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Immi Alcomendas



Birthday: April 6, 1978 (she's old)

Marital status: pretty close =)

Occupation: student/operator/future nurse

Born in the Philippines and came here when she was still a baby.  That's why they call her "Immi" for immigrant.  Funny, huh? =)

This girl is so CRAZY... she knows me better than I know myself.  I can honestly say that she's my "best friend".  Thanx for everything Immi.  I LOVE YOU!!!

Immi and her future husband John. (Oct 2000)

Another picture of Immi and her future husband John. (Oct 2000)







Immi and me at Denny's for dinner Christmas Eve 2000. No one would cook for us. =(






Immi and me being silly with the Krispy Kreme Donut hats. (April 2000)

Us at my lolo's funeral.  (Oct 2000)


Me, Immi and her brother Ghandi. Immi, Deliqa, Jen and me at Deliqa's wedding. Immi, John and me outside Pat & Oscars.


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Page last modified: 11 Mar 03

Personal Info Family Raymond and Me Pictures Friends Links Guestbook