ash.
Misty didn't seem all too pleased with this remark, so she scowled at Ash and he scowled back before turning to me
"I think you should sort out Cassidy and Tracey," he told me.
"Lets just say they're happy... ... really happy."
Misty and I followed Ash into the kitchen where Cassidy and Tracey are both sitting on chairs with their heads resting on the table. Having a rather strange conversation.
"Have you ever wondered who invented the patterns on snowflakes?"
"Oh, okay then..."
Cassidy then looked up at me and squealed.
"Jess, there you are," she slurred as she stood up and walked over to me. "Give us a hug!"
With that Cassidy through her arms around me and hugged me tightly. "Your so lucky, y'know that, you've got a guy who serenades you with chocolates and red red roses, all I got is Butch, who thinks going out is taking me down to the local shop so he can get more cigarettes..."
I just laughed nervously, "I think it's time we sobered you two up... and one other thing... get off of me!"
"Whatever." said Cassidy, with a strange grin on her face. I helped Cassidy to sit down back on the chair next to Tracey while Misty went over to start making coffee. After they had put the coffee in front of them, me, Ash and Misty all stood together in the corner of the kitchen.
"I can't believe they drunk the wine I was saving for after the wedding.... .... well, the wine I was saving for James..." moaned me as I inspected the empty wine bottle on the side.
"On the other hand, this has made the party a bit more interesting" laughed Ash, who regretted saying it after Misty hit him on his head with her fist. "Ow!"
While I and the others weren't watching, Tracey brought out a small bottle of vodka from under his coat then signalled for Cassidy to be quiet. The two sniggered as Tracey pored the vodka into the coffee. I looked up at them and saw him doing it, so I quickly took it out of his hand.
"Heyyyy..." moaned Tracey and Cassidy together.
"Sorry guys but we're trying to sober you up here..." I said. "If you two drink anymore you'll probably do something really stupid like... ... humm...." I stopped there as I tried to think of something to say but Ash finished my sentence for me.
"... declare war on ants!"
"Yeah, declare war on..." I stopped again and glared at Ash. "... Ants?" Ash just shrugged.
"I don't like ants," moaned Cassidy.
"Me neither." added on Tracey.
"Oh! This is pathetic, I'm going to bed.." I snapped, as I stormed out of the room. The others watched me leaves then they all looked at each other.
"Was it something we said?" slurred Cassidy.
Meanwhile the guys had left the Raticate drinking hole and now were stumbling down the street, all four of them couldn't walk straight. They giggled continuously finding this situation completely hilarious especially if one of them fell down.
Just then two women passed them as they did Brock shouted out,
"Hi ladeez!"
But all they did was snort at him and carried on.
"Okay girls, but ya don't know what you're missing!"
Just then James started to wonder off from the small group, he didn't really know where he was going.
"Hey James mate, where ya goin'!" shouted out mondo just a little bit more louder than he expected to.
"Just over here!" James shouted back. While James was wondering off Mondo saw it as a perfect chance to pull a prank on him. He signalled for Butch and Brock to join him. As soon as they did Mondo began whispering into their ears. Huge evil smiles grew across the faces of the three men as they looked back up at James.
"This is gonna be good..." sniggered Butch.
The next morning in the apartment, Misty, who had spent the night in the spare bedroom, was up bright and early. She decided to make breakfast for herself and the others, but everyone else was asleep.
I woke up slowly in my bedroom and sleepily reached over for James but found him not there.
"He must have spent the night over at Mondo's." I thought to myself. Suddenly I felt a wave of nausea go through me.
"Oh God..." I said as I quickly got out of bed and made a dash for the bathroom, Misty wished me a good morning but I didn't have time to respond as I ran into the bathroom beating Cassidy who had also made a dash for it. She began to bang hard on the door.
"Hey!" snapped Cassidy as she banged harder. "You're not the only one who wants to throw up in there you know!"
With that Cassidy stopped drumming on the door and sat back down on the sofa. Just then somebody knocked on the door, Misty went to answer it, it was Holly and Nicky.
"The bridesmaids are here," announced Nicky.
"Oh zip-a-de-do-dah" Cassidy snapped, sarcastically.
"What's up with her?" asked Holly, as they walked into the apartment.
"Don't ask." replied Misty as she closed the door behind them.
"So where's the bride-to-be?" asked Nicky.
