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I understand you have taken Jesus Christ as your personal Savior. If so, this is the greatest, wisest, best decision you have ever made.

Now, what happens? This is just the beginning, you know. In the following webpages, I will show you how to become a successful, happy Christian.

The next seven days can be the most important week of your life.

You are starting a new life, and this will call for a number of changes. You will need help. The questions I answer in each section below involve all the areas related to successful Christian living.

You are establishing new patterns. During the next week, I will help you do so, if you follow my suggestions.

This is more than just a website. It is a plan of action for the next seven days. Each section covers one day. I urge you to follow through on every suggestion.

The suggested Bible reading each day will take you through the Gospel of John during this week (it will take less than fifteen minutes a day). This Gospel was written to strengthen the faith of new converts.

The suggested Bible study at the end of each lesson will take very little time, but it will help you to learn how to study the Bible. The total time needed each day is less than half an hour. Not much time to ensure having a happy Christian life!

Do your best and God will help you!

1. What Has Happened to Me?
2. Where Do I Go From Here?
3. How Can I Understand the Bible?
4. How Can I Pray Effectively?
5. How Can I Be a Strong Christian?
6. What Does God Expect of Me?
7. How Can I Know the Will of God?
8. What Now?
9. Pattern For Bible Study
10. Weekly Prayer Circle

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