1. In a small saucepan cook oil and crushed garlic over medium heat stirring constantly for 2-3 minutes until golden and fragrant. Discard the garlic pieces, saving the oil.
3. Use a knife or scissors to make eight 3 inch cuts into dough along both sides of the filling. Fold up the bottom and then start bringing side dough strips up across filling at an angle alternating sides to give a braided effect. Pinch dough at bottom and top to seal filling inside.
4. Brush the top of loaf with the egg mixture to give a golden crust and sprinkle with poppy seeds. Set aside to rise in a warm draft-free location. I like to turn on the oven to 200°F while making the loaf and then turn OFF the oven and allow the loaf to rise inside until double in size. Then remove bread, turn on oven and allow the oven to warm up to 350°F for 5 minutes before baking. |
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