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†Achisuto and Senshi†

Achisuto's info

>Name: T Cerberus T

>Name: Achisuto Saisho
>Gender: Male
>Personality: Achisuto is a very lovable dragon, his kindness and peaceful nature can get to the crulest creature sometimes. He can be very moody at times, one second he is very joyful and carefree and the next he is as serious as his sister in a battle. Achisuto does not fight, he always trys to find a way around it, but that does not mean he couldn't hurt. Meditation is his favorite pasttime, he can meditate for hours on end, not even moving slightly.
>Appearance: Achisuto is a big ball of fur ^^ He is a white dragon and has few scales that penatrate his thick, smooth fur. He has one tatoo of a celtic cross which is located over his heart. Achisuto also has collected a large assortment of earings which he loves to wear.
>Spells:Flare, Ouija, Sleep gas, Transform, Glamorie
>Battles won: 0
>Living status: Leader of the mountains

Senshi's info

>Name: T Cerberus T

>Name: Saisho Senshi
>Age: 350
>Gender: Female
>Personality: Senshi is not what you would call a social butterfly. She trys to keep to herself but that does not get her far having Achisuto for a brother. She has a sort of 'duty' to protect her brother because he tends to bite the dust before hitting back. Senshi is quite the battle crazed one, always trying to be the best in every fight.
>Appearance: Senshi is not nearly as furry as her twin brother, though at the begining she could have been and also, rather then white, she is a black dragon. The battles she has been in have burned away a lot of her fur. Again, along with her brother Senshi has a tatoo of a celtic cross over her heart
>Spells: Terra Force, Meteor Wing, Wind Breath, Transform, Sleep Gas and Lightning Claw
>Battles won: 4
>Living status: Mountains

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