"Oh the bathroom" Misty told them. "Morning sickness."
"Oh." Holly and Nicky said together, as they went to sit down in the living room.
Meanwhile, at Mondo's apartment, Brock, who was laid on the sofa, began to stir from his alcohol-induced dream world of girls in bikinis, he coughed and suddenly sat up. He then moaned as he held his head, which was throbbing.
"Arhhhhhhh! Hangover..." he mumbled to himself, as he glanced around the living room, it was a total mess. He then saw Mondo and Butch, Mondo was asleep on the floor and Butch had just collapsed on an an armchair.
"You guys awake?" he asked, Mondo and Butch replied by giving him assorted moans. "What about you James?" Brock got no reply. Brock woke up a little more and carefully looked around the room. He then turned to Butch and mondo. "Where's James?"
Butch and Mondo both sat up and looked at Brock puzzled.
"Isn't he here?" asked Mondo, Brock shook his head. Suddenly the three of them began to run about panicked.
"Aah! WE'VE LOST THE GROOM!" shouted Mondo. "Jessica's gonna kill us!"
"Now just calm down!" said Butch, his voice rougher than usual. "Just try and think back to the last thing we all remember..."
"Drinking in the bar," replied Mondo.
"hummm...." Thought Butch. "Leaving the apartment..."
"Three days ago..." added on Brock. The three of them just exchanged glances, then all of them started to run about in a panic again.
The sound of Fearows calling out above him made James wake up slowly. As he did he squinted as the sun's rays caught his eyes. He carefully sat up holding his head delicately.
"Where am I?" he asked himself, just then he heard what sounded like waves crashing against something, he looked over the edge of whatever he was sat on and saw nothing but water. He stood up slowly to see nothing but water for miles. He then noticed what he was standing on, a boat.
"Oh, this can't be good," he moaned to himself as he stood glancing around the white boat. It was only small, but obviously big enough so no one would notice him. He began to stumble towards the cabin of the boat, when he got there he looked through the window to see a guy who was driving the boat. James knocked on the window to get the attention of the driver. The driver of the boat looked at James puzzled then let him into the cabin.
"Woah! I didn't know I had a passenger on this trip." he said, finding the situation a bit funny.
"Look, somehow I got on this boat but I need to get back to the shore." James told the driver. "I'm getting married in like 2 hours and I kind of need to be there."
"Sorry, but this boat is going only one way... ... this way.."
James just moaned.
"Look I'll give you whatever amount of money you want! Just please turn the boat around!" James reached into his back pocket but a large sweatdrop formed when he didn't find his wallet.
"Damn it" he cursed. "The guys must of taken my wallet!"
The driver just laughed.
"Aha, this must be a prank your friends played on you..." he said. "My friends did the same to me on my stag night."
"And how did you get back in time for the wedding?"
"Didn't! by the time I got there she had ran off with the vicar..."
James just moaned again this time hitting his head against the window. Just then the driver pointed out ahead.
"You could hitch a ride on this boat," he suggested. "It looks like it's heading your way!"
James looked out of the window and saw another boat heading towards them.
"Great." he said. The driver leaned out of the window and signalled to the other boat to stop. The two boats pulled up side by side and the driver began talking to the people on the other boat.
"Yeah, sorry to disturb you." he began. "But I got a guy on here who needs to head back the way your going."
"Why sure. I see no harm in that." replied a posh man's voice, which James recognized.
"No! It, it... It can't be..." gasped James in disbelief as he stared at the other boat. Two figures emerged from it and he instantly recognized them... his parents.
"Why if it isn't James, our delinquent son..." said his mother as she peered into the cabin of the boat James was on.
"Oh... this isn't happening..." James moaned to himself through clenched teeth. He sighed as he looked at his parents; he knew that they were his only chance of getting back in time for his wedding. Cautiously James climbed out of the cabin onto his parents boat. The two boats pulled away from each other slowly, James just sat down and scowled at his parents warning them that they shouldn't come anywhere near him.
"Why James dear, why are you all the way out here?" His mother asked her son.
"None of your business..." replied James, who hadn't forgotten the last time he saw his parents.
"Well at least Jessibelle isn't here," He thought to himself, but he suddenly heard the most terrifying voice ever, belonging to the most psychotic woman ever... Jessibelle.!
