I am Somebody
I am somebody
I am everything you said I never was
I became what you said I couldn't do
Every word you tried to use against me
Was fire for me to go and do great things
I've proved you wrong
With little or no help from you
Now what more words?
More hurtful beatings?
More bruises more blood more suffering ???
I made it then I can make it now
And do even greater things
You never tell me your proud
And when you do its once in a blue moon
But you can tell me how dumb I am or how I won't be anything
But never a true encouraging word
I overcame once and I can do it again
You knock me down and I got up
I became more than what you ever expected
And still it isn't good enough for your perfect world
I am not you!
I am not the people who hurt you!!
So stop taking it out on me!
Encourage me to do greater things than you
Instead of..."your whole life you've done nothing but things to spite me"
That's not encouraging
That's not positive
That's not building me up
Its tearing me down
You may tear me down, but I will do even greater things
Because all things are possible with my FATHER
The one who stuck with me and walk with me to the point I am today
I am somebody and will be somebody 'cause my FATHER says I am somebody