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Darkflower's info

OOC Name or Nickname: Izzy Girl
Character's Name: Darkflower
Gender: Fujin
Age: 375
Breed of Dragon: Shadow
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Personality of your Dragon: Darkflower is a fearsome dragon. No one knows much about her, except that she is bloodthirsty, ruthless, cold hearted and powerful.
She is much feared, especially by humans, and her fellow ryu keep her at a safe distance.
She raises her son, Mirai with disdain, but most think she actually DOES seem to care about him, as she's done everything in her power to keep him alive. Perhaps it could be she the belief she has that there's some greater purpose in life for her to serve? Perhaps Mirai has something to do with it?
She carries a gold and marble be-jewled cross, a relic from her past that she uses as a channel for her spells instead of a spell book. She is very proud of her dragon heritage and is fluent in dragon tounge, a language most dragons have since forgot.
Spells: Pain Gas, Transform, Meteor Wing, she will get another one later.
Attacks: Claw/bite Attack.
Battles won: 2

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