"Well if it isn't my beloved James," she cried out happily, as she ran up to him. James just quickly backed off.
"Well isn't this grand dear?" his father said to his mother. "We can have a magnificent wedding for James and Jessibelle at our splendid beach house."
These words cut through James and something in him snapped. James stood up and glared at his parents and Jessibelle..
"LOOK!" he shouted. "I am never gonna merry Jessibelle! Got it?! I'm only marrying one girl and she's waiting for me on shore... so you all better just shut up and get me there!"
Jessibelle and his parents just stood in front of him shocked about his sudden fierce rebellion towards them, especially Jessibelle who thought that James would be running scared of her by now. James just smiled to himself, it felt good to stick up to his parents. His mother turned to the driver of the boat and nodded to tell him to keep driving. James drew in a deep breath and sat down, still keeping his eyes on his parents and Jessibelle, just in case they tried anything.
Back on shore, people had started arriving at the hotel where me and James had organized to have our wedding. Misty was waiting outside with her Togetic, who was wearing a very cute white flower on its head for the wedding. When she saw Brock, Butch and Mondo approaching her eyes lit up.
"Hi guys," she called out as she and her Togetic walked over to them. "Where's James, still getting ready?"
The three guys just laughed nervously as they all tried to think of an excuse they could use.
"Well the truth is..." began Mondo as he nervously rubbed the back of his head. "... we kind of... uh... lost ... James"
"You whaaat?!" screamed Misty as her head grew twice the size of her body.
Mondo just hid behind Brock, "Don't hurt me..."
Just then Ash ran up to them, with Pikachu firmly perched on his shoulders. He noticed how mad misty was and how nervous, Brock, Mondo and Butch were.
"What's going on?" he asked them.
"Guess WHO lost the GROOM!" shouted Misty as she glared at Butch, Mondo and Brock.
"You guys lost James" Ash said as he turned to the three guys. He then suddenly burst out laughing. Misty just got angry again.
Ash joined mondo behind Brock and cowered.
"Now I suggest that you three go look for him!" demanded Misty.
"Right away..." Brock, Mondo and Butch said together as they ran off. Ash just watched them leave, he then started giggling again.
".... I can't believe they... they lost James..."
Misty just whacked him over the head, then walked off with Togetic following.
Inside one of the hotels rooms, I emerged into the small living room from one of the bedrooms and looked at myself wearing the wedding dress in the mirror, I then turned to Meowth who was sitting on the sofa.
"So? What do you think?"
Meowth looked up from a magazine he was reading and his mouth instantly dropped open, completely stunned at how beautiful I looked.
"If I wasn't a Pokémon I'd marry you! You look simplay buuuuuuuuuuutiful!" the cat said, I just smiled at the Pokémon to say thanks, I then turned back towards the mirror and rubbed my flat stomach.
"I'm just so glad I'm not far enough in this pregnancy to show..."
Meowth just rolled his eyes. "Typical Jessica..." he thought to himself.
Just then Misty came bursting through the door closely followed by Togetic, I just smiled at her and gave her a little twirl.
"So, how do I look?" I asked her, for a small moment Misty forgot all her rage and gave me a huge smile.
"Oh! You look so beautiful!" she said, then she remembered why she had gone into the room in the first place. "... Err.. Jess?... I've got some ... bad news"....
"Oh, what's that?" I replied, not really paying attention to Misty as I admired myself in the mirror again.
"Err... uh, well... the guys kind of lost James last night and ... no one can find him."
The happy expression on my face changed to a worried one as I slowly turned to look at Misty. "What?"
I slowly walked over to the sofa and sat beside Meowth, I sat there just staring at the floor. Misty too sat down on the sofa on the other side of Meowth.
"Brock, Mondo and Butch are out looking for him now," Misty told me, hoping to make me feel better. Misty looked up at me and just smiled. "Don't worry. they'll find him"
"Yeah..." agreed Meowth. "James wouldn't leave you after all de trouble he went to propose to you and everything." I looked at Misty and Meowth and nodded, "Yeah."
Misty's Togetic walked over to me and began to rub its head against my shoulder, I looked at it then began to stroke its head, and the creature began to coo as I did. "Yeah, everything will be fine," I told myself quietly, forcing myself to believe what I had just said.
