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Day of South

It seemed everything was going well. But, things aren't always what they seem. Anubis and Bastet had wed, and started a family. A set of twins. The boy was named Temys and the girl was named Ka Terri. But, as any mother will tell you, the birth isn't the easiest thing in the world.

Bastet needed a rest. The birth had taken too much out of Her. And Anubis wasnted to focus on Her welfare. But, He could not watch over the world, care for His beloved and rear two infants with superior strength. He too was tired. The dark gods decided this would be the perfect time to try and take over. And so they tried.

It seemed that most people began to favor the lawlessness. Violence began to become more frequent, and people fell prey to their temptations.

Ra looked down on the earth one morning and was shocked at such havok. He called forth Sekhmet and asked Her for Her opinion of the matter. She snarled and curled back her lips and began, " It's pure nonsense. They deserve to be punished."

But, Ra had let Sekhmet go forth on a rampage once before. He knew She would be a hard goddess to appease. So, it was He who made the suggestion, " Sekhmet, with the couple out of commission, perhaps we should take over until they have healed."

Sekhmet made no argument. But, She argued there must still be a price to pay for such havok. Ra could no longer evade Sekhmet, and agreed to let Her do Her duty. However, He demanded She not leave the heavens to seek Her vengeance.

Sekhmet had had Her heart set on going forth to bring the world to justice, but could not go against Ra's wishes. She sat back and thought about what She could do from Her heavenly perch. She snapped Her fingers when She thought of an idea.

The next morning, Sekhmet sat Herself on the horizon and began to vent Her anger. The blood of a goddess can boil beyond that of any mortal when they are angry, so Her illuminate fumes began to take an effect. The sun had become brighter and stronger. Sekhmet's rage over this injustice shown resulted in great heat beating down on the world. Her roars only made the world hotter.

Ra knew this heat would kill everything if He let it go untouched. He called WAdjyt and begged Her to use Her magick to make it rain. " Cool the blood of my followers," He said, " And let them feel Sekhmet's rage no more."

Wadjyt did so. And did so every so often when Sekhmet's rage became too intence. By the end of the season, the dark gods had finally given up on their plotted takeover and retreated. With that, Sekhmet's anger cooled, and so did the air. She had taken Her vengeance and had prevented the world to fall into the chaos the dark deities would have brought it to.

Midi Playing: Siderman Theme
