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Photos for the HK Duo 香港雙雄輝煌影集 2000, 1999:

Photo 8: 2000 World Championship in Borken, Germany, HK was the champion on Standing Upper Double, Japan came second and Holland came third.

冠軍 •(2000年德國世界錦標賽上肢傷殘站立組) 香港隊步上冠軍頒獎台,日本及荷蘭分別得亞、季軍

Photo 9: 1999 World Champion of Standing Upper Double,Trophy presented by the Mayor of Tel-Aviv Israel.

世界錦標賽1999 (以色列特拉維夫)由市長頒發上肢傷殘站立組雙打獎杯

Photo 10:

1999 Israel Championship,

Group Champion, the largest trophy

Doubles ( standing upper ) Champion

Singles ( Champion & 1st runner-up )



Photo 11:

Jeffrey and Garry took photo with Robin (who is World no 1 for Lower Wheelchair class Badminton as well as World no.2 for Wheelchair Tennis), Tel Aviv, 1999

與奇人Robin合照,他同時擁有輪椅組羽毛球世界排名第一及輪椅網球世界排名第二的榮譽 (99 特拉維夫)

Photo 12: Jeffrey was presented Silver Medal (Men's Double) at the Prize Presentation Ceremony in FESPIC GAMES Bangkok 1999

曼谷1999 "遠東及南太平洋傷殘人士運動會" 頒獎典禮 •徐傑民喜獲男雙銀牌

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