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Jeanne's Journal 2004 Jan - June

Jeanne L. Lee in Hawaii
Author of
Just Love Me
My Life Turned Upsidedown
By Alzheimer's
Honolulu, Hawaii


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The author (Jeanne Lee) of this title has asked us to send you the following announcement.


Alzheimer’s requires a lot of understanding,

from both sides of the disease.


Special Discount Price Below!


Just Love Me reveals the thoughts and emotions of a woman struggling with a life that suddenly becomes unmanageable—hospitalizations, suicide attempts, and finally with an arduous search for an accurate diagnosis. Doctors never suspected the cause of her problems to be Alzheimer’s Disease—but it was the culprit.


Lee’s very personal, candid description of her life experiences before, approaching and during the early stages of Alzheimer’s enables readers to better understand people with dementia. By getting inside the mind of the author and experiencing with her worries and frustrations that tormented her then and now, the symptoms of Alzheimer’s become less enigmatic for the reader.


Intended not only for those who have, or think they have Alzheimer’s, Just Love Me is also essential for those who may be interacting with such a person. Alzheimer’s requires a lot of understanding, from both sides of the disease.


Just Love Me: My Life Turned Upside-Down by Alzheimer’s

by Jeanne Lee

6 × 9, 148 Pages

Paperback, $15.95

ISBN 1-55753-298-2


Order via telephone, 1-800-247-6553, and receive a 20% Discount when you mention the code PUP28. This offer is good until June 30, 2003.


Also available from Purdue University Press,

Creating Moments of Joy for the Person with Alzheimer’s or Dementia: A Journal for Caregivers by Jolene Brackey


The Complete Guide to Alzheimer’s Proofing Your Home by Mark Warner



Purdue University Press
Innovation Is Our Pressing Mission

To listen to interviews on health, aging and caregiving issues please visit
and be looking for an upcoming interview given by me, Jeanne L. Lee in Hawaii

The Caregiver's Army

The Caregiver's Army Petition

Welcome to Jeanne's Journal 2004 Jan thru June
It's so quiet and relaxing under the sea!

This is my special place to leave my daily thoughts and remembrances
and maybe just a few "pearls of wisdom"
treasuries I leave for you...

And although we all occassionally find
our ships tossed about on the rough seas of life...

I hope that you can leave my sanctuary
feeling positive and refreshed after your visit.

Click on the diamond below to adopt this diamond, read testimonials, find help for various issues and illnesses, share greeting inspirations, as well as your testimonial or website.

Chat at The Alzheimer's Information Site at 2:00 & 8:00 PM CST

To Jeanne's Journal 2003 July - Nov

Back To Jeanne's Journal 2003 Jan - June

Back To Jeanne's Journal for Christmas 2003

May 11, 2004

i feel so ashamed for not keeping up with my journal but other things have been keeping me so busy. Babies, birthdays, housecleaning,friends and last month I had Todd and Tamra visiting. It had been way to looong since I had seen Todd as we mied eachother on y trip thu the west. It was my first visit with Tamra and she is wonderful. We spent time together on the golf course where Vern and Keola joined us. We ate out lots and I had a party for hem at their hotel where Keola, CC and I sayed over in our own room. The time was all to short but we had a great time.

Tim and Denice have finally goten their own business as painting contractors. They are both very hard workers ad I am sure all will br great for them one day. Jen graduates this year and the other three are in school in Richfield. Ashley is doing great at cheerleading and the are doing boy things and growing so fast. Todd has had knee surgery and has his good and bad days. Infection se tinand he went to emergency for dehydration from fever. Tamra s carring on with her business and taking care of ihim also. Tedd is busy with family garden anfd taking care of his aunty in his home. Has a little heartbreak when he did not cll his mom for mothers day but guess he is moving in 200 ways at the same time. Traci is doing so wekll in school. she is studying for dr assistant and keep a 4. She is really quite akamai in anything she sets out to do. With out help from her X Deb and other famalies are helping her out as well as the little I can do to help. Ally is into sports track and volleyball and still doing geat in her scoholwork. Rian just started volley ball. camp and loves it.Keola and I were going to dinner but he worked much to hard at his job to enjoy so I have a raincheck. Ritas girls invited me to therir mothers day luncheon and i flet happy about that.Got a few resents and leis and haku for the day. Wish I could send them all to people to enjoy as I cannot wear them all before they die.

