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Real name: Jasper Barr
Unreal name: EvilCurly
Age: 21 (9 would be more like the way I act)
Status: I adopt sheep
Home: Phoenix, Arizona
Occupation: student or assassin or assassin of students 
Favorites -
???? band:Hawd Gangsta Rappaz Mc's Wit Gatz 
CD: Hawd Gangsta Rappaz Mc's Wit Gatz: TO HYPE TO WYPE
Sports: Everything but race car driving Lol sorry ssik
Movie: Tie between UHF and Akira. I really liked freddy got fingered too.
Actor: Johnny Depp
Actress: Halle Barry (mainly because of Swordfish LOL)
Soft Drink: Big Red 
Hard Drink: Everclear and HI C (jungle juice
Porn star name: Mine is RAYMOND PIERCE
Video game (of all time): Thats tough. the one I always go back to is Perfect Dark. But I'm 
also a Tekken man.