Hydro C. Leviathan
15/4/10/10/2/2/1 +2ECl (46th) Level Water Mage/Fighter/Bonded Summoner/Spell Trident/Pirate/Monk/Chemist
Kit: Explorer
Race: Human
Sex: Male Age: 32? |
Height: 6' 0"
Weight: 190lb/86.18kg |
Homeland: Waterdeep/Zakhara (Huzuz)
Religion: Egyptian Pantheon (Isis) Rank/Title: Captain |
Appearance: Hydro's most distinguished feature is his eyes have a lumanescent blue glow(as result of a curse a genie put on his mother). He is a tall, and would be considered handsome, if his eyes did not have their eerie glow. Now that he has transformed into a water elemental, Hydro has the ability to control whether his eyes glow or not. In addition to his uniform, Hydro usually wears a hooded cloak (that also covers his mouth). When off duty Hydro usually wears clothes that have a myriad of blue colors, a shirt, a pair of trousers and his hooded cloak and boots. He has a small leaf/spade shaped birthmark on his right shin a few inches above his ankle. His skin color is beige. He is usually well groomed.
Physical Traits: He's well built and has excellent stamina do to rigors of childhood. Hydro is right handed.
Background: Hydro Cetacean Leviathan was born Diyab ibn Straasha in the city of Waterdeep(His family moved there from Huzuz). His birth was the fastest and least difficult of his parent's three children. All of Dizma and Wendiene's offspring were born because they were wanted. Hydro' s mother, Wendiene, is a pahari (a sea nymph). She also has some genie (marid) ancestors. His father Dizma is a human Sha' ir and a former adventurer and explorer turned merchant. Growing up Diyab and his siblings' quality of living was Well-to-Do: they went to good schools, wore nice clothes, had lots of treats. Today the shipping business has made the Straashas' very wealthy. Hydro is cut off financially from his family(but not disowned). They just don't support his adventuring. He could have been a fighter, however he did not become for several reasons: 1. He is not very good at fighting his skill is barely adequate. 2. He was not interested in war. 3. He was always interested in magic. Recent troubles he has been encountered on his quests caused Diyab change his mind and seek to improve his martial skill. Diyab could have been a priest as he had good common sense and was very perceptive. There were at least two reasons why he never became a priest: 1. Diyab isn't interested in religion(except he pays lip service to the goddess Isis). 2. He views most priests as self-righteous meddlers. Diyab has one older sister and one younger brother. His elder sister Zallah is married to a human merchant and they just had their first child, a daughter they named her Erin Shae. His younger brother is named Jamal. Diyab had somewhat of a rough childhood, often picked on by other children. It's a wonder he didn't turn into a sociopath. He was taught how to read and write by his parents. His father taught him to converse in jannti, the language of the genies. Diyab sometimes went on excursions to capture monsters with his cousin Castagir Al-Nisr. Castagir taught him how to survive in the desert and the harsh artic lands. His mother taught him how to swim before he could walk. Diyab has learned magic from more than teacher. The first was his mother Wendiene taught him the arts of hydromancy and spellcraft. . His last mentor was a water elementalist named Diehl Kranar. As a water elementalist he cannot learn and use elemental fire spells. Diyab left his home to explore. Diyab's father wanted him to take over the families shiping business. His father felt trying to explore the world was too dangerous and he did want to risk losing his first-born son. Finally after a particular heated argument between Diyab and his father Dizma. Diyab's mother realized that he had the same adventurous streak that his father once had. If Diyab's father had not been an adventurer he would have never met Wendiene. That night the air was thick was thick with fog, Hydro, with the help of his mother snuck out of his family's mansion and headed for the docks Sea Ward of Waterdeep. Diyab enlisted on a ship that was captained by an old friend of his parents. Before boarding the ship, he hugged his mother, thanking her and saying tearful goodbyes. Hydro learned to how to be a sailor and the skills of seamanship on the ship Hespiras. Diyab ibn Straasha changed his name to Hydro Cetacean Leviathan. Hydro was very close to his family. His brother Jamal, Filia and, his friend Larry were the only only people that Hydro felt even remotely understood him. Childhood Events Age up to 13 12 Made a friend Larry, unfortunately after about a year, Larry's family moved away, they kept in touch by through letters, but eventually lost contact. A crisis in early youth One or more family members affected Considered to have some kind of unique birthright, ability or status. Life Events Age 14 to 20 14. Diyab's cousin Castagir disappears vanishing without a trace. 15. Made a friend, Durendal Hawkwinter (human male) had common interests and acquaintences. 16. 17. Had love trouble, fought constantly with his girlfriend Sari, a (human female) fire elementalist. Sari had a cruel streak in her. They decided to break up after being unable to solve most of their differences. Made an enemy bitter ex lover (Sari) (she stopped practicing earth and air magic only vows to use only fire magic and joins the Brotherhood of the True Flame). 18. Made an enemie, the Lord of Salon (Luckly, for Diyab, he took years to carry out his devious plans. In addition, the Lord was hesistant, as Diyab is the son of a powerful Sha'ir.) 19. Castagir's family (Al-Nisr) gives Diyab a mist wolf cub, he decides to name it Ra. 20. Diyab goes off to sea. He changes his name Hydro Cetacean Leviathan to make it harder for him to be tracked down. Ra goes with his master. 23. 2. Diehl Kranar becomes Hydro's mentor. Hydro's grandfather Tiberon was a pirate and later privateer of the kingdom of Baltia. He had three very powerful magic items, a halberd, full plate armor and, shield. They have been lost for two decades. 25. Hydro has become a Bonded Summoner , a Spelltrident and a Chemist. He has also study at a fighting monk monastery and is trying to live up to the legacy of his King of the Pirates grandfather. He is bonded to Bluey, an elder water elemental. Prior to arriving at the Nexus, Hydro was studying various subjects in the land of Mulhorand.
A larger version of the Hydro pic above. Larger pic
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Pictures of Filia
More pictures Filia2
The other members of his party were:
(Drokaal is copyright Ken Robinson.)
a young ice dragon. He went with Marcus upstairs when the search party split up in the Citadel of Fire. His current whereabouts are unknown.
Debio a female wemic. She also went with Marcus when the search party split up in the Citadel of Fire. Her current whereabouts are unknown.
Eldor a young priest in training. He returned to the town of Braxton's Bridge then returned to the city of Nexus. He is currently somewhere in the Nexus.
Katherin a female human wizard. Her current whereabouts are unknown.
Lister an (male human?) assassin. Lister, went with Marcus upstairs in the Citadel of Fire. His current whereabouts are unknown.
Marcus Ravenhair a male human rogue. He lead the party that went upstairs when the search party split up in the Citadel of Fire. His current whereabouts are unknown.
Stealth an assassin(male human?). His current whereabouts are unknown.
Slade a male human wizard. His current whereabouts are either somewhere on the island of Nexus(?) or another far off island.
Samantha/Lilith/Yuki a female human ranger? Her current whereabouts are unknown.
Hydro's Mist Wolf Ra