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Stitching Friends

These are pictures of my cyber-stitching friends I have met "in real life". So far, I have met Amanda (amandatn), Regina (mawof2), Deina (ldykristyan), JoAnna, Debbie (NZ), and Margaret. Sadly, I don't have all the pictures up yet. It's been so much fun to finally meet some of the members of the board and I hope to meet many more!

My family and I drove about 2-2½ hours to Nashville, Tn. the summer of 2001 to meet Amanda (Amandatn) and her family at the Nashville Zoo.

Then we ate lunch and off to do some stash shopping at "The Stitchin Post" where I met Regina (mawof2).

Here's me with my boys, Blake and Tristan with Amanda and her dds, Sarah and Rebecca, and Amanda's dh, Joey at the zoo.

Here are the three of us, Regina, me, and Amanda outside "The Stitchin Post" after shopping.

My mom, dh and I drove to Oklahoma to see my brother graduate from basic training in August 2001. We had to go through OK City, so I thought it would be the perfect opportunity to meet Deina, who lives in OKC, seeing as how I may never be in OK again. LOL

Here is Deina and me outside "The String Store" in OKC after doing a little shopping and meeting her ds, Michael.