In an attempt to discuss this next topic, I must again stress that I am not picking on any one path, practice, or practitioner of said path. Also, it becomes difficult to discuss this topic without being drawn down one or more tangents. I will try my best to refrain from doing either.
The topic is the watering down of the Pagan paths. This is a common practice amongst modern day Neo-Pagans. In order to best talk about and point out this practice, I will use Wicca as an example. I have chosen Wicca because it is, by way of default, a perfect example. Wicca is prehaps the most common, yet most misunderstood, Pagan path today.
Whilst speaking of Wicca, I will attempt to discuss what happens when a tradition is dismantled and indiscriminately rebuilt, using odds and ends of other paths and practices to fill the voids left by 'unwanted' traditional material. In conclusion, I will discuss why it is important for traditions and traditional material to remain intact, but also, what to do if you want to practice a mish-mash of things. So here we go...........
If you ask about Wicca - where did it come from? How old is it? Who started it? - you will get a different answer from every Neo-Pagan that you talk to.
Ask - What makes wicca 'wicca'? What are its Rules? Tenets? Gods? Etc.. , again you will get 10 different answers from 10 different people.
Some of the answers that I've heard through my past experiences are.......
1. Wicca is a thousand year old Goddess religion that has survived until modern day.
2. Wicca is Celtic Religion.
3. Wicca is what the witches of old did in their covens.
I've even heard that 'Wicca is anything that you want it to be - as long as you follow the rede'. And this was said by someone who teaches others about wicca - as part of her business!
Wicca - The Real Story
The correct short story of Wicca is as follows.....
Once upon a time, in the year 1930ish, a man named Gerald Gardner became interested in reviving the old ways. Using his diverse experience with many different groups, fraternities, and organizations, he set out to create a working structure around the idea of a witches coven. He then used the writings of Dr. Margaret Murray, a woman who wrote bogus books on witchcraft, to flesh out his tradition. In the year of 1940ish, he gave the name 'wicca' to his tradition.
By creating the structure of his tradition, by practicing his tradition for many years as is, by teaching his tradition and passing it on to others, by naming his tradition 'wicca', Gardner solidified the tradition of Wicca.
So how much of Gardners ideas and beliefs can be changed while still calling what modern Neo-Pagans practice as 'Wicca'? To answer this, one has to know what Gardner created as his core tenets. They are as follows.......
Religious -
Traditional - One of the most important tenets of Wicca is that of it being a Tradition. The word Tradition implies that something is handed down over time, from teacher to student, teacher to student. These traditions, as such, bear the weight of time and are honored and tested through subsequent generations of Wiccans. This is one reason why Wicca is not a book learned belief system.
Initiatory - Wicca is an initiatory belief system. Gardner patterned Wicca after both Ceremonial Magickal groups and the Free Masons, both of which are initiatory. Being an Initiatory system, one must have the basic understanding and knowledge of the Wiccan tradition. Those that want to practice the Tradition of Wicca must then find, and be accepted into, a Traditional Coven. One cannot initiate themselves into Wicca, this is a process that must be done by a qualified Priest/ess of Traditional Wicca.
Oathbound - Those that are initiated take oaths. These oaths protect the Coven, its members, and its material. These oaths, taken in front of the Gods and Coven members, are a witness to the truth and sincerity of what one says as well as a clear understanding of the consequences if one should dishonor or break these codes.
Structured - The Tradition of Wicca, patterned after Ceremonial Magick and Free Masonry, is based on a Degree system. In Wicca there are 3 such degrees and a clear path to obtain those degrees. It is a logical progression with obtainable goals.
Mystery Based - Wicca is often referred to as a mystery religion. How many who say this truly know what that means? A mystery can be defined as something that is obscure, yet, rouses curiosity. Wicca, being a mystery based system, means that there are revelations to be experienced through the guidance had by understanding the path that one has chosen to practice. By following the degree system of Traditional Wicca, the initiate is prepared along the way so that they may one day experience these revelations as they need to.
Priesthood - Wicca has a hierarchal structure, based on a degree system. To progress through this degree system, one must possess a certain amount of knowledge and proficiency within the learning structure before they may advance onto the next.
Looking at these tenets of wicca, it is obvious that what is being practiced today as 'wicca' is completely opposite of what Wicca actually is. Modern Wiccans do not recognize any of these tenets, nor do they follow most of the original rites and practices of Gardners Wicca. So why call it Wicca? Read On....