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undefined Disclaimer: All X-Men belong to Marvel and Kai belongs to Kaylee (used with permission). The story however is mine. Enjoy…Please send comments to This is my first fan fiction piece so be gentle. Flames will be ignored.

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Written by Wolvester
Part 1

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Slowly my perceptions rose toward the light. I became aware of a pounding in my head, pain in my wrists and arms, and my legs hurt. I realized slowly that my wrists and arms were holding me up, and that my legs *weren't.* I stood on my feet and my arms hurt less. As I opened my eyes, I noticed that my wrists were chained to the wall. Scott was directly across from me, and Rogue and Remy were on either side of me. Beast was chained eagle-spread to the floor. I was the only one awake at the moment, and the way my head was pounding I wished I wasn't. The two of our group who weren't in the room were Betsy and Logan.

We all had Geonoshan collars around our necks. Whoever had us wasn't too bright: My healing symbiont isn't a mutant power in the conventional way. It couldn't be suppressed with a Geonoshan collar. While my symbiont was working overtime clearing my senses, I started to think over what had happen to get us in this mess.

The last thing I remembered was Logan shouting incoming and scatter when something hit us. This really was supposed to be an easy mission….it looked like Mount Logan was going to wake up and it was an opportunity for Hank to gather some data on a live volcano. Instead it was turning out to be one big trap…it looked like Logan and Betsy's sixth senses were right on this one. Betsy had had a bad dream the morning of the mission, which had convinced Scott to take Rogue, Logan and myself as back up. Logan had stiffened up as soon as we got off the Blackbird. I could see the hairs on his neck rising, but he wouldn't get into what was bothering him and the next thing I knew Logan was shouting. "Incoming!"

As my ears cleared, I began hearing a faint howl...kinda like a wolf in a lot of pain. Over the next four hours the howling continued, and I started to focus on it as Rogue and Beast started to wake up. The sound of the howling was making me very angry and I couldn't understand why. It was as if my mind knew something that I didn't.

"I sincerely hope that one my fellow mutants had the good sense to get the number of the train that hit us," Hank whispered.

"Hank? Kai? Where in the heck are we?" Rogue said, shaking her head a little.

"I don't know where we are, Rogue. I woke up about four hours ago."

Scott started groaning and moved his head. "Uhn...a little more of a warning next time, Logan." As Scott looked around after that comment had gone unanswered, he asked the obvious question. God this guy was really annoying at times. "Where are we and where are Logan and Elizabeth?"

"Don't look at us, Sugah... We were just waking up ourselves when you came to and we were askin' Kai the same questions."

Scott just looked in my direction with that "Well...Kai" look on his face. I took a deep breath and let it out slowly before answering the question. "I don't know where Logan and Betsy are. They weren't here when I woke up, and I don't smell them in this cell at all." That last statement drew a lot of looks. Well I didn't smell them; they hadn't been brought into this cell at all.

"You still have your powers?" Hank inquired with a very interested look on his face.

You know if the cell had been bugged with a listening device I would have to be very upset with Hank right now, but I am the one who opened my mouth about not smelling people. " symbiont doesn't have an on and off switch connected to my DNA like most mutants," I growled.

Hank's eyes had lit up and he was studying me in a way that I really didn't like, since it reminded me of other scientists that had taken an "interest" in me in the past.

"Once we return to the mansion, I would like to run some additional tests and..." Hank started babbling and suddenly stopped as the door to our cell opened.

An Asian man stood in the doorway with two guards that were dressed in all red and black. The guards looked like assassins and I recognized the Asian guy from the computer records... Matsuo...the current Master of the Hand. This guy was on Logan's list of people he would like to kill, second only to Vic. He had a role in killing Mariko, and Logan wanted blood for it. He had also tried to brainwash Betsy into turning Logan into a Hand assassin, before Logan had knocked some sense into Betsy.

When Matsuo opened the door, the howling was no longer muted. I was a little surprised to recognize that it was Logan howling and not a hurt animal. His voice sounded really hoarse, so he had been screaming for awhile. The scream wasn't what made the hairs on my neck rise; it was the scent I was getting that really scared me: fear, rage, and despair. Fear and rage are primal instincts, and I had smelled them before on him usually right before I would wake him from a nightmare. Despair wasn't something I'd ever smelled on Logan before. I keep my face carefully neutral when this guy looked in my direction, but when the time came I was going to make this smug son of a bitch pay for what he was doing to Logan.

"Welcome, X-Men! I hope you are finding your accommodations to your satisfaction," Matsuo said with a wide grin.

"Why are we here, Matsuo, and where is the rest of my team?" Scott asked.

"My dear Cyclops. Your team is here. As for my former assassins, they are being re-trained as to who their Master is and, once their training is finished, your deaths will be at hand and my revenge will be complete against my enemies!" Matsuo turned out of the cell laughing.

"Gambit, can you get out of your chains?" Cyclops asked as soon as the door had shut.

"Gambit was don' with that, mon ami, before Matsuo came in the room." Two hands slid from the wall chains to prove his statement.