Mondo, Brock and Butch looked all over Viridian city for about half an hour for James then they decided to run down to the Viridian city docks to look for James, they didn't know why they just had a feeling that they were there the night before. As they walked along the sidewalk they looked at all the boats they were passing, a lot of them were very nice and looked pretty expensive.
"I say if we don't find James we steal one of these and skip the country..." Butch said to Brock and Mondo. "Then that Misty girl can't hurt us!"
"Is that your solution to everything?" Brock asked, Butch just shrugged. "Guess so."
Just then Mondo pointed out to a boat just coming into view on the horizon, he got out some binoculars (which he magically had on him) and looked at the boat through them. He carefully scanned it then got excited as he saw James standing on the front of it.
"It's James! We've found him!" he shouted out. All three of them ran to where there the boat was heading and began to wave their arms franticly to try and get his attention.
On the boat James saw his three friends on the shore, he looked at the driver and ordered him to pull up to where his friends stood. The driver nodded to show he acknowledged what he had said and began to head towards Mondo, Brock and Butch.
As soon as they pulled up at the dock James jumped off the boat and scowled at his three friends who just cowered in front of him.
"Remind me to pull something like this on you guys when you get married..." he told them. Mondo, Butch and Brock just smiled nervously at him, James just sighed, he knew he couldn't be too angry with them; he just sighed and smiled at them. "Come on we need to get to the wedding."
They were about to run off when the voice of his parents stopped him.
"Why, James dear, don't we get invited?" asked his mother, sounding disappointed.
"Yes, we want to see whom your disgracing our family name for." added on his father. James just stared at them evilly.
"Fine. you all can come," he told them. "Only if you agree to just stand there and behave."
His parents and Jessebelle reluctantly agreed. The group then all ran off, heading back to the hotel.
Back at the hotel, the wedding was soon to start, but James and the other guys weren't back yet. Misty stood at the doorway to the room they were holding the wedding with Togetic, Holly and Nicky. The room was surprisingly full of people, people who will soon get restless if the guys didn't turn up soon.
I wandered around the corner and joined them; I too peered into the room, and then let out a huge sigh.
"They're not back yet?" I asked. Misty just shook her head, "Nope."
My heart sank in my chest, I knew James would never be capable of leaving me like this, but the longer he was missing the harder it was for me to believe that. Holly put a comforting hand on my shoulder.
"He'll turn up," She told me. "And if he doesn't we can do what I usually do to men who scorn me... burn his stuff."
I just frowned at my friend, I knew Holly was only trying to make me feel better, but it wasn't working.
Suddenly I heard a voice, I recognized it. I looked behind myself to see James running around the corner with Butch, Brock and Mondo. Whatever rage I was feeling towards James just disappeared, I was just glad he had turned up. Then I saw who else was with him, his parents and Jessibelle. Rage began to build up in me again, especially when I made eye contact with Jessibelle.
"This is what James is marrying," she said scornfully, as she approached me, I just glared at her, then my attention turned to James.
"What is SHE doing here?!" I asked him. James tried to explain how he had to ride back with them on their boat to get to the wedding but he could tell I wasn't listening to him; I was too busy exchanging evil looks with Jessibelle.
"Look, just ignore her," James told me. "She's not important, what's important is that we go in that room and get married, okay?" James looked down at what he was wearing, a grey thin jumper and blue jeans from last night. "Okay I'm not exactly dressed for it, but all I care about is marrying you."
I stayed silent for a while, just looking at James. I then suddenly took off the flower headband I was wearing and threw it to the floor.
"Maybe I don't want to get married anymore!" I snapped with tears in my eyes, before storming off down the corridor. James cringed as he watched me leave; he picked up the flower headband from the floor and began to fiddle with it. He then looked up at everyone else.
"I'd better go after her..." he said to them.
"But what about the wedding?" asked Brock. "It's supposed to start now!"
"Just stall them, tell a story, tell some jokes... just DO something!" James replied as he ran down the corridor franticly after me. The others watched him leave, and then Meowth bounded off after James. The others just exchanged glances.
"Anyone know any knock knock jokes?" asked Mondo.
James carried on down through the corridors of the hotel, unaware that meowth was following him. He hadn't a clue where I was but he vowed not to give up until he had found me, I was way too important to him to lose.
Eventually he heard a sobbing sound coming from one of the rooms, he figured that it was me. He knocked on the door quietly followed by me shouting; "Go away" on the other side. James just took in a deep breath, opened the door and walked in.
