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LightHouse Group
Pagans For The Reformation Of Paganism
Our Common Truth

Most of us have chosen to explore Paganism because it appealed to us in one way or another. Some claim that "the church" did them wrong and Paganism was their chosen alternative. Others claim that they were called to Paganism for one reason or another. Still others, searching for some form of spiritual outlet, came across Paganism and it was here that they chose to stay.

Whatever the reason, we all started down the same road, curiously seeking some strange new knowledge. Being a seeker, we were curious about others who practiced this path, and we were egar to learn more.

Most of us are book learned Pagans. That is, what we practice we've learned from the million or so books published on the subject. Some of us have received formal or informal training, others claim to have been brought up in a Pagan Household.

We are a diverse group, made of of many different paths and practices. We are spread across the globe and our numbers are many.

Whatever our backgrounds, whatever our training, we are all categorized as Neo-Pagans and all live in the here and now.

Whatever our experience, we live our lives and go about our business, celebrating those times that we each relate to and hold as sacred. Most of us work alone, some work in family groups, others in public areans. On the surface, we are all part of this great Neo-Pagan Movement, where we can be a part of, and take part in, our own Spirituality. Under the surface, though, there is a more sinister energy working, churning, moving. This energy has a mind of its own and guides us without our knowing....