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History Links
The History Channel Need help with your History work? This site has a classroom, bulletin boards, and a history quiz, as well as time and dates of programmes on The History Channel


Modern Languages Links
Lojeks Electronic German Grammar I use this site quite frequently myself! Good tips and rules for German grammar, plus vocabulary lists and tests, as well as info. about German history and culture.


From the webmaster: okay, so there's not that many links here, yet, but I need to go searching for them, and then see if they're decent enough to go on my excellent(!) site! There probably won't be any more links added within the next month or so, as I'm going on exam leave in a eek and then I've got my A-level exams, so I'm gonna have to KEEP AWAY form the internet.If you would like to add a link yourself, you can email them to me. The link won't show up for a couple of weeks 'cos I need to check it's alright, but it should be there by late June/July, at the latest!
Happy Surfing!

Last updated Friday 10th May 2001