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Day of Learning

Thoth and Wadjyt were sitting in their garden. Wadjyt was performing some kind of herbal ritual and Thoth gazed at the stars. Both shook their heads in dissapointment at the same time.

"Do you see the same thing I do, Thoth?" Wadjyt asked, looking up from her bowl. He gave a nod, " I'm afraid so. I see a great challenge coming." Wadjyt nodded, " Me too. I see the world going through a time of temporary death. There must be something huge coming forth."

Thoth glanced at Wadjyt, turning His attention away from the stars. They both knew what had to be done. If something was not thought up fast, the world would eventually die, and everything would go with it.

Like they had foretold, something huge happened. Bastet and Anubis had split. Anubis felt His duty was becoming unstable and needed to focus on it now, but would return to the marriage as soon as He could straighten it out. Bastet, not liking the news at all, had gone into a silence...Her time of mourning.

The knowledge deities requested the time to spend with the godlings. Anubis and Bastet both agreed to leave their offspring in the care of the ibis and cobra-headed deities. " For what purpose would this meeting be?" Anubis asked. Wadjyt put her hands on the godlings' shoulders and smiled while Thoth explained, " There will be something beyond our imagination coming, Anubis. I saw it in the stars and Wadjyt in her ritual. Everything will die."

"Die?!" Anubis gasped, " This can't be so." But Thoth assured him it was. " We can't prevent the earth from dying in this temporary state, but perhaps we can educate those who live now, and prepare them for such hazardous things within their future. I suggest we teach those who live how to survive now, then, and throughout any obstacle in front of them."

"This is very important," Wadjyt chimed in, "With knowledge there is power. The more knowledge, of any kind, that we can pass on to the living, the more likeley we can see them through these hard times."

Anubis and Bastet agreed that it was truly what was best. And, for the rest of that season, that is what was done. Thoth and Wadjyt taught the godlings how to read, write, and improvise with materials that were available Anything to make life a little easier and anything to keep them alive. From that day forth, the goldings learned the most powerful possession, other than love, that a living creature can possess, is knowledge.

Midi playing: Canon in D Minor
