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New Beginnings Poetry


To humble oneself is beautiful

Because when your humble things become more clearer

You can hear the voice that has been trying to talk to you for a long time

Things begin to fall in place

Blessings begin to run over and you don't have room enough to store them

All the things you desire in your life become yours

Because when you humble yourself you become a servant willing to serve

And when you serve you heaven and earth will move on your behalf

I’ve found someone

Someone who listens

Someone who wipes my tears away

Someone who turns my midnight’s into days

Someone who holds me tighter than life

Someone who hugs me and let me know everything is going to be alright

Someone I can lean on

Someone who is understanding

Someone who is kind and gentle and never says a harsh word

Someone who accepts me for me

Someone who through it all loves me unconditionally



I call out to you

But there is no answer

Is anyone home?

Does anyone hear my call?


I need you

Where are you?

Can’t you hear me calling you?



You’re the only one that will understand


Where are you?

I need you…

Your loving arms

Your loving arms around me

I feel so safe and secure

All the chaos in the world cease to exist for just a moment

A moment that can last for eternity

An eternity I would enjoy being in your arms

Very Understanding

You have a very understanding ear

And I love that about you

I can cast all my care upon you

And you will always listen

You will always be understanding

You have never failed me yet and I know you never will

Because you will always be understanding


Do you ever know what I’m hiding in my mind?

See I never let on that there is turmoil there

I let you see and hear that everything is okay

But see its not...

I’m torn up inside

And words can not express the pain I bear

Mere words can not describe what I feel inside

And all you do is add onto my agony with your looks and unkind words

When will you understand that appearances can be deceiving?

If I be lifted up

If I be lifted up...

I will draw all men unto me

If you let your light shine through you

I will draw all to me to be saved

Do not dim your light to the world

Allow your light to shine

Because when you lift me up...

Souls will be saved

Lives will be changed

Breakthroughs will happen

Deliverance will happen

Yolks will be destroyed

Miracles will follow you...

And you will be a wonder to the world

A peculiar wonder they will not understand

But the light within you...

Will draw all men to me!

If God Said It

If God said it...

It shall come to pass

If God said it...

He will do it

If God said it...

It will change

If God said it

You will be delivered

If God said it...


I fell in love with someone

I admired her beauty and grace

I looked at her and said when I grow up I want to be like her

I wanted to be a strong black woman

I wanted to succeed and accomplish things in my life the waay she did in her life

Then one day my life shattered

I felt that I wasn't good enough for her anymore

It hurt the first time

It cut like a knife

The second time I was crushed

By the third time

It happened

She broke my heart

She never knew what she did

My dreams were shattered in one minute


I've never been the same

She was things to me no one else was in my life

I loved her with my whole heart

So see when she changed just like the rest

It messed with my mind

It broke my heart

It left a scar

I see her now and I remember how I loved her

What she meant to me

How she was a mother to me when no one else was

And then how certain change of events took place...she broke my heart

I would never be the same again

I don't think she really realized what she meant to me in my heart and in my life

Things will never be the same

Because I'm...

She just may never know what she meant to me and then just became like everyone else in my life...

I dry my tears

I keep on going in hopes that one day

One day...

One day....


Do you have determination in your life?

Well do you even know what it means to have determination?

Determination can be any spectrum of life






Career oriented

I mean its a lot of things that call for determination

Now that you've thought about it do you have determination?

Well when you figure it out...know you need Godly determination in everything you do

Love at first sight

What is love at first sight?

Is it when your heart goes pitter patter?

Is it when you get butterflies in your stomach?

Is it when you get that silly grin on your face?

Is it when you, well you know...

Is it when you know your in love?

Well, love at first sight sometimes is the most beautiful thing

So. tell me what is love at first sight?

Making Love

Making love is the most beautiful thing two people can do

Two people come together in the ultimate act of being one

Its when two soft bodies are pressed against each other making the most magnificient

Man of Valor

A man of valor

Is an upright man

A man of love...


A man with a heart of gold

A man who cares about those around him

A man that is honest with himself...

Lack of Concern

The lack of concern

I really do not think I've been surrounded around such

I mean think about...

How would you feel if you were surrounded by a group of people who don't care about anyone but them

I mean get with it..