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March 10, 2004

This is my time with Todd and Tamra. I am having such a wonderful time. Three years is really to long. We are making up for it and Keola is joining us. It is so wonderful to have the boys jabbering away on the golf cart and in the car and I am enjoying the heck out of Tamra. She is a jewel in Todd's life and mine. We have been golfing, shave icing, eating sightseeing, visiting and just plain getting every minute in possible.

I surprised them with the biggest fruit basket and nice flower arrangement and also lots of small gifts. Today we will go on two boats and have fun today while I catch my breath they wet to Arizona Memorial and tracing the path of our 36 years here.

Got to run as they will be here soon. Aloha Jeanne. Hi to all the rest of my children and wish all your families were here to join us.

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March 1, 2004

MeleKalikimaka from Jeanne

MeleKalikimaka, Merry Christmas in the style and spirit of Jeanne L. Lee. Now that the crowds have diminished, the sales are going and Vern has bailed me out of my financial disaster it is time to thank all of you. I must say would like to do this yearly and may just do that. You know you can get away with stuff like this when you have AD.

You can view my Christmas 2003 entry on my Christmas page here:

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February 26, 2004

The following is an email sent to me
after Leeza Gibbons read my book, "Just Love Me,
My Life Turned Upsidedown By Alzheimer's"

Hi Jeanne,

It has taken me a while to settle in after the Caregivers' Conference where I received your book from Linda Tucker. I am astonished at your gift, your intelligence and your remarkable courage! Bless you and thank you for your brave and unflinching approach to this disease.

I love so many parts of the book. Your fresh, candid and often humorous writing is powerful. "Life goes on." "I'm still a person"...all of the words you use go right to the heart of the matter.

What you are doing with your early stage group is so amazing, Jeanne. I (and the Memory Foundation) would love to support you and document your efforts. If we could arrange a camera crew, might we be able to videotape one of your sessions and interview you? I don't know when or how I'll get the funds, but IF I could, would you want to participate? It would be very helpful to those who visit Leeza's Place. What a shame that the Alzheimer's Association was not able to/or choose not to support you.

The materials you sent me were a great help, Jeanne. Thank you for taking time to share your life and your love. I am deeply touched, motivated and inspired. I hope to hear from you.

with great respect,
Leeza Gibbons

MIAMI, FL 33137

Copyright 2004 by Leeza Gibbons. All rights reserved. Copying or distribution via linking, mailing list, disk, or any other form is prohibited under Copyright Law without express written permission of the author.

Reprinted with permission of Ms. Gibbons

Visit Ms. Gibbons's Web Site:

Aloha...Jeanne L. Lee in Hawaii

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February 21, 2004

Time is passing me by, I seem to do so much and there is so much more to do.

I really love it when I get e-mail or IM from the kids and grandkids. IM makes me feel as though I am there with them.

So far this year we have celebrated the January birthday here which includes me and 12 others and my sweet latest Annabel.

This month February my good friend Lynn, Rodney a friend, Annie Vern's daughter in law, and Rian who is 9 today the 21st.

March is creeping in and my son Todd and his boss will be visiting for about 3 weeks but only 5 days here. I have so much for them to do and with a few mistakes I got them $250 rooms for $70 dollars and a great deal on car rental. I have so many plans hope we can get them all completed. They love to golf and have asked Vern to play with them one day the others he is working. But I will go in the cart as to not waist a minute without them. I planned a little get together in my room in the hotel I rented for one night. Keola and his girlfriend will stay with me. Vern is not that social. This will be the first time I have seen Vern swing a club since I had my eye on him about 18 years ago.

I may have another guest come in this year. That is my special friend Linda of the Gathering Place. We became friends on the Internet and she was such a jewel with my trip last year. She did printing, letters to the editors of various newspapers. I have yet to see the three that went into the paper but people said they saw it. I sent it to a few places on my own but with her wonderful words. We became special friends as she opened her home to my sister Carolyn while in Sacramento. Now she is one of my mainland angels. She also has joined our DASNI group.

My children are all doing well of course there is never enough money for the things that make a family run but I have great faith in them all. Thank goodness we all talk often. I would be lost without that. Now I know how mom and dad felt when I moved to Hawaii. The grandchildren are growing so fast and with my memory I cannot even guess their ages within 2 years or so. I am still OK about sending cards and a bit of money. Even a poem once in a while.

Laid down for a nap and lost this train of thought. Sat for 30 min waiting for the door to open for my work today and said to H with it and called Vern to pick me up.

Do not know if I told you all about my canceling Christmas till February but It will be in my Christmas letter soon.

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January 1, 2004

Happy New Year!!!

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