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Gentle hand brushes, hair away with caress.
The hand of a crafts man, warm and calloused.
Rough skin sends slivers,
Of longing deep.
Desire to be touched
To hold anothers' need.

Eyes held in gaze, as breath becomes one.
Tenderness , hunger, abandon.

Finger tips tracing the outline of lips.
Aching for that kiss,
The first always bliss.

Sighs heard by hearts, as the oldest song.
Arms entwine, bodies meet, union begun.

Cloth falls from skin. Devoured by eyes.
Homage paided by a want, that cannot be disguised.
Mouths lingering,
Where passion decrees.
Tongues tasting sweat,
And dew so sweet.

Feelings intense, heat building inside.
The melding of souls, no words can describe.
Enfolded and sated in lovers content.
Wishing as I wake up,
That this wasn't only