"Jess, please, just..." James was interrupted by me who threw a pillow at him from the sofa, it hit him in the face, he was just glad it was something soft. Carefully he closed the door, leaving it slightly ajar, then walked cautiously over to me.
I didn't acknowledge him, I just stayed sitting on the sofa looking away from him.
"Jess please... I, Idon't know what I've done to upset you so much but..." he broke off as he thought of more to say. "Look, I'm sorry I was late, I know I must of put you through a lot,... and I'm sorry I brought Jessibelle here.... she wanted to come and. and..." James ran out of apologies, he sighed and began again. "Please Jess, just look at me... please..."
I stopped sobbing so much and gradually moved around to look at him. All the mascara that I had been wearing had run down my face with my tears. James gave her a weak smile as he moved over to the sofa and sat down beside me. He pulled a few tissues out of a box on the table beside him and used them to wipe my face. As he did, Meowth watched us through the gap in the door; he just smiled as he watched us.
After James had finished wiping my face he just looked at me and gave me a pouty puppy dog look which often just made me melt.
"Forgive me?"
I just nodded as I wrapped my arms around him and gave him a tight hug. James just held me back. We sat there for a few minutes silent in each others arms, then James kissed my head that made me look up at him.
"So are we gonna go through with this wedding?" he asked me gently.
"Yeah," I replied, giving James a small grin. James just kissed me on the lips and stood up off the sofa.
"I'll get ready then," he said. He walked towards the bathroom, then stopped suddenly and smiled. "And meowth, I know you're there behind the door. Tell everyone were coming in a minute."
The cat Pokemon just looked at James shocked, he was sure he hadn't been detected by either of us, but obviously he had. With that he bounded off back the way he had come.
Meanwhile, Brock had decided to keep the guests entertained by telling them jokes.
"So how do you get 100 Pikachu's onto a bus?" No body even mumbled. "You Poke 'em on... get it? Poke 'em on... pokemon!" Everyone just stayed silent. "Uh, okay okay... which pokemon is always in a bad mood before it evolves? .... Krabby!" Again no one makes a sound except the odd cough here and there. Brock just sighs as he walks back through the guests and joins the others at the back of the room.
"Real smooth Brock". Holly told him, sarcastically. Brock just hung his head low in embarrassment.
Just then Misty walked up to them pulling Tracey with her, everyone looked at her all confused as she joined them.
"Guess who I found in the wine for after the wedding" she sneered as she struggled to keep Tracey from falling down. Everyone just sweatdropped.
"Tracey's drunk?" said Brock. "Oh what else could go wrong?"
"I'm not drunk," slurred Tracey, before collapsing in a heap on the floor. Misty just rolled her eyes in disgust at him.
Meowth then came running around the corner and stopped as soon as he reached the others.
"Jessica and James will be here soon!" he announced.
"Okay people places places," shouted Brock, as everyone sorted themselves out. Butch, Brock and Misty went to sit down with the rest of the guests dragging Tracey with them while Mondo, Holly and Nicky waited at the doorway.
"Come on James.... hurry up!" I shouted to my partner as I impatiently waited in the hotel room. James eventually opened the bathroom door, he walked out still adjusting the suit he had put on. I walked up to him and helped him straighten his tie.
"Ready?" he asked me, I just nodded. We were about to leave when James noticed something on me was missing, he picked up the flower headband from the table beside the sofa and gently put it on my head.
"Thank you." I said to James. We kissed quickly before we ran out of the hotel room.
Soon enough the two reached the room the wedding was in, James briefly said "Hi" to Holly and Nicky before signaling to Mondo telling him to follow. Both men ran down the aisle and stood in front of all the guests patiently waiting for me to walk down to join them.
"You do have the rings right?" James whispered to Mondo.
"Like I'd forget a thing like that," Mondo replied with a cheeky smile on his face.
The music started and I began to walk down the aisle with Nicky and Holly following me. James gave me a large smile as he watched me walk slowly towards him; he was astounded at how beautiful I looked.
I reached James and stood next to him as Nicky and Holly sat down on the seats at the front. James and I held hands and looked at each other full of love and compassion for each other.
"I guess we're ready to start," said the priest, as he opened a book that he held.
The Priest began the ceremony; James and I were able to make our vows to each other without any problem at all from anything or anyone.