Unsettled Things

Unsettled things

Sometimes its hard to function in life when you have unsettled things in your life

I have things sometimes that resurface

And what it does the pain is as if it just happened

What I've learned is that you need to lean on the one that will take care of anything

So now when they come up I try to take them to HIM that knows my every need and desire

So, I can actually say I have a few unsettled things in my life

A few that will become nothing

I know a man

I know a man

He was a wonderful man

He cared for everyone he knew

He was a wonderful husband

A wonderful father

And of course a wonderful cook

Well his life has come to an end

But no one will forget

His wit

His smile

His sense of humor

His love for life

His love for fishing

His love for animals

His love for people

He will be missed greatly

He was a great man

I will never forget this man that touched my life dearly


I feel lonely sometimes

I call on you

And you come quickly to my side

I greatly appreciate that

'Cause others have forsaken me

Betrayed me

Broke my heart

But you've always been a friend that sticks closer than a brother

I declare this day I am very grateful for your unconditional love through it all


I long to feel you near

I feel uncomplete when your not here

I miss your sweet voice

Your tenderness

Your warm embrace

I miss the way you comfort me and tell me everything is going to be alright

I miss the way you hold me when I cry

I miss your loving kindness

And I long to feel that again


Why do you forsake me?

I call out to you

And you never answer

I know that you are there because I can sense your presence

So why do you not answer?

I cry in hopes you will hear and comfort me

But you never come

Well that's what I think

So tell me why do you forsake me when I need you the most

When no one cares

I know you do

When no one else understands

I know you do

So why now do you forsake me?

What have I done that you would not answer me when I call?

Or maybe...

Just maybe....

On the third day

On the third day he rose with all power in his hands

But see before he could be raised from the dead...

There had to be a prophetic word

Then the word had to become flesh

Then he had to be born and fulfill the word that was written

And while doing this he taught, performed miracles, and all sorts of things

People talked about him

They made fun of him

All these things lead up to the serious of events between the Last Supper adn the ultimate betryal

The betrayal that lead to his crucifixation

His crucifixation that lead to our salvation

The salvation we have because he lived, he died, he rose

And he did it all for us!

City Year

What does City year mean to you?

A diverse group of 17-24 year olds giving back 10 months of service to their community

A group of people building democracy through national service

A group of people positively impacting the lives of children they tutor and mentor everyday

I mean really think about it

How 'bout this one...ask someone in City Year what City Year means to them...

Did you ask?

Now tell me what City Year means to you...

Unspeakable Joy

Unspeakable joy

That is the experience that everyone desires

A desire they long for most of their life

That they hope to get one day

To feel what others feel

Then one day the joy comes

And when it does, you can't find words to describe it



Life has several challenges

Out of all the challenges...will you give up and out?

Or will you take the challenge by the hand and go for it?

Don't allow the challenge to consume you...

You consume it first


Peace is what we all want

We want peace in our lives

Peace in our family

Peace on our job

Peace of mind

But do you know how to actually maintain that peace?

Well I do...

Keep your mind on Jesus and he will keep you in perfect peace

That's your sure bet to having peace throughout your life


Wonderful is the Lord

Wonderful is his mercy

Wonderful is his love

Wonderful is understanding

Wonderful is his peace

Wonderful is your name

He Keeps On

The Lord just keeps on blessing me

See you don't understand

He woke me up this morning

He put breathe in my body

He clothed me in my right mind

He gave me mobility of my limbs

He just allowed me another chance to give him all the honor and the glory

And when you decide to acknowledge him...

You will understand what I mean when I say the Lord keeps on blessing me.



Do you have faith?

In what do you have faith in?

Is it something that will build you up or tear you down?

Because faith is something strong in the eye of the beholder

Think about it...FAITH

Unconditional Love

Unconditional love

Do you really know how unconditional love feels?

See there's only one true unconditional love I know about...

And its from God

Cause see no matter what he loves you by and by

How about that for an unconditional love?


Who can you trust?

Can you trust man with your inner most feelings?

Are you sure five minutes later they won't go and tell the world?

I know of someone you can trust?

Someone that through it all knows all and will never tell anyone

And his name is Jesus

'Cause see inspite of it all he still loves you and cares for much he will never tell a living soul something about you that will not benefit your growth in him

So, I ask you again who can you trust?

Man or Jesus?

Think about...


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