Within minutes we were all free of our chains. Gambit was working on the door and Scott was working on a plan. Gambit had already tried and failed to get the collars off. They were rigged to explode if they were unlocked in any other manner than with the key.

On the way toward the door, Scott looked in my direction. "Kai, can you locate Logan and Betsy by smell once we're out of this cell?"

"Yep," I grunted.

"Good...we'll find them and then make our way out of here. I want everyone to stay on their toes, since we don't have our powers. Kai, you take point and avoid guards at all cost," Scott said.

Since we still had our collars on, no alarms sounded when we left our cell. The closer we got to Logan and Betsy, the angrier I got. The scents coming off them made me move fast enough for Scott to tell me to slow down. Betsy was in the first lab we came to. After quickly knocking out the two Hand guards we entered the cell. She was chained to the wall, with needles in her arms. She also had a mask on her face. Her eyes were closed and she was covered in sweat that reeked of pain. She had bruises all over her body and of course a collar around her neck.

"Oh my stars and garters," Hank whispered as he saw Betsy.

He and I got Betsy down while Gambit and Rogue watched the hallway.

" bad is she?" Scott asked while Hank did a quick exam of Betsy.

"We need to get her to the Blackbird with all due haste. I can't make a proper diagnosis without the equipment on the Blackbird to determine what the function of the gas in the mask is for. However, I know for certain she has three broken ribs," Hank said while his hands were busy making field bandages out of Scott's jacket.

"Hank, you carry Betsy. Kai, you have point. Gambit, you're next to Hank. Rogue, you and I will bring up the back. Let's find Logan and get out of this hell hole."

The closer we got to the lab where Logan was the more my head started to spin. By the time we had gotten to the outer lab doors I was sweating and I wanted to tear something, *anything* apart that came between me and Logan.

"Kai?" Hank inquired. He was looking at me a little too closely for my comfort.

"I'm fine," I growled as I started into the lab, only to have Scott grab my hand. I jerked out of his grasp and nearly fell on the floor as another sharp pain tore through my head.

"Hank...what's going on?" Scott asked. I was leaning against the wall trying to clear my head.

"I believe that Matsuo is utilizing ultra sound waves -- due to Kai's obvious reaction the closer we get to Logan's cell -- in his efforts to retrain Logan." As much as I hated to admit a weakness, Hank was right. The closer we got, the more my head was hurting. I could only imagine what pain Logan was in, but Hank's explanation did explain the pain I smelled on him.

Scott turned to the others, "Rogue, Gambit. Find the controls to the sound generator and neutralize it."

"Ya got it, Sugah," Rogue said over her shoulder as she followed Gambit into the lab.

In about five minutes, my headache was gone. Logan had stopped howling and the silence in the inner lab was deafening. I ran through the doors and stopped dead in my tracks. If it wasn't for his scent, I would have thought he was dead. As it was, he was in bad shape.

Logan was eagle-spread to a table and triple-chained. He had a mask over his mouth and nose, similar to the one Betsy had on, but the chemicals smelled stronger. He had two large tubes in his arms and upper neck. He had headsets on his ears and his ears were freely bleeding. I could feel his exhaustion from across the room.

Before I realized it, I was by his side. I could hear the others but my attention was on Logan. I started ripping the chains off of his arms, when Hank got to the table. I saw Hank's hands heading toward Logan and I growled at him without really meaning to. It shocked me a little to realize that I had gotten this attached to someone, but at the same time it seemed perfectly natural. He was my partner, my balance; and seeing him hurt like this was making me see red. Hank stopped his movement and looked at me again with those scientific eyes of his.

"I will need to examine him, if we are to move him safely from this cell," Hank stated in a very soothing voice. He didn't move; just projected and smelled of concern for Logan.

At my nod, he removed the mask from Logan's face and began an exam. Scott had gotten off one of the leg chains by the time I had gotten rid of the other three. Hank was taking the tubes out of Logan's arms. I got rid of the headsets and crushed them in my hands. Hank was using Gambit's trench coat for bandage material. Rogue had been in the outer lab, trying to get information on what was done to Logan.

"Looky at what I found." Rogue said as she flew into the room. She was holding the key to the collars in one hand.

Soon all of the collars were off. Logan's wounds were still bleeding freely even though the collar was off. Ten minutes later, Logan was in Hank's arms and we were heading toward the Blackbird. Gambit was carrying Betsy. I had point, and Rogue and Scott brought up the rear.

Logan's breathing was way too shallow for my liking and his complexion was far too pale. He was totally limp in Hank's arms and he still reeked of pain. I had to find the Blackbird quickly.

I couldn't find a trace of the plane in the complex. I *did* find an exit way too easy. I should have *known* it was a trap. The minute all of us were in the room, all the entrances slammed shut and this massive door opened. Water poured into the room and knocked us from our feet. I saw Rogue get in the air and grab Betsy before Gambit was knocked over by the water. I didn't see Scott. I caught sight of Hank trying to jump into the rafters with Logan with one hand. The beam broke and in the water they went. I started swimming toward them when another door opened.

