is the thing to say,
on a bright Hawaiian Christmas day."
It is bright all right, and hot too, especially since we are roasting a crown roast of pork in the oven, and the starting temperature was 450 degrees.
Here is a picture of us by the Christmas tree, which is by the front window for a change this year. If we look chubbier than usual it is because Jon took this photo right after we all ate a rather large quantity of waffles this morning.
Lisa made The Chicken Wing Feast for lunch, so in the next photos we may look even chubbier. (After the roast pork we may be downright fat. It is a pork kind of holiday -- last night we had laulaus. "Five beeg fat peegs.")
Since you couldn't open your presents, at least you can look at them. Vanna will display the lovely assortment.
Note the numerous stick-on bows. Lisa admits being less-than-inspired this year for gift-wrapping. One of my gifts came in a blue Liberty House shopping bag with a scrap of red "Merry Christmas" paper glued to the top of it.
Not that I should criticize. You will observe that many of your presents never even made it to the gift-wrapping stage. The array of brown and white paper sacks are gifts from Jon and Nade.
"Brown paper packages not tied with strings, these are a few of my favorite things..."
Dad is hoisting yet another of your gifts. It is too big for wrapping paper or for mailing. (No, that's not true -- it came here to me via the US mail, just as you see it. We haven't even opened the carton yet. I should have had the company mail it to YOUR house.)
Just because the presents aren't wrapped doesn't mean that they aren't niftily wonderful. Jon, as you can see, is stunned and impressed. Mom was equally stunned and impressed by her new Ko'aloha ukulele. It sounds really good. She was playing today. So was Daddy, although he doesn't know how to play the ukulele. Now we are going to watch a tape of the history of the ukulele show which was rebroadcast today.
We miss you folks and are thinking of you. Talk to you soon. There may be another Web page for you tomorrow. Lisa is full of ideas of pictures we can take with the digital camera. And I should show you my dolls all decked out in Christmas scenes -- they have a decorated tree, a bustling kitchen with Revere-ware, and a pony to ride! The Tammys are in red and green gowns, and some of the Takara dolls are buying a Christmas tree.