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dear teddy each day brings a chance
Lord bless my 'puter dear friend
dear mommy keep on smilin
friends without faces

A Knight In Disguise © by AngelWinks

There once was a man
with a beautiful smile
He walked into her life
and again made her feel worthwhile.

He listened with his heart
let her cry all her tears
Held her close and stroked her hair
letting her know she had no more pain to fear.

This man was truly amazing
always giving and not taking
He gave her back her smiles and laughter
And she sensed a special bond they were making.

There once was a man
Whose voice could melt her heart
When he whispered tender words in her ear
Her world became full of light and no longer dark.

So, you see, that lady
was truly quite sure
That the man was a knight in disguise
With a heart and soul so loving and pure.

"Bestest" Friend
© by AngelWinks
He sits there so quietly
That you might think he's asleep
But, he's listening with his heart
All your secrets he will keep.

He loves your gentle hugs
Will gladly absorb all your tears
And when you hold him close at night
His soft warmth calms all your fears.

He never grows older
And will always be there for you
Your beloved, ragged teddy bear
Is your "Bestest" Friend so true.

*My Friend*

My friend, my companion,
through good times and bad
my friend, my buddy,
through happy and sad,

beside me you stand, beside me you walk,
you're there to listen, you're there to talk,
with happiness, with smiles, with pain and tears,
I know you'll be there, throughout the years!


I have a friend that I love so
And to see him anywhere I will go.
He has his own special sense of style
And when I enter on his mins, he smiles.

It's the kind of smile to let you know
You're welcome and please don't go.
A smile that makes you at home feel
And from all your worries, helps you heal.

A smile that tells you he's glad you are there
That kind of smile that shows you he cares.
It's a very special feeling to see
A smile like that directed at me.

It's the kind of feeling
that's only there
When there's someone in your life
> for whom you care.

But I know there's more behind that smile
Someone real and someone wild.
Someone so strong and unique
That helps you stand when you are weak.

And when you need a helping hand
No matter what, he'll always understand.
You know he'll be there through and through
He'll do anything he can to help you.

Someone like that is hard to find.
Someone so good, someone so kind.
I hope I never lose this "FRIEND"
And I'll be there for him through the end.

And when the time comes to say good-bye
I just know I'll break down and cry.

Hand In Hand Forever by Rick

Walking hand in hand on the beach
Your loving soul well within reach
I glance at you and my heart races
Your smile does take me many places

The sand under our bare feet is hot
But my mind's on you, it is a lot
All I notice is your sweet essence
I'm excited to be in your presence

Touching your hand is so very nice
Such sweet contact hasn't a price
You make the stars look drab and dull
With you my life is completely full

If I had just one wish I could make
Not for me but instead for your sake
I'd ask that your life be worry free
So you could spend it so joyously

Let's walk close together forevermore
Your hand in mine as our hearts soar
My love is yours and always shall be
I'll ever bask under your loving tree

Piano- by Lynn Smiley

My soul is in the piano, his words are the keys.
Together we compose, the best of symphonies.
How my soul replays his words of the day,
like a composer writing a play.

I hear the music, as he strikes a key,
an orchestra is what I see….
Two soul that share a common ground,
a friendship they have found

What is a piano, without a player
It’s like a soul without a desire.
It sits alone in the dark,
waiting for someone to light a spark.

A hope or a desire,
waiting for someone to inspire.
To play a song of the heart,
a song of two souls that will never apart……

Internet Love of Mine by Theresa Arroyo

We met online just the other day
So sweet and innocent in every way
Now I long to read my mail,
praying and hoping love comes my way

To unite, to become one
Hoping, praying you’re the one
Will this be it for me?!?
Fairy tale ending I hope to see
Internet love of mine

CYBER-Love Means Always Having 2 Say You’re Sorry

The Best hugs that you will ever get
Are right here in the chats, on the net.
If you long to be called sweets, love, or dear,
look no further, you can find it right here!

The intense emotions that the people feel,
are just as strong in CYBER as they are in real!
With certain words typed, people fall in love,
like the words and hugs that you just read above.

Miscommunication will cause the most pain,
it will make you crazy and go insane!
"I’m Sorry" is the phrase you’ll hear the most,
usually because of a missed word or wrong post.

But in it all, it’s well worth the ride,
it’s hard to describe the warm feelings inside!
So, after the "sorry’s", we forgive once more
and try to get back t the same as before!

We have so much fun, everything look bright-
a great CYBER make-up after a bad CYBER-fight!!
I think that for the most part, it’s all just a game,
but isn’t love in the real world a lot of the same?

Then it’s time to go chat again and how much do you bet,
that these will be the best hugs, you’ve ever had yet!

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