The water abruptly changed directions and I felt myself being swept out the door and dropping into a raging river. I saw Logan's arm and grabbed it. Gambit appeared out of nowhere and grabbed Logan's other arm. With the water's speed, we were soon several miles from the Matsuo's base. I pulled Logan and Gambit up the embankment further as I looked out over the water. There was no sign of Hank, Scott, Betsy, or Rogue anywhere in the water.

I shook the water from my ears and looked down at Logan and Gambit. Gambit was semi-conscious: Logan wasn't breathing. I was rolling him onto his back and tilting his head back before I fully comprehended what I was doing. I started breathing for him. His heart was still beating, but without air he would die. After the longest five minutes of my life, he started coughing and took a breath of air without my help. He started spitting up water. I rolled him over onto his side so he wouldn't choke on the water while it came up.

By this time Gambit was awake, and he had been looking at me while I was working over Logan. "He gonna be okay now, Kai?" Gambit asked in a quiet voice.

"Do I look like a fuckin' doctor to you?" I snapped. "We need to find Hank and the others."

"Night coming quick, chere. We need to find a place to sleep for the night," Gambit said. "We'll look for them in the morning."

As much as I hated to admit it, he was right. Our need for shelter and survival would have to take priority over trying to find Hank. I checked my side: the knife I had taken off the guard was still there in the sheath.

"I can see a cave entrance past those trees. I'll go see if it's occupied. You can start collecting some fire wood," I said. I had my knife in hand.

"Gambit not so sure you should be going by yourself." I could hear the reluctance in his voice.

"Well someone has to stay with Logan and, of the two of us, I'm the better hunter," I said, looking into those strange eyes of his.

"You already know tha' somethin' in the cave? Gambit say we put Logan in a nice safe place and go huntin' together."

"No. We need the bear's hide intact if Logan's gonna survive the night. Your powers would blow the bear to bits. I can kill it with its hide intact and more meat on its bones than your powers would. Also, once I attack that bear, if it gets past me there isn't going to be a safe place to leave Logan. You watch Logan and I'll catch dinner. Deal?"

I could see that he didn't like it, but he also knew I was right. "We do this you way, chere, for now. Gambit hear you in trouble and I come get you." Gambit jerked his head toward where Logan lay. "I let anything happen to his woman and he gonna take it out of my hide."

I scowled at the comment about "letting anything happen to Logan's woman," but he did agree to let me do the hunting without me having to embarrass his male pride by reminding him I could take care of myself. I couldn't resist adding, "You let anything happen to my man and I'll leave you singing soprano for the rest of your days. I'm nowhere *near* as nice as Logan."

I headed off to the cave while Gambit shook his head. Under his breath, I heard him mutter. "That one crazy woman ya got, homme. You two are *perfect* for each other."

Once I was inside the cave, I found the bear. My vision adjusted to the darkness quickly. I moved towards the bear quickly and quietly. I was charging the bear when it noticed me and raised up onto its hind legs. It roared and threw its bulk at me while swinging at me with its claws. I dodged the claws easily and went straight for the bear's throat. As my knife slashed into the side of the throat, it roared again. One of its claws tore my shoulder and I screamed. I shifted to one side, let the bear pass, and struck at its throat again. Blood flowed and finally the bear fell.

By that time, I was covered in blood from the bear. I could feel the blood lust rising in me, and I howled to let the world know that I was the stronger animal here. At the sound of my howl, Gambit charged into the cave, cards glowing. I knew he was there, but I continued to skin the bear. While Gambit brought Logan into the cave, I carved flesh from the bear's body.

I staked out the hide for drying. Gambit found some firewood and I started dinner. My cooking was as dismal as usual, but since Logan was still out cold, I didn't have to hear about it. Gambit coughed a couple of times but didn't comment.

"I'll take first watch," I said after dinner.

"Oui. We find the others in the mornin'."

* * *
Trap 2/?
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Gambit lay down by the fire. He was asleep within a half- hour. I put my back against the wall facing the entrance of the cave. I fed the fire and my mind started to wander. My eyes finally settled on where Logan lay by the fire. He was still bandaged in Gambit's coat. He was still very pale and his breathing was worrying me a lot. I could still smell the chemicals on him, but what bothered me was the fact that some of his wounds were not healing. He was losing a lot of blood. I could feel his body temperature was rising just by touch, but he wasn't sweating at all. I was a little shocked to realize how afraid I was for him and, in a far corner of my mind, I was afraid that I might be losing him.

I remembered how he kept me warm in Canada. I remembered the look in his eye after we went hunting together for the first time. I remembered how he gave me time to heal after Vic. I remembered how simple he made things for me after I told him I couldn't have children. I remembered how scared I was when he didn't come from under the water and 'The Moment' was burned forever in my mind. I remembered the pain in his eyes when he said it was only a matter of time before he lost me too. I also understood for the first time, really understood, why he was angry over what had been done to me by Vic. I wanted blood for what Matsuo had done to Logan. True, Matsuo had not laid a hand on me personally, but it was my fight because he hurt my partner.

