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Human activity.
picture shows the basic human activities of work play and sleep

Food allows us to be active, information controls our activity, and love integrates our activity wisely into the web of other humans' and Earth's activities.


Average human activity under:

old government civilization.

global leadership civilization.

picture shows average daily activity of a person in today's society. consisting of: 8 hours sleep. 1 hour nourishment. 4 hours waste production. 1 hour utility production. 2 hours redundant work. 4 hours extracting and defending wealth. 4 hours leisure. picture shows average daily activity of a person from the global leadership civilization. consisting of: 7 hours sleep. 4 hours nourishing oneself. 2 hours nourishing humanity. 1 hour nourishing life on Earth. 3 hours production. 1 hour administration. 6 hours leisure.


Activity and communication are the two major elements of our global civilization. They are interrelated and go hand in hand. If human activities are properly guided to integrate themselves into planetary activities they are beneficial for Earth.

picture shows the natural balance between life activity and planetary activity Earth-Equilibrium resulting from billion years of evolution. picture shows human activity impact distorts balance between life activity and planetary activity destructive human activities distort the natural balance on this planet.


picture shows tools to create and destroy. and energy to amplify creation and destruction




Total human activity has been growing considerably during the last century. Soon it will rival planetary activities. Therefore, all humans need to become responsible for humanity's activity to prevent permanent damage to Earth.


Silly Activities.

Many human activities cancel each other out because they are not coordinated: Much activity goes into producing waste. Lots of activity goes into removing waste. If we reduce activity to produce waste we need less activity to remove waste, resulting in surplus capacity. Much activity in modifying food results in unwell people who need lots of drugs to combat civilization poisoning. Promoting natural food instead of manufactured foods reduces activities in the food manufacturing, drug and health industry. Other sectors engaged in unnecessary activities are:

enacting laws that create crime: resulting in unnecessary crime prevention and resolution activity.
building weapons that destroy life and facilities made by humans: resulting in unnecessary manufacture, destruction and rebuilding activity.
producing cigarettes that cause cancer: resulting in unnecessary production and health restoring activities.
manufacturing vehicles that are a health and environmental hazard: resulting in unnecessary waste production, health restoring and environment restoring activities.

Most activity goes into growing the wealth balloon. And the bigger this balloon grows the more protection it needs. Activities channeled into protection and defense has to be withdrawn from activities to increase well-being. Technology today is mainly used to dominate and control the disposessed.

If humans wouldn't have so much useless activities our world could be much further advanced already.


Presently economists worship the Invisible Hand as a guide for activities on this planet. This guidance is good for corporations, bad for govt and disastrous for individuals and Earth. For the Invisible Hand individuals and Earth are just resources to be either utilized or dumped.

picture shows how the bolt of greed, wielded by the invisible hand, splits natural families apart

picture shows the maiming blades of the wealth extraction machinery

Once people are struck by the bolt of greed their human values are destroyed. The funny thing is: most people just work to make money, only a few care about the well-being of the whole planet. That's how the invisible hand guides us! The guiding message is clear:



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