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-[ G L E N D A S 4 1 1 ]-

Name: glenda
AKA (Nickname): gee
Sex: female... the last time i checked
Age: eighteen
Birthdate: april 29
Location: charlez' heart
Ethnicity: PINAY
Martial Status: there's a ring on my finger
Hobbies: R A V I N G...just say i like to have fun
Occupation: GODDESS
Phone number: mmm i lost mines...can i borrow urs
Ur shweetee (ur girlfriend/boyfriend): CHARLEZ G.
Describe your ideal girlfriend/boyfriend: BALD...clean...has to have a car. smile. good looking.
Dislikes: people that smells....YUCKY!!! ewwww
Favorite G-Spot (place to hang): on my bed....*hint hint*
What's your current G-Ride (your car): Pink Guess Slippers
Shoutouts: none
Personal Quote:
besides being a goddess, i can also be a bitch...
"A bitch is a female dog, Dogs bark, Bark is part of a tree...
a tree is part of nature, nature is beautiful"...
*thanks for the compliment*......
E-mail & Homepage addy: E-Mail MeHomepage

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