I was still reflecting when he groaned a little. I moved over to him and put my hand on his face. He was definitely getting hotter. We were going to have to find a way to get his body temperature down. The only way I knew was from a mixture of roots and bark like Sensei had taught me. As his fever got worse, I had to bind his hands and wrists to a piece of wood. With his hands tied this way, he couldn't flex his wrists to pop his claws in his delirium. I started wiping a damp piece of cloth cut from my tank top over Logan's forehead in an effort to keep him cool.

During the night, Logan started talking. I continued to wipe his forehead with cold water. When I knew the language he was speaking I answered him in it. His fever had a tight grip on him and I don't think he knew I was there. I had to lower his fever. My internal clock told me it was about 1:00 am when Logan was going on in Spanish. He thought he was back in Cuba, on a mission. He kept asking me where Creed was and had it been done. Since I didn't know what was supposed to be done, I told Logan Creed was handling it. Around 2:00 am the language was Japanese, and he was in the middle of the Weapon X project.

He wasn't speaking in full sentences, but I did know that he really wanted to kill someone named "the Professor." He started growling and snarling loudly about how he was gonna shred off this Professor guy's other hand for turning him in to a fuckin' killing machine. Gambit was up now and both of us together were having a tough time keeping Logan down. By 3:00 am, Gambit and I were the enemy, since we had to tie him down with a lot of vines. I was bracing his head and shoulders and Remy was holding his feet and legs. He was cursing us in a combination of Chinese, Japanese, and German for good measure. Since neither Gambit nor I knew German very well, we couldn't follow everything he was going to do to us when he got loose.

By 3:30 am he had gone completely limp in his restraints after having some wracking convulsions. We had had to gag him, so he wouldn't tell every living thing in the forest where we were located. I was sure people were looking for us. I turned to Gambit with worried eyes. "I going out to find some medicine roots and bark to lower Logan's fever, while he's calm."

"Chere, you shouldn't go into the woods in the dark. We find these roots and bark in the mornin'. "

"Damn it, Gambit. He doesn't have 'til the morning. His burning up from fever, it's at least 108? from the heat his body is registering with me. His body isn't cooling itself naturally. He's *NOT* sweating. If we don't get his fever down fast, it's gonna kill him. Matsuo must have put something in his blood stream that is replicating with his healing factor," I hissed at him.

"If I can find some of the healing roots, it will lower his temperature 'til we can find Hank." I turned toward Gambit, pointing. "And I know what the roots look like, I can get them faster than you, and I can see better in the dark!"

"OK, chere, just be careful?"

"Will do," I said as I slipped into the woods.

I found what I was looking for quicker than I thought. Of course, the last set of convulsions that Logan had helped in my desire to find this stuff fast. I knew an animal was following me, but kept tabs on it by scent. If the animal didn't come after me, I would lose it before returning to the cave. We had plenty of food at the moment from the bear and killing without need had never gone over well with me. There was a supply of the root growing wild right under a great tree. I started digging up the roots when I scented the wolverine. He was just watching me dig up the roots. I put them in my hide skin and moved to get the next root I needed to break Logan's fever. The wolverine followed me at a distance. I found the mushroom-like growth under a cliff by the water. I was so busy keeping tabs on the wolverine that I didn't smell the Hand soldiers until they were right on top of me.

The wolverine saw them first and took a big bite out of the pointman. That's when I realized that I didn't have just one watcher: there were *five* wolverines. The wolverines were *fighting* the Hand. I pulled out my knife to finish what the animals had started. With five puffs of smoke, the Hand were gone. I looked at the wolverines, but they made no move toward me. One picked up my hide skin in its mouth and tossed it to me as if to say, "Here you go lady, now will you hurry up and get back to Logan?" While I was looking for the tree bark I would need, we came across a deer family. I watched two of the male wolverines take down two bucks in less than a minute. I decided I wanted to stay on their good side, so I stayed away from their kill. I left them to their meal once I had the bark.

By the time I had returned to the cave, Logan was beginning to thrash again. I started mixing up the roots and bark like Sensei had taught me and added the needed water. My head jerked up when I scented the Hand by the cave entrance. I grabbed my knife and dove at them. One was raising his gun toward Logan. He screamed and vanished into a puff of smoke when Gambit's charged stick hit him. The remainder of the four-man party found themselves under four angry wolverines. It was over in less than a minute, with four puffs of smoke.

Gambit had taken a defensive posture between Logan and the animals. He held several sticks that were glowing. I held up my hands. "No, Remy. They're on our side." The animals just looked at Gambit with glowing eyes.

"You CRAZY woman. Them critters just ripped up four men," Gambit snapped in my direction, while he was focused on the animals.

"Nine actually," I replied dryly as I put my knife away.

The last wolverine came in the cave dragging a leg of the deer they had killed. The leg had all the meat and skin on it. It lay the leg down in front of me and sat down. The other animals had sat down in front of Gambit as well, who looked like he was about to start screaming.