"If anyone doesn't agree with these two being joined together in holy matrimony..." began the priest. ". .. then speak now or forever hold your peace."
"I do!"
Everyone gasped and turned round to see Tracey standing up at the back of the room, barely able to stay standing.
"And why is this?" the priest asked.
"Cuz I love James...." slurred Tracey. "I love ya man, marry me!"
James just put his hand to his head in disbelief; surely a straightforward wedding wasn't much to ask for. Brock then stood up and forced Tracey to sit down.
"Come on Tracey" he said, as they both sat back down.
"I love you too, Brock" Tracey said, Brock just developed a sweatdrop.
"Yeah, sure you do..."
Tracey then turned to Ash. "I love you as well..."
Ash just clenched his teeth and just froze with fear.
"Brock..." he whispered. "... he's got his hand on my leg."
"Live with it." Brock harshly snapped back.
"Okay... anyone who has a problem besides the drunken idiot at the back?" asked the priest, no one replied. "Good," He looked at me and James. ".... I now pronounce you husband and wife, you may kiss the bride."
James and I smiled at each other happily, and then kissed each other as everyone cheered, giving us a standing ovation.
" Now I love weddin's! 'Specially when my two best friends are in dem!" Meowth cried, wiping his tear filled eyes with a tissue.
Afterwards, there was a small party downstairs in the hotel; a DJ was playing records as some people, including me and James, danced on the dance floor. Tracey was out cold resting his head on the table as Ash doodled on his face with a marker pen. Both Ash and Pikachu giggled evilly as he did. Misty, who was sitting nearby, just sighed at them for being so "immature"
James couldn't keep his eyes off his beautiful new wife all night as we danced to some slow music. I smiled back at him as I pulled James closer to me so I could rest my head on his chest.
"I'm so glad we got through today," James told me as we continued to dance. I just hummed in agreement. "I'm so sorry for what happened."
I just looked up at my husband.
"You don't need to apologize James," I said. "It was all Mondo, Brock and Butch's fault, we'll get them back."
"I like the way you think..." laughed James, he kissed me on my lips, then whispered gently to me, "Jessica Morgan, my beautiful wife." I just smiled as we continued to kiss each other as we danced through the night.
"... ... and that's how your father and I got married." I finished, soon hearing the sound of someone crying. It was the kids.
"Wow... that, that.... that was a beeeeeutiful story mom!" Jamie cried as she wiped her eyes with a tissue, sobbing. "I loved it!"
"Yeah.... it, It was really romantic!" Koji and Miya agreed, also sobbing. "It's no wonder why dad loves you so much mom!" James smiled at his kids.
"Okay guys... dry up your tears... you three had your bedtime story, now it's time for bed. It's getting late.." he replied.
"Aww..." the kids groaned, "Can't we stay up a little longer?"
James stayed silent with thought. "Humm... .... well....." he mused.
"Please dad! Please please pleeeeeeeease!" The children begged. "Can we stay up?"
I frowned. "No kids... It's way past your bedtime... and besides, you three are going to your aunt Jessie's house tomorrow... now go on, go upstairs and brush your teeth." I replied.
"Your mother and I will be up to tuck you guys in in a couple of minutes." James replied.
Without any further complaints from the kids, they went upstairs to brush their teeth and get ready for bed.
James soon looked at me smiling. "I'm so glad that I got to meet you all those years ago Jess... you and I have really gone a long way with this relationship... how long has it been?".
"Let's see... I think it has been more than ten years, yes, that's right... it has been more than ten years.." I replied softly as I cuddled up closer into him, resting my head on his shoulder as I felt him run his hand through my hair as I closed my eyes. "You're the one and only guy that I truly like.. you're handsome, sweett, charming and an all around nice guy.." I replied softly, looking at him. "... and I don't ever regret being married to you either.."
James nodded. "Thank you Jess.... I agree... and do you know why?"
"Why's that James?"
James smiled, leaning towards me and whispered into my ear, "It's because I love you.... and I always will... no matter what happens to us, I'll alwayxs be there by you.."
I didn't say anything, I just blushed and turned away from him with embarrassment.
"Hey Mom! Dad! We're ready for bed!"
James and I broke away from our embrace and soon got up from the couch. "Coming kids!" We called as we walked upstairs.
The End.