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Give me one night...

Give me one night to express my emotion.

Give me one night to show my devotion.

Give me one night to display how I feel.

Give me one night to make a dream become real.

Give me one night for my fantasy to come true.

Give me one night...just me and you.

Give me one night...give me a chance.

Give me one night to show you romance.

I wish I could
by Glen Spicer

I wish I could paint
As with a master's hand,
Then the world could know
And somehow understand
The beauty there is in you
That I am blessed to see,
So sweet a love that shines
Whenever you look at me

If I could portray your warmth
In a true, realistic way,
So all could share the wonder
Then I could see each day
Real beauty can be true
And see how lucky I am
To share this love with you.

A Dream So Real
by Claire Allison

From across the room I see him, standing alone on the wall,
As I sit in my chair wondering if he has even noticed me at all.
I close my eyes and imagine his eyes looking deep into mine,
Kissing his soft lips and tasting his sweet wine.
I nervously accept his offer, and am thrown into a trance.
I feel him placing his soft hands so gently on my back,
Sweeping me across the floor with such a God given knack.
I place my hands cautiously on his chest and wait,
Hoping that my dream will not end, and that this will be my fate.
As the song is ending I can feel my heart race,
The beat begins to quicken, and he picks up the pace.
Now we are dancing around the room, without a care in the world,
He tightens his grip around my waist, and my fingers are tightly curled.
I can see the laughter dancing, wildly in his eyes,
Happiness has no limit now, not even to the skies.
After teh song has stopped, and we glance around the room,
Everyone is staring, for I had been raised from out of tomb.
I stopped to take a look at the creature that had made me feel so right,
He was no where to be found, not a single place in sight.
I opened my eyes and went outside, so that I could think,
It was then I looked up above, and saw the brightest star wink.

The Lighthouse
by Marge Tindal

High on a mountain overlooking the sea,
I strained with all my might,
to catch a glimpse of the ships approaching,
the beacon of light.

The searching beam gives direction
of where the land might be.
It reminds me of the guard I keep
when you are away from me.

I stand like the mighty lighthouse,
the waves crashing at my feet...
my light of love casading,
guiding you home to me.

Wherever you may wander,
remember that whence you return...
to follow the beacon of my love
that through eternity will burn.

Bright, bright, bright glows the light
guiding you home my way...
it will be as it was
before you went away.

Whether by land or sea
know jus how much I care
Look for the glow of the lighthouse
you will find me there.

The title of this page comes from these next three poems by William V. Mason.

OLD Love

Looking back down the pathway,
Remembering days gone by;
When you and I were young lovers,
And time was on our side;
We laughed, we loved, we faced life,
And once in a while we cried;
The cat jumped out of the cradle,
But our love has never died.

The years have come, the years have gone,
Old memories fade away;
But to me you will always be
The young lady I fell in love with yesterday.

Laying here beside you,
Holding you close to me;
Feeling your soft touch, Lady,
You're all I'll ever need;
So tell me once more you love me,
For about the millionth time;
Young love may be wonderful,
But our love is hard to find.

The years have come, the years have gone,
Old memories fade away;
But to me you will always be
The young lady I fell in love with yesterday.

Walk on the Water

It seems like I never really knew how much I needed you,
Every step I stumbled, all my dreams had crumbled,
On and on, 'til all my hope was gone;
And then you took me by the hand,
And you taught me how to walk on water,
And now I understand,
When you are near, I have no fear,
And I can walk on the water.

Sometimes I still slip and fall when I'm away from you,
The waves around me roll, I'm drowning in my soul,
Down and Down, 'til all my hopes is gone;
And then you took me by the hand,
And you taught me how to walk on water,
And now I understand,
When you aer near, I have no fear,
And I can walk on the water.

Think of Me

When you're feeling down and things go bad,
When days are dark and your heart goes sad;
If others should treat you harshly and critize,
If they test you and try you with bitter lies;
Think of me.

As you face each challenge, confronting your fears,
As you deal with each heartache, tho' filled with tears,
Trying to bring happiness to those you care not,
Trying your patience, while accepting your lot;
Think of me.

Should your hopes and dreams be pushed aside,
Should you find no safe place, nowhere to hide;
And when darkness enfolds you, stealing your light,
And you need someone to hold you, set everything alright;
Think of me.

If you would like to view more of William V. Mason's work you can go to his site

More Than Just Friends

It started with a friendship And that was all it was to be But then after a while It was much more than just your smile

I can feel my beating Shouting out for your name I couldn't stop the shaking And being around you is not the same

I tried to hide my feelings and emotions Tried hard not to let it show But even so, I want you to know Just how much I love you so.....
