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A Schubert Chronology1797 Born January 31 in Liechtental, a suburb of Vienna,the fourth of five surviving children of schoolmasterFranz Schubert and his wife, Elisabeth.1807 Starts taking lessons in violin, piano, and singing fromthe local choirmaster, having already receivedinstruction from his father and his brother Ignaz.1808 Becomes a soprano chorister and scholarship studentat the Imperial and Royal City SeminarytheStadtkonvikta boys private school. Meets Josef vonSpaun, who becomes his close friend and advocate.1810 Writes a fantasy for piano four-hands, his earliestsurviving composition.1812 Begins studying with court composer AntonioSalieri. Attempts first opera, Der Spiegelritter (onlyone act completed); writes string quartets andorchestral overtures. Mother dies.1813 Leaves the Stadtkonvikt and enrolls at a teacherscollege. Composes First Symphony and begins thethree-act opera Des Teufels Lustschloss.1814 Becomes an assistant teacher at his father's school.Conducts his First Mass at the Liechrental church.Meets poetJohann Mayrhofer, who becomes a friendand song collaborator. In December, he composeshis first great song, Gretchen am Spinnrade.1815 In a year of enormous productivity, composes Secondand Third symphonies, four operas, and some 130songs, including Erlkonig. Meets Franz von Schober,a young dilettante and future leading figure inSchubert's circle.1816 Applies unsuccessfully for a post as music masterin Laibach, Slovenia. Finishes Fourth and Fifthsymphonies and more than 100 songs.1817 Moves to Schober's lodgings in Vienna for thesummer. Meets many new friends, including thebaritone Johann Michael Vogi, later the chiefinterpreter of his songs. Composes seven pianosonatas, nearly 60 songs,1818 Tutors the daughters of Count Johann Esterhazy inZseliz, Hungary. On his return, takes up permanentresidence in Vienna, sharing lodgings with Mayrhoferuntil 1821 and thereafter living alone or withSchober. Writes Sixth Symphony.1819 Spends the summer traveling with Vogi in UpperAustria, where he composes the Trout Quintet.1820 Stage works Die Zwllingsbruder and Die______Zauberharfe performed. Composes Quartet Movement in C Minor1821 In January the first of many Schubettiads, privateparties devoted to Schubert's music, is held atSchober's lodgings. Vogi creates a sensation with thefirst public performance oiErlkonig-, the song ispublished as Schubert's Opus 1. Schubert meetsthe painter Moritz von Schwind, who joins theSchubert circle.1822 Completes opera Alfonso undEstrella to Schober'slibretto. Dedicates a set of piano variations toBeethoven, whom he may have met this year. Alsomeets the writer Eduard von Bauernfeld, the lastimportant member to join the Schubert circle.Writes the Unfinished Symphony and theWanderer Fantasy.1823 Schubert enters Vienna General Hospital in Mayfor treatment of venereal disease. With increasingpublication his fame spreads outside the Austriancapital. Becomes an honorary member of the musicalsocieties ofGraz and Linz. Composes operas DieVerschworenen and Fierrabras, but fails to get theseand Alfonso undEstrella performed. Writes the songcycle Die scheme M.ullenn. The play Rosamunde isstagedfor two performances onlywith Schubert'sincidental music.1824 Spends a second summer in Zseliz. Composes StringQuartet in A Minor and String Quartet in D Minor(Death and the M.aiden), Piano Sonata in C (GrandDuo), and Octet in F.1825 Travels with Vogi in Upper Austria from May toOctober. Works include three piano sonatas andsongs to texts from Walter Scott's Lady of the Lake.1826 Applies unsuccessfully for the position of assistantmusic director at the court chapel. Writes StringQuartet in G in addition to settings for threeShakespeare songs.1827 Serves as a torchbearer at Beethoven's funeral.Elected an honorary member of the Gesellschaft derMusikfreunde (the Vienna Philharmonic Society).Begins to sketch his last opera Der Grafvon Gleichen,nevercompleted. Composesthetwo piano trios,No. Iin B Flat and No. 2 in E Flat, piano Impromptus, andthe Wmterreise cycle.1828 Organizes a public concert of his music in March,the only one in his lifetime. Despite deterioratinghealth, he composes prodigiously: the F MinorFantasy, Mass in E Flat, String Quintet in C, hislast three piano sonatas including the Sonata inB Flat, the Swan Song cycle, and DerHirt auf demFelsen, a work for soprano, clarinet, and piano.Completes the Ninth Symphony and beginscounterpoint lessons but is too ill to continue.Dies of typhoid fever on November 19, aged 31,aand is buried near Beethoven.