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Day of West

Things were going as usual in the world. Everything seemed peaceful. Anubis sat with His companion, Bastet in a barren field. The air was getting cooler and the days were getting shorter.

Bastet rested Anubis and purred with contentment. But, something broke Anubis' own contentment. A whistling came to Him in the next breeze.

"What's wrong?" Bastet asked Him. He took Her hand to comfort Her, but couldn't deny Her the truth, " Something's wrong. The gate to the Western kingdom is beginning to open."

"You must be mistaken, Anubis," Bastet tried to smile, " I hear nothing." But Anubis kept His ears erect, listening for the next whistle. When some time had passed, He rested His ears and returned His attention to Bastet. And, the whole matter was forgotten, though something kept eating away at him inside.

Anbis couldn't shake the feeling that something was wrong. What if the gate was opening? He turned and was about to be off when He came to His son, Temys. Like most youngsters, He was oblivious to any danger, " So what is the Western Gate is opening? What does that mean? No one is going to rush to get in, trust me."

"My poor, innocent little Temys," Anubis began, taking the fox-headed child onto His lap, " You don't understand. If the gates were to open, spirits good and evil alike could escape and cause harm to those with full lives still ahead of them. I must go and see that those souls do not cause any damage, and return them to the Western kingdom."

Temys gave a nod and ran off to see His sister. Anubis lowered His ears and went off. Sure enough, the Western Gate was open and the souls, good and evil alike, were free. Anubis took his chariot and rode off after each missing spirit. He had a long day ahead of Him.

Temys and Ka Terri wished to be helpful, but being so young, they could not drive a chariot. Nor were they knoweldgeable about spirits. So, they did decided to avert their attention to their own creativity. Ka Terri painted a hideous scene and then, painted her brother's face. Temys, in turn, made a mask of Anubis and placed it on His sister's face. This was wise, for the next night, evil spirits had seen them about and, like most evil spirits, wanted to do them harm, since the younger a victim, the more harm they can do. However, that spirit was in for a surprise.

It came for the godlings, but didn't come far before being spotted first. Temys and Ka Terri began to hoot and hollar and make loud merriment with their paints and masks. The spirit saw the frightening scene and backed away, only to be scooped up by Anubis.

The godlings thanked their father for coming so quickly. " I heard the loud noises," Anubis replied to his offspring, "I saw your bright lights, and then I saw the spirit. You've done well. Because of your creativity, I was able to spot the spirit, frozen in fear at your merriment. Shall this happen again, you are prepared."

His offspring smiled and asked when He'd return. Anubis lowered His head, " I'm afraid I cannot return until the world begins anew. The world must die before I can return to help it live again. I must stay with the spirits and judge them for their deeds. That can take me until the next fertile season. I am sorry, but wrongs must be righted, and justice must be served."

The godlings nodded. They would wait for Him to return in the next fertile season. And with that, Anubis was off in His chariot of spirits to return thedead to their rightful place in the Western kingdom.

Midi playing: Halloween Theme
