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Us Kids


Our names are Ashleigh, Jessica & Robert.


ASHLEIGH - I was born on the 8th February 1992.

I am 10 years old and the oldest of us three kids.

I am in Grade 5 this year.

I love tigers, reading, playing, tigers, watching videos and tigers.

I barrack for the Richmond Tigers so click on the pic below to check out their site.


JESSICA - I was born on the 26th September 1994.

I am nearly 8 years old.

I am in Grade 3 this year.

I love reading, printing, playing, watching videos, and picking fights with my brother and sister...hahaha.

I go for the West Coast Eagles so if you want to look at their site click on the pic below.


ROBERT - I was born on the 26th May 1996.

I am 6 years old.

I am in Year 1 this year and it sure is different to kindy and pre-school.

I love Thomas The Tank Engine, The Wiggles, and chasing my sisters.

I don't really have a favourite football team yet...but give me time

This page was made by our mum in August 2000, and updated 11th May 2002