"Un-charge those sticks, Remy, before you make our guests think you're gonna hurt Logan," I said with a sigh. I took the offered leg and started cooking it over the fire. Gambit stayed close to me, but he put the sticks down and kept an eye on our "guests." I finished mixing up the roots and bark into a paste. I cut up the deer meat into tiny pieces and mixed it up in the paste. Then I got some water and made a soup. I knew from the smell Logan wasn't going to like it, but it was better than some of the other things I had made that he had eaten. Well this time at least I didn't have to convince him it tasted better than it smelled. I guess I should be happy for small favors. If he's not awake, he can't complain.

>>Admit it. You would prefer him awake and complaining than unconscious and silent any day of the week.<<

I really do hate it when my subconscious is right. The wolverines watched as I started spoon-feeding Logan. I only had gotten a spoonful down when he came to, coughing. We still had him tied down, so he wasn't a real happy camper. Since he still had a fever, he was really out of it. He opened his eyes and spat out the food. When he looked at me, his eyes were wild and without recognition.

I had to show him that I didn't mean him any harm, so I brought some of the food to my lips and ate it. He watched me. I then washed out of taste with a good gulp of water. I raised his head and upper body so he was leaning against me facing the fire and brought the spoon to his lips. He saw the wolverines, looked back at me, and opened his mouth to eat the food. He finished about half of the soup, before he fell unconscious again. I lowered him back down to the bearskin.

"We have to move. That's the second group of Hand soldiers that found us," I said as I stretched my legs and back. By this time it was around 5:00 am.

"Oui. Gambit agrees. I'll get us some fresh water for travelin' while you pack up the camp? We build a stretcher to put Logan on." Gambit grabbed the water skin and headed for the stream.

I packed up our food and was waiting when Gambit returned with wood and several vines. We quickly make a stretcher and we put Logan on it. Two of the wolverines got up and came over. They sat down by each end of the stretcher on the handles we had made. When I tried to pick up my end, I was met with a snarl and laid back ears. Gambit had turned quickly at the sound. I held up my hand, to stop him from doing anything to the animals. The last thing I wanted was a fight with these guys. They were protective of Logan and they had helped us with the Hand.

After about a five minute standoff, I got an idea. I made a harness out of vines and held it out. The wolverine stood up and willingly walked into it. I tied it to the handles. Gambit was watching with wide eyes. I have to admit this was crazy, but it was the only way to get these animals to move off of the handles without losing a hand. I quickly made a second harness and the other wolverine walked right into it as well.

Once the second animal was in the harness and attached the first stood up and they moved together so the stretcher didn't shake Logan any more than necessary. The other three wolverines that had watched also got up. One moved to my left and the other to my right. The last one stayed in the back just behind Gambit. "Look like we got our own personal guard, eh." Gambit was realizing that these animals weren't going to hurt us as long as we didn't hurt Logan.

"Never look a gift wolverine in the mouth," I said as we moved down the river.

After walking for two hours, we stopped by another cove. I saw something blue that had caught my eyes. It was a piece of Scott's jacket stained with blood. The same jacket that covered Betsy's wounds. I removed the harness from the two wolverines carrying Logan so they could get some water with the other three animals. The scent on the jacket wasn't that old. We could catch them by tomorrow if we moved fast and the wolverines helped us by the lingering scent.

Logan's fever had gone down a little but it was still higher that it should be given the roots he had in his system. When we stopped at the cove he had stirred for a minute and Remy was trying to talk to his new shadow.

"Logan?" I said quietly. His eyes focused on my face and they weren't as wild this time. I couldn't say if he knew me, but he didn't turn away from me either. I brought some water to his lips. "Here...drink some of this."

I helped him raise his head so he could drink some of the water. He got in a few good drinks before he started coughing this time. I waited until the fit passed and offered him some more water. When he was finished, I lowered him back down onto the stretcher. I stood up. Gambit was sitting on a rock with a female wolverine at his side. That struck me as a little funny, seeing as how only a few hours ago he was less than comfortable around the animals.

Two new wolverines appeared on either side of the stretcher. I hooked them up and we moved out. We traveled hard that day. Very few animals in the forest wanted to cross paths with a pack of wolverines, so except for one miserably unfortunate squad of Hand goons that stumbled upon us, it was smooth sailing. A couple of hours later we came across what Hank, Rogue, Scott and Betsy had used as a campsite the night before. We broke for a quick food break and nature calls. The wolverines all left the campsite, but never all at the same time. I checked Logan's bandages. Three wolverines returned to camp with another deer and a rabbit. They lay the dead animals in front of us. I started cleaning the rabbit when I noticed one of the wolverines licking its lips. They hadn't eaten this time! They had brought all of the kill to us? They were welcoming us as part of their pack?

I cut the hide off of the deer and tossed some of the meat over to the pack. They dug in and when they were finished only bones remained. Gambit's only comment was "Merdi. Glad they're on our side."

By nightfall, I could smell Hank and the others. They were another hour ahead of us at most. We didn't break camp at nightfall. We continued. The roots and bark I had made were not working as well as they had the night before and Logan's fever was rising again.

