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A Day In Vast Forest
Author:Lora Hood (


/A bright forest, Ash, Misty & Brock walking around in bushes, obviously lost. Music plays & the Narrator’s voice is heard./*Our heroes walk along in the dangerous, Vast Forest. They don’t know what they can find.*

“Well, that makes me feel a lot better.” Misty says. Brock is staring at a map. “We shouldn’t have taken that short cut, Ash” He says. “Where are we?” Misty asks. “According to this map. . .” Brock says. “Yea?” Ash & Misty ask. “According to this map we’re lost.” He finishes. Ash & Misty get sweat drops & fall over.

/A screen pops up, it says “A Day In Vast Forest” & Ash’s voice reads it out with music in the background./

“We need to ask for directions.”Misty commands. “Yea, but we’re in the middle of nowhere, who are we going to ask?”Ash questions. “I heard a voice just a minute ago, let’s ask him.” Brock says. “What voice?”Ash asks him. “He called us heroes.” Brock explains. “Than he must be crazy.”Misty says. Brock & Ash sigh & fall over. *I’m not crazy!* “Ha, se Misty?” Ash says, making a face at her. “We’ve lost our way, can you tell us where to go?” Brock asks the voice. *Why don’t you go to that field over there?* “Okay, we will.” Brock says.

They all walk over to the field. “Now what?” Brock yells. *Just walk around for a while.* “If you say so.”Brock says. They all walk around the clearing & fall into a hole. “Ow, we fell into a trap.” Ash says. “Prepare for trouble!” a voice rings out. *Oh, no! Our heroes ran into Team Rocket.* $That was horrible.$ *What?* $Say it with feeling.$ *It’s hard, you can’t do any better than me.* $That voice can only mean one thing, Team Rocket! What are our heroes going to do now?$ “No One interrupts the Team Rocket motto!” screams Jessie. “James, your line!” “Oh, make it a double cheese burger, to go!” he says. Jessie smacks him in the head. “Forget da motto, grab Pikachu!” Meowth commands.

“Why would the narrator set us up like that?”Ash asks. *It’s better for the plot.* $And it’s in the script.$ “I guess you can’t trust anyone.” Ash moans. “You have bigger things to worry about!” Misty says pointing to Pikachu. “Ha!” James laughs, pulling out a Bazooka-looking weapon. “Fire!” Meowth yells. “Aye Aye!” James says, shooting the gun. A plunger on a rope hits Pikachu & Team Rocket reels him in. “Chu!” Pikachu yells, giving an electric shock. “Ha, Ha, Ha!”Team Rocket laughs. “You can’t hurt us, these suits are 100% shock-proof!” Jessie explains to the creature from inside a rubber suit.

/A commercial comes on “Who’s that Pokemon?” Another commercial “Come to the Pokemon Convention, there will be games & food.” Yet another commercial comes. It has Batman & Pikachu on it “Watch Pokemon, on right now.” Back to our show. “It’s Bulbasaur!” The siluette was obvious./

“You won’t get away with this! Bulbasaur, go!” Ash yells. “Bulbasaur!” The Pokemon shouts. “Pull us out of here with Vinewhip!” Ash commands. “AAh, they’re getting out!” James yells. “Get in da Balloon, get in da Balloon!”Meowth yells to his companions. “Not so fast!” Brock yells. “Go, Onix!”/Music starts playing./ “Get us out of here, James!” Jessie screams. “Aye, Aye!” He shouts, taking command of the craft. “Onix, stop their Balloon!” Brock yells. Onix grabs the balloon & pulls it down. “AAH!” Team Rocket screams as they are pulled back to the ground. “Bulbasaur, get Pikachu with your vines.” Ash says. Bulbasaur extends his vines & grabs the yellow critter. “Okay, now, Onix. They have to go now.”Brock smiles. “No!” the three Rockets scream. Onix flings them into the sky. “Looks like Team Rocket’s blasting off again!” Ping./The music plays loudly now./

*Ash & his friends are heading off to a new place. For now they are lost, but who knows what they’ll find tomorrow.* $I do.$ *Well, who knows when they will get out of the forest then.* $I know that too.$ “No you don’t!” Misty yells. $Oh yes, I do. I can make anything I want happen.$ “No, you can’t!” Ash says. $When you fall into a sewer next week, remember this conversation.$ *Well, stay tuned next week when Ash Ketchum falls into a sewer.* “Eew”Brock whines. “Oh man!” Ash says. $Ha, Ha, Ha!$

-The End-