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“The way I feel” / _Jessie_

Part 3 - The things you have to do for love

Jessie was wondering around in the big estate, walking down the halls and looking sadly through the windows. The beautiful estate that was so inviting before had become her golden cage. It's been 2 months since James and Jessiebell got married, and things got really though. Sure, she had everything she needed, and she was wearing a designer’s original dress and had a pearl necklace around her neck but... James was busy in his businesses and was totally flooded with work, so he hardly had any time for Jessie. Also, the job he promised her wasn’t given to her yet, and she felt lonely and bored. One sleepless night she passed near James and Jessiebell’s room, and she heard Jessiebell giggling. She didn’t consider that before- did James and Jessiebell...?

Jessie sat at in big upholstered chair and sighed sadly, closing her eyes for a moment. Suddenly she heard a voice, and she opened her eyes. It was old Biatriss, the French maid.


“Oh, Biatriss, good morning.” She was happy to see the only person that she could talk to. Unfortunately Biatriss was pretty old and came to work only two times a week.

“Bonjour, Madame... How are you feeling today?”

“Oh, as usual, you know.” Jessie sighed.

“Is something wrong?”

“Oh, Biatriss... this place. It’s driving me insane.”

“Ummm... did you tell monsieur Morgan about it?”

“No, No I can’t. I promised him to... it’s his dream, and all this- it’s his. I can’t ruin it for him, he belongs here.”

“But you don't.” The old lady seemed to know exactly how Jessie felt.

“I thought I did, but no. All my life I've done things for myself, I can’t just sit back and let someone else run my life for me now.”

“You really should tell Monsieur Morgan. He wouldn’t want you to be unhappy. He really loves you.”

“Really?” She raised her head and looked at Biatriss, surprised. “You think so?”

The old lady laughed. “Of course. I saw the way he looks at you. He’s in love. And also, he hasn’t touched Madame Morgan at all...”

“Really?!” Jessie laughed in relief. It was the first time she’d laughed for months. “How do you know that?”

“I heard the Madame talking to her personal maid about it. He says he isn’t ready yet...”

“That’s my James!” Jessie laughed real hard now, but then her laughter faded. “I just can’t take him back to danger and hunger again.”

“Well, that is for you to decide.” Biatriss got up and walked to the door, “Don’t be afraid to tell him how you feel. He would do anything for you.”

“That’s what I’m afraid of.” Jessie thought to herself sadly after Biatriss was gone.

Jessie sat back in her chair next to the little desk in her room, and read again the letter she had written to James.

“My Dear James!
While you’ll be reading this letter, I’ll be far away. I’m so sorry, I know I promised you to stay with you, and I really thought I could easily adjust to the riches life, but it didn’t quite happen this way. I was so used to being independent and doing everything my way, I just couldn’t stop doing it and be dependent again. Living in that big empty house just drove me insane. It’s really not your fault, I know you have businesses to take care of now and also a wife, and you can’t take care of an old friend all the time. I appreciate everything you’ve done for me.
I’m so sorry that I have to leave like that, without talking to you in person, but I know that you would have insisted on coming with me and leaving everything behind, and I can’t let you do this. I can’t let you walk out of your dream. You belong there, with all the money and the important stuff you have to take care of. You don’t belong in poverty and hunger. I do, that’s why I’m leaving like this, so you won’t try to convince me to stay and make it even harder on me to leave you. I love you so much. I hope that everything you want will be yours.
Yours truly, with all my love-

She wiped the tears from her cheeks, put the letter in an envelope, and grabbed her suitcases. On her way down she saw Biatriss packing her bag and getting ready to call off the day, and she walked over to her.

“Biatriss, could you please give Mr. Morgan that envelope?”

“Madame, what are you planning to do?” Biatriss knew by the tears in Jessie’s eyes and the letter in her hand, that she was leaving.

“I’m leaving, Biatriss.”

“But... But...”

“Don’t, Please. It’s done, I’m leaving now, and please, give James this letter from me. Please, Biatriss, you’ve been such a good friend.”

“You are making a mistake. Neither of you will be happy with out the other.”

“Biatriss! It’s not open to a discussion.” Jessie felt her old temper coming back. “Just give it to him, Please!”

The lady took the letter from Jessie and gave her a sad look.

“Thank you. You’ve been really great.” Jessie smiled and a tear fell from her eye.

“Take care Madame.”

Jessie nodded and walked down to the big gate. Just a moment before she walked out of there, she stopped and looked back at the estate. It was so large and beautiful at night, and so quite. She wished she could see James just this once, before she left him forever, wished that she could hold him really close to her. She wanted to kiss him, tell him how much she loved him, how much she’d always loved him. But she couldn’t. She couldn’t even say good bye.

“Prepare for troubles...No more double trouble for you, James... everything will be just fine for you from now on”, She whispered and walked out of the gate into the night.

~~~~~~~~ TO BE CONTINUED... ? ~~~~~~~

Ok, that’s it. My lovely and sad fanfic. I don’t like sad fanfics, and I have a great happy ending but I don’t know if I should write it. I would like to hear from you, guys, do you want me to continue? Please tell me at And also, all rights reserved. And - Pokemon and Team rocket aren’t mine- don’t sue