We found Hank and the others just as a Hand squad was finding them. The team was all here. We reversed the Hand's ambush on them. The look on the others' faces when they saw the wolverines were fighting with us was classic. It was a very short fight. In typical Hand fashion, the fallen patrol vanished in puffs of smoke before Scott could tell me "X-Men don't kill." Sometimes, in the danger room he really did sound like a broken record with that phrase.

"Fascinating! How did you two get these animals to follow you?" Hank inquired

"Where is Logan?" Rogue asked. As if they had heard her, the two wolverines that were carrying the stretcher walked into the clearing, led by the third one. Scott, Hank and Rogue just stared as the animals marched into the clearing. Then they turned to Gambit and me.

"Don't look at Gambit. Kai the one that brought these critters home," Gambit quickly stated.

"How..." Scott started until I cut him off with an annoyed growl. We didn't have time for his stupid questions!

"Could we talk about this after we find a place to camp for the night and after Hank looks at Logan? His fever is getting bad again and I'm out of tricks!" I exclaimed. The wolverines added their growls to mine as well.

I took point and started moving out. The wolverines followed me and so did the others. We found another cave and set up camp.

* * *
Trap 3/?
* * *
I watched Hank examine Logan with one of the wolverines in my lap. I had taken to calling this one Grey Coat. She had a tendency not to go too far from my side for any length of time. Her mate Grey Eyes stayed close to Logan. Scott was blabbing about strategy and movement plans for tomorrow. I was more concerned with what Hank was doing. Nearly three full days I had wanted to get Logan to Hank and now that he was here, I was feeling a little better about the situation. Hank had managed to hang on to a medical kit from Matsuo's lab. He was grounding up an anti toxin and mixing it with water.

"All right people, he is the plan. In the morning we'll continue heading toward the Blackbird's last known location. I'll take first watch and Gambit, you'll will the second watch," Scott said, while feeding the fire.

Hank glanced up from working on the anti toxin, "Excellent plan, fearless leader, however, I should remain awake to ensure that this medicine does its job in Logan's bloodstream. It would appear that Matsuo used a much stronger version of the chemicals he put in Betsy's blood, to the point that they have nulled his healing factor. We will not know to what degree Matsuo introduced the mind-altering vapors into Logan's body until he awakens. Until that has been determined I strongly recommend that we keep him bound. Kai when is the last time you have gotten him to eat any food and hold it down?"

"I feed him some deer meat in a soup, last night. He only got a little down, probably less than a pound, but he didn't throw it up later in the night," I said while stroking the wolverine's coat. "Will this anti toxin get his breathing back to normal? Right now he's working hard for his air."

"To be honest, I don't know. The mixture you gave him did get his fever down, but without his healing factor it's temporary; the anti toxin should be a bit more permanent. It should be effective for at least two to three days. Once we get to the Blackbird, I'll be able to conduct a much more thorough examination of his blood chemistry. For now we'll have to keep his fever down, get food and liquids into him and monitor his breathing closely." Hank absently scratched the back of his head. "If he had stopped breathing prior to now, I would be far more concerned. Rogue had found information relating to the gas used on Logan and Betsy. Its function was to make them very agreeable to mental suggestions on the astral plane, while the Hand's head telepath created a reality where they were Hand assassins."

By this time I was no longer leaning against the wall, I was sitting up. "Hank, when we were washed down stream from Matsuo's base, Logan *did * stop breathing for about five minutes. He coughed up some water and has been breathing ever since, but it's been sounding really labored."

"Oh, dear. How many days travel are we from the Blackbird?" asked Hank.

"By my estimate, we should be there in three days. That is assuming we continue at our current pace and don't run into too many Hand patrols. By now Matsuo has got to know where we are heading." Scott looked around the fire. "Hank? What's going on?"

"I can't know for sure, but the gas is designed to impede the mental functions so its victim could be properly brainwashed, however they maybe a more serious side effect relating to respiratory functions if Kai's observation is correct. It would explain Betsy's sudden 'hayfever' to the local plant life. Since Logan was exposed to a concentrated dose at a higher level, his breathing would be effected more. Now, Logan may have simply inhaled too much water on the way out of Matsuo's lab or the gas is turning into liquid in his lungs," explained Hank. "We could elevate Logan a little, that would help ease his breathing until we know if we have a problem."

On that cheerful note old fearless leader got up stretching. "All right folks, let get to bed. We have a long day ahead of us. Beast, you'll take the first watch, Gambit you got second. We'll move out at dawn."

I laid down, wrapped in a deerskin, with Grey Coat at my feet. I watched the fire and thought warm thoughts, but I couldn't fall asleep. Logan's breathing was still very labored but we had just given him the anti toxin and Hank had just raised him off the stretcher with a rolled up deer hide.

As the night dragged on I started thinking. This situation is so typical me it's not funny. I finally meet a man who can keep up with me physically, puts up with my shit, and can who stomach my cooking and what happens? Matsuo poisons him for me. That guy was *really* beginning to piss me off. After we got to the plane and fixed up Logan and Betsy, Matsuo and I were going to have us a little heart to heart. I would have his heart real close to mine, since I would be leaning over his body as I cut it out. Yep, that would make me feel better at this point.

