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This Page is still under construction. If you have any link you would like to see here, EMAIL ME And I'll have them up here ASAP. Eventually, I'm going to split this section up a little bit inot things like music, and tv shows, but for now, it's just got three categories: friends websites, my favourite websites, and fun sites.

Friends Websites
Ok, not friends the tv, I mean MY friends, so as a HUGE favour to them, at great expense to me (lol) here's a couple of my friends websites.

Click on the banner to go to 'Skip's' fanfic index, a collection of brilliant stargate fanfics!

Daniel Jackson.Com Is the name of tihs site, mostly devoted to Daniel Jackosn, but also has other Stargate aspects on it.
ULTIMA An up and coming clan on the internet.
Pen Friend's Site This homepage belongs to my German Pen-Pal Anja.

A Selection of my fave sites Science fiction message board site, with Buffy, Stargate, Farscape, and more..I'm always there... Say Sinistra sent you.
Shockwave Play shockwave games, and more...
DBZ Dominion A brilliant Dragonball Z site, reccomended to me by my mate Mariam.
Fan Fiction A great fanfic site. Upload stories about tv shows, books, films, and there's a section for original work too (i think) You can also review other peoples' stories.

Fun Sites!
The One of those Fun Quiz-Type sites.