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You are the person to visit this site since December 24, 2000! Thank You!


:: January 20, 2001: Info about me. About Me
:: February 1, 2001: Picturesof Jeff+++Magazine, Shirtless, Concert, Personal! Pictures
:: February 1, 2001: 14 New Revelation Pictures! Revelation Pictures Or see Pictures
:: February 3, 2001: **Exclusive**New Wallpapers of 98*, Jeff, and Drew! L@@K!
:: February 3, 2001: New Section added in... Animations of the The group, including individual animations!
:: February 9, 2001: New Pictues of Jeff that are personally mine!

Coming Soon!

:: More Animations of Jeff and 98*.
:: More New pictures of Jeff, Concert and Photo Shoots.
:: More New 98* pictures, Misc.
:: Info on 98*'s new CD, Revelation.
:: Info on 98*
:: Jeff Links


Hey 98* or Jeff Timmons Webmaster... Want to link your page to Mine??? Email me your webpage address and (if you have one) a Banner to your site! ... Thank You!

Note to all Jeff Timmons Fans: I am not Jeff Timmons. I do not have any accociation with Jeff. i have only met him once along with 98* at a concert a couple years ago. I am sorry for the disappointment, but if you have any questions or comments please email me at . Thank You!

(c) Copyright got_syrf. All Rights reserved. Contact webmaster for any use of pictures or information.