After about four hours, Hank was getting ready to wake up Gambit. I rolled over slowly so I would awaken Grey Coat at my feet. "Hank? I'll take the rest of the watch. I can't sleep anyway."

Hank stopped moving towards Gambit and found a place close the fire on the floor. He looked in my direction. "Okay my dear, but if he awakens, you must swear by all that you hold dear, that you will ensure he gets some food and water into his system. If anything new occurs, wake me?"

I nodded and moved to lean against the wall where Logan was lying. Grey Eyes was by his side and looked up at me as I sat down and then closed his eyes again. These animals had me stumped. Logan and I seemed to have our own personal traveling companions. Remy was well on his way to being adopted by a wolverine that came near him every time he said "Chere." Since Chere was a female, I was finding this laughable. It looks like Remy's charm worked on animals as well. The other two male wolverines, I had started to think of as the Yin and Yang. They balanced each other and made the perfect hunting team. They had been the two that were bringing home most of the kills. Grey Coat and Grey Eyes were the other hunting party. Chere would go out with either group or she would hunt alone, but she always brought home a rabbit. Yin and Yang were starting to stick close to Beast, who was about as comfortable with the situation as Remy was a day ago when Chere became his shadow. None of the wolverines were fond of Scott and would lay their ears back and remind him of how sharp their teeth were when he got too close. Scott had gotten the point when he had come too close to Chere and she had almost taken a hand off. He didn't go near the rest of the pack. Rogue was free to walk wherever she wanted, but only Chere would let Rogue touch her. All of the pack was protective of Logan. I wasn't sure where Betsy stood with them.

My internal clock was telling me it was around 4:00am, when Logan started to wake up. I wiped some water across his forehead with the cloth. His eyes open and he looked at me. There was no recognition in his eyes. I brought the water skin to his lips, but he wouldn't drink it. I slowly moved it to my own lips, got some water and then brought it back to his lips. This time he did take a little water. He was watching my every move and I could smell that he really didn't trust me fully, but he didn't distrust me either. The fact that he was tied up wasn't helping him trust me either. I started moving towards the restraints, I was going to take off the vines that Remy and I had used the other night when his fever had gotten so bad. His words stopped me cold. He was speaking Japanese.

"Who are you? You were with me the last time I woke up," he whispered.

WHO am I? Hello? I'm the woman that's been sharing your life for about six months now! Wonderful, just fucking wonderful, Matsuo definitely messed with his memories, and Logan is NOT a very trusting person. "I'm Kai. You're safe and among friends." You know the one who you spend your days and nights with regularly in between missions. Is any of this ringing a bell in that thick head of your? Come on remember, make this easy on me. I finished taking off the bonds while speaking. I decided that the hand restraints were staying for the time being. The last thing I wanted was him to go claw city on us, but taking off the vines that were tying him down might gain a little trust from him. Y'know, it was a good thing Sensei taught me Japanese or there would be a problem right about know.

"Where am I? And how did I get here?" Logan weakly inquired.

"You're in the woods, we just escaped from Hand strong hold. You were injured so we carried you. During, our escape from the Hand you got a little banged up, so don't worry if you can't remember everything right away. It will come back to you." I hope! I helped him sit up a little against the cavern wall. By this time, Grey Eyes was watching both of us. He got up and returned with some of the remaining deer meat that was left from earlier in the night. He put the food down by my hand and waited.

Taking the hint, I picked up the meat and offered some to Logan. "Here eat some of this. You must be hungry after such a ordeal," I said in a quiet voice with as much elegance as I could muster. I was beginning to remember to why the Japanese language wasn't one of my favorites. Way too many pleasantries were imbedded in the language.

"No thank you. You have already done me a great service. I do not wish to trouble you further," he replied with equal politeness.

He doesn't trust me! Great. "It is no trouble Logan-san. In fact it would do me a great honor to assist you. You are my teammate, an X-Man, and that means I have both duty and obligation towards you at all times." Not to mention, I'm your lover and you should not have to put up stupid macho fronts of strength in front of me. Just once, I would like you to rely on me and let me shoulder the burden.,/P> His reply to this was in English. "X-Man? I don't know what an X-Man is, babe, and I'm certainly not one of them." His voice was getting stronger but what was coming out of his mouth was less than reassuring. He still was speaking much louder than a whisper.

"I would take a good look at my clothes before I made that statement, bub." Oh yeah, that's the way to win him over you idiot!

"You could have put these on before I woke up, frail. I ain't stupid. Now who the hell are ya and how did I get here?"

"I already told you, my name is Kai, we escaped from Matsuo, you were hurt, you are an X-Man, and you need to eat something."

"OK...Kai, what are you to me?" Logan leaned against the wall with his arms crossed.

