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Jeanne's Photo Album (Page 2)

Aloha and Welcome to Page Two
of my Online Photo Album.

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The music you hear playing is "The Hawaiian Wedding Song"

I obtained this midi at Polynesian Shores

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To My Journal

Jeanne Having
 a Blast with her
Five Kids

Happy Group!!!


the daredevil

flies thru the air

with the greatest of ease.

Thumbs Up!!!

All My Children...

Vern and Jeanne

More Family Pictures...

   A Family's
Christmas Celebration.

Chris &Traci
and Rian

Tim & Denise
Jennifer & Ashley
Adam & Dalton
and Me...

The Grand Kids Section...
 (Pictured are 5
    of my
  11 GrandKids)

A Cute Group...huh?
Check back for Updates...

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Thanks for the use of the graphics Niele