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Alycya(creator#1). Gashi!!!!!well i am the creator#1, creator#2 wasn't here so i got to type first. By the way her name is Leslie or she might be called Francois on the message boards by markymarker who also answers to mark!(don't ask, inside joke!)well we are the owners of this site (as you can see) and we got our idea of a RPG from markymarker and andrea's site called The Sacred Breeze and it is an RPG where you can play a deer!!there are going to be some japanese terms throughout our site and you can check them all out on the help section of our can e-mail us at ANYTIME to find out stuff on our site or anything!we are alwayz open to suggestions as well.our e-mails are and's all for now so Ja ne minna!!^_^

Hey you took my ending (I'll get you for that >P) well now, here is our page to rant *smiles evily* be ready for just about anything, I am known to talk a lot, hehehe. I may go on for years or just for a few seconds, like now (but this time it is because of school) stupid school, someday I will get you, but for now Ja ne minna^.^

Hey I'm back for yet another rant ^.^ me loooove to rant as you can tell (this is leslie by the way and so was the last rant). this page is just for me and alycya to talk about our boring yet interesting lives(dont ask, I'm still in school, what would you expect??) I'm the creative one (hehe) and also the insane ranter, I will probably rant here as much as possible, but I dont have the internet at home so Alycya will probably be the one who answers all the battles and quests, as for me, I will do as much as I can without the internet. So basically Alycya and I dont really have a set schedule for the answers (right now anyways) well I nust go forth and type, type, type to fit your needs (I know that was really cheezy but oh well) Ja ne minna^.^

Creator#2:AHHHHHH!!!!!! I am finally back on YEY!!!!! and it wasn't for the fact I dont have a computer, it was because of stupid angelfire, it wasn't letting us in, but now I am back and on with my ranting *sighs in relief* well I must go and fix up everything on our site so until next time, Ja ne minna^.^

Creator#1:Geez this is what... the second time I have ranted and I have the internet but Leslie doesn't but she wrote more than me! You know you like to rant when... my god. well anywayz i was just correcting Leslie's spelling(i am getting used to it now^^)hee hee. it pisses her off cuz I am watching her type and I see a mistake and I correct it, she gets annoyed but doesn't it bug you when someone spells 'wasn't' wrong? she spelled it wasent! It really bugs me. Okay I know I sound like I am trying to be all superior but I'm not I just like to correct people's mistakes, okay? right now it is 10:23am and Leslie is out cold on my couch, LOL! she stayed over all weekend. I think her parents forgot about her, yesterday. Cuz normally her parents would call and say she had to go home or something cuz of church the next day(today). Her family is religious and they have to go to church every sunday. her father being a minister would have something to do with that i think^^. well anywayz on this page we are gonna have like links to our interesting places we go on the internet and probably some of our fanfics(stories). well i think that's it for now so Ja ne minna(i offically stole that from Leslie^^)

creator#2:Grrrrr, leave my Ja ne minna outta this >P I type fast, THATS why I have a lot of spelling mistakes, so hah^.^ ah I just woke up and not in the mood to rant right now *gasps are heard in the background* and Alycya this is for you WASENT WASENT WASENT WASENT, hehehe just kidding. Ja ne minna^.^

creator#1: hello!well this is to leslie, Ja ne minna, Ja ne minna, Ja ne minna. it is mine as of now but i allow you to use it as well because remember that i have Duo, Duo's gundam and as of now i also have epyon's sword and don't forget i have heero and his gundam as well, lol. to all the people who would take the time to read about our boring lives that was an inside joke. well i am going to go forward and do some of the site, i know you are probably wondering when the site is going to be finished but you can wait so there >P and Ja ne minna^.^ i swear it is mine now.

Creator#2: Yo me peeps. Hey Alycya I have my 'perfect Gundam' which is THE ULTIMATE gundam so there ^^ again inside joke, dont mind me. Also, I am letting YOU use Ja ne minna so there ;P!!!!!

Creator#1: Well it has been a while since I wrote on this but oh well^^ I am making my site that is dedicated to my Duo-chan^^ There will be links up very soon. Also I think Francois is making a site to the all famous Nanaki *everyone looks around in confusion wondering who Nanaki is* geez haven't you ever played FF7? You know, RedXIII? Oh well I tried.. Francois is just going to have to enlighten your minds.

Creator#2: Ohhhh enlightenment^^ Well my dear hitobito, Red XIII, other wise known as my Nanaki-chan, is a character from the best game on playstation!!!!(Final Fantasy 7) he is a.... well... Beast, not an evil beast... He is half cat half wolf(?), strange no? and I WILL get a site up to him, I just don't have a clue when... Well for now Ja ne^^

Creator #1: Yoizmishnessaliciousness^^^ (don't ya luv the third eye?) Well here I am again!! I updated the help section and the site has finally taken off!!! Yey!*cheers are heard* I just finished THE BEST BOOK in the history of books...It is called Magic's Pawn and it is part of a series...The other two that follow Magic's Pawn are Magic's Promise and Magic's Price! I can't wait till the library gets the next book that I ordered...*sits for a second patiently*...ARGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGG!!!!!!!!! Must read now! I went to Izzy Girl's(Darkflower) performance of the Lion King and she was great as Zazu!! I also liked Mufasa, the hyena's, Timon and Pumba, and..well...EVERYONE ELSE!!!!!!! geez, that was wierd...uhhh...I seen the movie X and the movie Battle Angel also known as Gunnm. They were both great. I seen Shrek and A Knight's Tale in the theaters and they were awesome as well...Hey maybe I should have a review section...just like Markymarker well...Ja ne^^^ All of you Baka's..have a great time on the site and in the training center...have a great time ripping each other's head's off(a bit of an exaggeration there...) JA NE MINNA^^^

Creator #1: Well, it has been a while since I wrote here... meh, oh well. Lelie is in the middle of nowhere right now, and I am so bored!! How come nobody goes on Ryuuguu chat anymore? Oh well, I am so bored tho! Okay, I CAN'T WAIT FOR FFX TO COME OUT!!!!!!! I am getting PS2 soon, and I am so getting FFX when it comes out here, I wish we could get the Final Fantasy's the same time as Japan got it! See all the gif's up at the top? Well, the tall blue guy is from FFX and he is soooooooo cool! His name is Kimahri and he is a blue mage^^^ FFX has the most awesome graphic's ever, the ingame graphics are really good too! I have been trying to burn a CD today for Jenn but my burner is being stupid so it won't burn >P I think I am going to the movies tomight but I don't know cuz I am also going to a party at Colin's house. Well, I g2g so...bleh. Ja^^

Creator #1: We now have a chat room that you can chat in here!! Just click on the 'Have fun' and away you go!!!

Have fun!!!

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