>>(Don' a man have a right t' know where he stand wit' a woman?)<<

Ok. Decision, decision. Do I tell him I'm his girlfriend and lover or do I just act like I'm just a teammate? I really hate moments of truth like this. One the one hand, he doesn't have all of his memories back, so he probably won't believe anything I say anyway. On the other hand, a little honesty will go a long way in getting him to trust us and I can always deny anything said right now and blame it on Logan's bad memory. Deep breath Kai, just tell him. "I'm your girlfriend and one of the X-Men. You're a mutant, just like almost everyone else on the team. Our mission is to fight for peaceful co-existence with Humans and to protect and help mutants learn how to use their powers."

He turned his head to look at me and the look on his face was a cross between amusement and real anger. "Ya know frail, ya was spinning a good yarn until ya said ya was my woman. Silver Fox is my lady and ya ain't even in her league. Now be a good broad and tell me who ya really are?"

>>BROAD? Who the hell do you think you are you little sonofabitch!<< "Broad? Oh I'll give you a broad you arrogant little macho asshole! You know I'm telling the truth. Both of us can smell a lie faster than we can smell our way to the city dump. I *was* your woman and if Silver Fox was half the woman I am she would still be alive today and not one of Creed's slash victims! And…huh?" GRRR..

I looked down and found myself face to face with all of Grey Eyes' teeth. He was sitting on my lap and Grey Coat was right behind him looking equally displeased with my behavior. >>Oh this is good! Now I have a pair of pissed off wolverines, because I got pissed at my Wolverine and it's not his fault he doesn't remember me and I just cussed him out. Oh yeah, I'm real good at this supporting your partner thing. Logan didn't blow up at me after I had taken on Creed and had gotten my butt handled to me for my trouble. No he helped me work through it.<< I looked down at Grey Eyes and leaned against the wall. He got off my lap but his snarl was still showing all his teeth and his ears were still laid back. I heard a sound from Logan and I glanced over at him. What I saw made me sit right back up.

He was holding his head and his breathing was really labored. >>Great…I definitely said something that struck a sore spot. I'm the bitch here.<< I started to move towards Logan but Grey Eyes and Grey Coat got in the way. Taking a deep breath. I got the water bag and tried again. They let me by on the third try, but both of them had their ears laid back. I could almost hear the unsaid warning. "Hurt him again and we hurt you."

I laid my hands on his shoulders. He didn't pull away from me, but I wasn't sure he was physically able to do it if he had wanted too. He was still weak, which just made me feel like more of a bitch for losing my temper with him. He did tense up under my hands. I started to massage his shoulders. After about five minutes, he began to loosen up. I moved around to face him and handed him the water as a peace offering. Apologies have never been my strong suit, but I definitely was in the wrong here.

"Logan, I know you're confused right now, but I am your girlfriend, you are an X-Man, and I was really out of line a minute ago. I shouldn't have said what I did and you have every right to be pissed at me, but know this. I care for you very deeply and I'll be here for you in any way I can."

He didn't say anything, he just looked at me. His eyes burned into mine and the pain I saw in them made my heart ache. The worse part was I didn't know if I had caused the pain. A little while back in a fight gone wrong and after a nice long talk with Remy and myself, I had to admit to that Logan meant more to me than I really wanted to say and my feeling for him were really deep. Deep enough to be that ugly L word. I wasn't willing to admit that to anyone but myself. It scared me to death that I had these feeling about someone, the last person I loved had wrapped his car around a tree. Logan had a place in my heart and I had a locket around my neck proving it. Seeing the look of pain in his eyes, I knew I would walk through hell get rid of it and there was going to be hell to pay by the Hand for ever causing the events that had led up to this moment of truth.

Grey Eyes chose to bring the deer meat over to Logan. Logan looked and the animal and took the food. He slowly began to eat. I was sure he noticed the wood on his hands, but for now filling his stomach was his top priority. He took the water and began to drink. I sat by him the whole time and waited for him to say something. If there was one thing I had learned about Logan, it was he would talk about things when he was ready. Not before, only when he is really to talk about them. If he wants my company, he'll come to me, all I have to do is make myself available. >>Well that wasn't too hard now was it? You know of course that you owe him a lot more than just that one apology that he may or may not remember in the morning.<<

Whose side are you on? Your suppose to be MY subconscious not his.

>>I am your subconscious and you really screwed up! Taking a pot shot at the man's dead lover's fighting skills after you know first hand what Creed can do was really low. If it wasn't for your symbiont you would be dead too. I'm just here to make sure you think before you open that filthy mouth of yours again. You really hurt Logan and you know it. Take a deep whiff if you don't believe me! The question is what the hell are you going to do about it?<<

I really hate my mind sometimes, particularly when it's right.

>>Well. Trust has to start somewhere and if the mountain won't move then I'll just have to go to the mountain.<< "Logan? Could you let me see your hands?"

He put down the water and food and gave me his hands. I quickly untied the hand restraints and tossed them into the fire. Grey Coat came over and laid her head in my lap again. Logan looked down at his hands and then at us. "Thanks," was all that was said.

He finished eating without another word to me and by the time he finished his eyes were becoming heavy again. "Why don't you get some rest?" I suggested. "It's been a long night."

He nodded and I helped him lay down on the bearskin. I covered him with a deerskin and slipped the rolled up one under his back to raise him a little.

* * *

To be Continued...

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