Love is a strange thing sometimes
You can love someone and they never love you back
And then it is even stranger when other people around you love you for who you are
And you keep on loving that someone even though they never give it back
Then one day out of the clear blue sky...they do the most awesome thing...
They tell you how much they love you
See everything is subject to change you have to keep on doing what your doing without expecting something in return
And then one day what your heart desire will begin to burn in that area
Because see you never go a day without love, because there is always at least someone who loves you just the way you are
And then love is even stranger when you finally realize that you've been loved unconditionally since the day you were conceived...
The one being who has stuck by you through it all
And never ceased to love you unconditionally
And then it gets weird when you finally begin to love on HIM the way he loves you
And then that's the day you stop worrying about everyone else loving you because you know all you got to do is love on God and everything else will be provided
Because he is a provider of all needs and desires of the heart
So remember when you feel loveless lean on the love
God has right in front of you...HIM.
To be kept
Do you really know how it feels to be kept?
See we are all kept 24/7
By whom you may ask
By our divine creator
Because see he still loves us inspite of
He's there when no one else is
He's your comforter when you need one
He's everything when you need everything
Because he has kept you since you were a seed in the womb
Because he loves all his children
Just remember when everyone else has forsaken you---
Your divine creator is there keeping you everyday---
Holding you close to his bosom as you grow more like him everyday!
Oh to be kept
I sit and I think and I think
I think about my ex
I think of how he touched me
Or how he caressed me
Or even kissed me
I could feel his touch all over my body inside and out
I sit and I think
Of how he told me he loved me
Which in fact he never did
I think of how I loved him...
With all of my heart and maybe more
He just signed me off with truths and lies together
Nothing left to believe
Or to feel but pain and heartache
I think of all the many things we could have done together
But it was all ended...
Because I wasn't in his future
And probably never was
I catch myself at night crying and crying
Feeling a void in my life
A void I can't fill until someone comes around with something to give
You once had my heart
You once had my love
You once almost had me
Have you noticed yet the pattern?
But, you lost all of it
Now you want it back
Your love is there
But mine is not
I, myself, will not know if any of the above will ever come back
So, that's all I have to say
My silent cry for love
Does anyone hear it?
All I want is someone to love me for me
I want to be taken care of
I have needs to
But your so busy that you dismiss mine
And you don't realize there is a silent cry in my heart
A cry for you to notice me
Notice that I am a beautiful woman
Notice that I'm smart and through it all I'm still here
But you still don't hear my silent cry
Hug me
That's all I want sometimes
Is a hug
A sign that you care
A sign that everything will be alright
Just being able to know...
Just a hug sometimes...
I love you
I appreciate you
I enjoy you
I love your smile
I appreciate your hugs and kisses
I enjoy the time you take with me
I love you the way you love me...
To feel your soft brown lips against mine
Is like ectasy in my mind
The moistness of your kiss
Just drives me crazy
It makes me want you more
It makes me want to feel your love inside of me
I want to feel our bodies pulsate together as we unite as one flesh
As we feel the inner most deepest thoughts of the other
The thoughts of sensual pleasure
The pleasure we can achieve together
I love the way you hold me
Ever so gentle
The gentle strokes of my body
The light touches across my shoulder
The sweet kisses on my neck and the small of my back
When you touch me ever so lightly, I feel this...
Connection between our souls
Our souls begin to talk to one another
They begin to share stories
They begin go share the desires of one's heart
Then the mind gets lost
Lost in the gentle holding of one another
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