A friend is a person who cares about you...
someone who believes in you...
someone who is there for you when you are in a jam...
someone with whom you can share your laugh...
and with whom you can trust anything...
a person who will always stay connected no matter what happens...
A = Accepts you as you are
B = Believes in "you"
C = Calls you just to say "HI"
D = Doesn't give up on you
E = Envisions the whole of you (even the unfinished parts)
F = Forgives your mistakes
G = Gives unconditionally
H = Helps you
I = Invites you over
J = Just wants to "be" with you
K = Keeps you close at heart
L = Loves you for who you are
M = Makes a difference in your life
N = Never Judges
O = Offers support
P = Picks you up
Q = Quiets your fears
R = Raises your spirits
S = Says nice things about you
T = Tells you the truth when you need to hear it
U = Understands you
V = Values you
W = Walks beside you
X = X-plains things you don't understand
Y = Yells when you won't listen and
Z = Zaps you back to reality
This is Chantal A. Johnson, A Charming QUEEN.
Cynthia Walls, my web design tutor and friend, lives in Detroit, Michigan. Click below to visit her website.
Cynthia's Website
S. Adolphus Juwley, my main man.
Goonleh Bartuah, my other main man.
My 5-year-old penpal. Her name is Miranda Riede. She lives in The Netherlands.
Edith B. Jackson (Black Is Beautiful!)
Edith's Album
Wuotema Abraham Suah c. k. a. "SLIPPERY."
(Looking Good!) Abraham Suah & Edith Jackson
Jackie Jackson